AIFR Table 2
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Key actions required to facilitate implementation of this plan are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary of objectives, strategies and actions for management of the Anderson Inlet Fisheries Reserve.
Objective | Strategy | Actions | Summary of Information Requirements | Performance Indicator | Schedule | Responsibility |
Social - maintain and where possible enhance recreational fishing opportunities in Anderson Inlet. |
Fisheries Victoria to seek funding to establish periodic surveys of anglers to provide information on fishing values. | Periodic surveys of anglers to provide information on demographics and fishing values. | Information on profile of recreational fishing is collected from at least 200 anglers. | Subject to funding, the first angler survey to be conducted within the first two years following declaration of the AIFRMP and a minimum of one subsequent survey during the remaining life of the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with recreational fishing stakeholders, to evaluate possible fishery management actions to maintain or enhance recreational fishing opportunities based on the results of surveys. | Fisheries Victoria | |||||
Fisheries Victoria to seek funding to establish periodic surveys of anglers to provide information on levels of fishing satisfaction. | Periodic surveys of anglers to provide information on levels of fishing satisfaction. | A minimum of 60% of fishers satisfied with fishing opportunities. | Subject to funding the first angler survey to be conducted within the first two years following declaration of the AIFRMP, and a minimum of one subsequent survey in the remaining life of the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria | |
Where information collected during periodic angler surveys indicates support for a review of recreational fishery management arrangements in order to maintain or enhance fishing opportunities and experiences, Fisheries Victoria will evaluate possible fishery management actions in consultation with stakeholders. | Fisheries Victoria | |||||
VRFish to facilitate the distribution of the Victorian Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct through outlets in the region, including through Fishcare groups, agents who sell fishing licences, and fishing clubs. | VRFish | ||||
Where information collected during periodic angler surveys (Strategy 1 & 2) indicates support for a review of recreational fishing restrictions, Fisheries Victoria will consider this information in future reviews of catch or size limits. Such changes may apply specifically to Anderson Inlet, but are more likely to apply Statewide. | Fishing restrictions introduced to identify and encourage responsible recreational fishing behaviour will reflect the views/values of a majority of recreational fishers. | Within twelve months following the collection of information in periodic angler surveys. | Fisheries Victoria | |||
Biological - to conserve and ensure sustainable use of key fish stocks in the inlet. |
Fisheries Victoria to seek funding to establish angler log book and periodic creel survey programs to provide information on preferred target species and catch and effort trends. | Time series of catch & effort data for key species from creel surveys and angler log book programs. | Establishment of a fishery catch and effort monitoring program in Anderson Inlet to allow identification of key target species and ongoing assessment of fishery trends. | Angler diary program - ongoing, subject to funding; and Creel surveys - the first survey within two years of declaring the AIFRMP, and a minimum of one subsequent survey in the remaining life of the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria to review adequacy of existing fishery management arrangements once information is available from fishery monitoring programs. | Fisheries Victoria | |||||
Fisheries Victoria to seek partnership funding to establish ongoing and periodic fishery catch sampling programs and/or fishery independent surveys to provide information required for assessment of estuary perch stocks. | Time series of information on size/ age structure and year class strength for estuary perch. | Establishment of recruitment monitoring programs in Anderson Inlet to facilitate stock assessment and adaptive fishery management of key target species identified in Strategy 4. | Angler "research" diary program - ongoing, subject to funding; Subject to funding, creel survey catch sampling - once in the first two years following declaration of the AIFRMP, and a minimum of one subsequent survey in the remaining life of the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria | |
If monitoring of estuary perch stock status in Anderson Inlet indicates a need to modify fishery management arrangements to ensure sustainable catches in the inlet, then such changes will be proposed by Fisheries Victoria. | Scientific surveys of juvenile estuary perch - once every 3 years, subject to successful funding. | Fisheries Victoria | ||||
Fisheries Victoria to undertake consultation with peak bodies and the FCC, prior to broader community consultation, to:
The seaward boundary of the Anderson Inlet Fisheries Reserve and the inland or marine water status of the inlet are clearly defined for fisheries management purposes and an adaptive management approach adopted to take account of new resource information established under Strategies 4, 5 and 7. | Complete within the first three years of declaring the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria | ||
Environmental - to promote protection of the habitats and environments which are essential for production or maintenance of key fish stocks in the inlet. |
Fisheries Victoria to establish partnerships with WGCMA to seek co-funding through RCIP to establish a habitat survey to identify important habitat for key target fish species. | Seasonal sampling over one year to determine habitat utilised by estuary perch and other key species. | Sufficient information on fish/habitat associations in Anderson Inlet is collected to allow identification of important habitats for key target fish species. | Subject to funding, habitat survey project to commence within the first 12 months after declaring the AIFRMP. | Fisheries Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria