- Home
- Recreational
- Buy a fishing licence
- Recreational Fishing Guide
- About the Guide
- The guide in languages other than English
- Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct
- Fishing definitions
- Water definitions
- Rule reminders
- Size and bag limits
- Permitted fishing equipment
- Waters with fishing restrictions
- Trout and salmon specific regulations
- Staying safe when fishing
- Eating your catch safely
- Being a responsible fisher
- Recreational fishing application for smartphones
- Useful contacts and further information
- 2025 Recreational Guide changes
- Arcadia Native Fish Hatchery Visitor Centre
- Rocklands Metery Competition
- Gippsland Metery Competition
- Go Fishing and Boating Victoria plan
- Arcadia Expansion
- Macquarie Perch Recovery Hatchery
- Little Angler Kits
- Fish habitat improvement fund
- Stronger Fishing Clubs Grant Program
- Little Angler Kits
- Go Fishing Victoria plan
- Gippsland Lakes is now net free
- A new native fish hatchery - future-proofing your fishing
- The path to stocking 10 million fish
- Better on-water access in lakes
- Improved angler access to Crown Land
- Women in Recreational Fishing and Boating
- Better Boating Victoria
- Native fishing in urban lakes
- More fishing platforms and cleaning tables
- Tourism Strategy
- Protecting recreational fishing for southern bluefin tuna in Victoria
- VFA 2021 Calendar Photo Competition
- Target One Million
- Fishing area opens at Dartmouth Pondage
- Developing Rocklands Reservoir as a native fishery
- Toolondo Reservoir
- New trout cod fisheries
- Great bass fishing at Blue Rock Lake
- Better Fishing Facilities Grants Program
- The nets are coming out of the bay
- Marine stocking program
- Target One Million budget 2015-2019
- Record fish stocking of 6 million
- Hazelwood Pondage barramundi fishery
- Recreational Fisheries Management
- Recreational Fisheries Management Updates
- Macquarie perch recovery
- Have your say on the 10 million fish stocking plan for 2025-2026
- Native fish recovery stocking after floods
- Rock lobster reporting program
- More year round Murray cod fisheries
- Water release for Lake Toolondo
- Murray cod movement - Upper Goulburn River
- Wild Trout Fisheries Management Program
- Wild Trout Population Survey 2014
- Summer temperature impacts
- Wild trout populations and breeding
- Impacts of fishing pressure
- Building understanding amongst fishers
- Tracking trout fishery performance
- Contributions from Lake Eildon
- Bankside vegetation and water temperatures
- Role of stocking in recovery
- How riparian vegetation supports aquatic insects resulting in better trout fishing
- Maribyrnong River native fish revival
- Fixed river marker trial in Lake Eildon
- Protecting trout and stocking at Lake Wendouree
- Gippsland Lakes Recreational Fishery Plan
- Victorian pilchards for recreational fishing
- Bushfire fish response plan
- World Recreational Fishing Conference 10
- VRFish Advocacy and Representation Review
- Small fish matter!
- Changes for yabby fishing gear
- Recreational Pipi Fishery
- Murray codference
- Events
- Recreational Fishing Grants Program
- Victoria's top fishing destinations
- Fish Stocking
- Fish stocking database
- Record 11.5 million fish stocked
- Australian bass and estuary perch stockings 2023
- Metro stonker stocking
- Fish Stocking Reporting
- School holiday trout stocking
- Fish stocking strategy
- Snobs Creek Fish Production Advisory Board
- Stocking fish in farm dams
- Marine Stocking in Victoria
- Managing Recreational Trout Fisheries
- Chinook salmon fisheries return
- Inland Estuary Perch Fisheries
- Murray Cod Million Lake Eildon
- Record 8 million fish stocking
- Eastern King Prawn Stocking in Lake Tyers
- Trout cod & Macquarie perch stockings
- Golden Tag Competition
- The Pelican's Pick
- Fishing locations
- Inland Angling Guide
- Introduction
- Background
- Glossary
- Special Articles
- Australian Grayling
- Blue-green algae
- Brown Trout Habitat
- Central Highlands Region Storages
- Dwarf Galaxias
- Fish Senses
- Fishways
- Freshwater Fish Habitat
- Junior Angling
- Lamprey
- The Murray River
- Murray River (NSW)
- Red Worms in Fish
- Saline Pools in Rivers
- Saline Wedges in Estuaries
- Sedimentation of Waterways
- Spotted Tree Frog
- Thermal Stratification
- Water Salinity
- Recreational Fishing Reefs
- Hopkins River
- Go Fishing - Western Port
- Go Fishing - Port Phillip Bay
- Devilbend Reservoir
- Fishing tips & tricks
- Inland Angling Guide
- Better Boating Victoria
- Women in Recreational Fishing and Boating
- Rock fishing safety
- Our GoFishVic app is offline and under review
- Clubs and Associations
- Nibbles Newsletter
- Fish stocking database
- Commercial
- Commercial fisheries
- Fresh Victorian seafood for consumers
- Delivering for our commercial fisheries and aquaculture industries
- Corner Inlet Fishery Management Plan
- Fresh from the boat
- Electronic monitoring trial
- Policy for New Commercial Access to Wild-Catch Fisheries Resources in Victoria
- Fisheries Cost Recovery
- Vessel Monitoring Systems
- Vic eCatch support
- Commercial Fish Production
- Export Approval (EPBC Act)
- Reporting of Fisheries interactions with protected species
- Aquatic Strategic Action Group (ASAG)
- Victorian Inland Commercial Fishing Policy
- Forms - Licences and Boats
- Permits
- Commercial Fishing Guide and Supplements
- Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Management
- Licensing
- Production systems
- Species
- Murray Cod aquaculture
- Shellfish
- Seaweed aquaculture
- Composting fish waste from the aquaculture industry
- Aquaculture planning guidelines
- Aquaculture videos
- Publications
- Victorian aquaculture industry associations
- Tender for marine aquaculture sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria
- Aboriginal
- Education
- Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre
- Fish safe, fish smart
- Rock fishing safety
- Be Shark Smart in Victoria
- Be smart when snorkelling
- First time fishing FAQs
- Lets go fishing card - Bream
- Lets go fishing card - Flathead
- Lets go fishing card - Snapper
- Lets go fishing card - King George whiting
- Lets go fishing card - Rainbow Trout
- Lets go fishing card - Redfin
- Lets go fishing card - Golden Perch
- Lets go fishing card - Murray Cod
- Family Fishing Guide
- Fish by the rules
- Popular fish species
- Better Handling for Murray Cod
- Conservation Hatchery
- Recipes
- Prawns and squid, Tambo honey mead, jalapeno, beach greens
- Mackerel or sardines with pickled grapes & boobialla
- Ceviche of snapper
- The best beer battered fish & chips
- Pan roasted gummy shark cutlet, figs, black garlic and mountain pepper
- Mussels saute
- Sea urchin pasta
- Pan fried trout with Vietnamese slaw
- Caramelised trout with salad
- Fish curry
- Crispy fish with apple slaw
- Cured sardines with fresh tomato sauce, rosemary & beach greens
- Sailors Grave fish 'n' chips
- Prawn toast
- Smoked trout dip
- Spanish paella featuring local Victorian seafood
- Smoked trout onigiri
- Tomato and caper pasta with whiting fillets
- Snapper dip
- Steamed abalone with spinach, shallot, ginger, miso and butter
- Abalone and sweet potato fritters
- Abalone spring rolls
- Flathead in herbed crumb with lime-mayo dip
- Barramundi burgers
- Boating safety
- Enforcement
- Reporting illegal fishing - 13FISH
- Fisheries Officers
- Illegal Take for Sale
- Buy Safe and Legal Seafood
- Who can legally sell their catch
- Receipts
- Example of a short-form tax receipt
- Example of an abalone short-form tax receipt
- Example of a long-form tax receipt
- Example of an abalone long-form tax receipt
- Example of a fish movement record
- Example of an abalone fish movement record
- Receipting for food service businesses
- Receipting for seafood transporters, processors, wholesalers, importers, exporters
- Receipting when buying and selling abalone
- Receipting for commercial fishers (not abalone)
- Receipting for Aquaculture (not abalone)
- What to expect during a VFA inspection
- Enforcement priorities 2014-2015
- Fisheries Officer Compliments and Complaints
- Enforcement outcomes
- Fisheries and boating infringement notices
- Science
- Operational policy
- Listening to our stakeholders
- Strategy and Policy
- Legislation and Regulation
- Fisheries Management Plans
- Anderson Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- Bendigo Region - Fisheries Management Plan
- Corangamite Fishery Management Plan
- Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan
- East Gippsland Fishery Management Plan
- Flinders Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- Geelong Arm Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan
- Glenelg Hopkins Fishery Management Plan
- Goulburn Eildon Fisheries Management Plan
- Inland Waters Classification
- Lake Tyers Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- Mallacoota Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- North East Fishery Management Plan
- Pinnace Channel Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- Portland Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan
- Port Phillip and Western Port Fishery Management Plan
- Victorian Giant Crab Fishery
- Victorian Rock Lobster Management Plan
- West Gippsland Fishery Management Plan
- Wimmera Fishery Management Plan
- Goulburn Broken Fishery Management Plan 2011
- Introduction- Goulburn-Broken Fishery Management Plan
- The Goulburn-Broken Catchment
- Regulatory and Policy Framework
- Managing the Goulburn-Broken Fishery
- Objective 1- Improve and Increase Recreational Fishing Opportunities
- Objective 2- Sustainably Manage Fisheries Resources
- Objective 3- Maintain and Improve Fish Habitat
- Objective 4- Governance
- Acknowledgements
- References
- Appendix 1
- Appendix 2: Further reading
- Appendix 3
- Appendix 4
- Appendix 5
- Victorian Wild Harvest Abalone Fishery Management Plan Summary
- Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan
- Avalon Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan 2024
- Small fish matter!
- Moving and stocking live aquatic organisms
- Guidelines for Assessing Translocations
- Protocols for the Translocation of Fish in Victorian Inland Public Waters
- Abalone Aquaculture Translocation Protocol
- Abalone aquaculture biosecurity protocol audit guidelines
- Protocol for the Translocation of Blue Mussels
- Victorian Protocol for the Translocation of Eels
- Translocation Protocol for Commercial Freshwater Open Aquaculture Systems
- Protocol for Translocation of Aquatic Animals to Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Stocking fish in farm dams
- Review of Governance of the Translocation Evaluation Panel (TEP) and its processes
- Fisheries consultation
- Pests and diseases
- About us
- News
- What's on
- Media centre
- Media releases
- 2025 organisational change proposal
- Planning and Reporting
- Publications and resources
- Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Advisory Committee meeting notes
- Vic Fish Stocking
- Regional Fisheries Consultations Meeting Outcomes 2009
- Regional Fisheries Consultations Meeting Outcomes - 2008
- Regional Fisheries Consultations Meeting Outcomes - 2007
- Fisheries Victoria Management Report Series Regional Fisheries Consultations Meeting Outcomes - 2006
- Regional Fisheries Consultations Meeting Outcomes - 2005
- Offshore Constitutional Settlement
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Fisheries Reports
- Assessing the Economic Value of the 2012 Victorian Recreational Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery in Portland
- Glossary and Acronyms
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Survey Results
- Direct value of the recreational SBT fishery in Portland
- Conclusions
- References
- Appendix A - Recent studies on recreational fishing in Victoria
- Appendix B - Questionnaire to recreational anglers
- Appendix C - Questionnaire to charter boat operators
- Appendix D - Trailer count
- Appendix E - Summary of responses to the survey of recreational anglers
- Appendix F - Summary of responses to the survey of charter boat operators
- Appendix G - Calculation of the consumer surplus
- Appendix H - Recreational fishing licences sold in Portland
- Fisheries Victoria Science Report Series
- Victorian Fish Stock Status Report
- Undertaking seismic surveys in Victorian managed waters
- Freedom of Information
- Connect with us on social media
- VFA Board of Directors
- Contact us
- Accessibility
- Disclaimer
- Child Safe statement
- Copyright
- Privacy statement
- Chinese
- Vietnamese
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- 13 FISH (13 3474)Trang - ‘13-Fish – Tạo sự khác biệt’
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- Hãy đến và gặp chúng tôi
- Fish stocking database
- System Maintenance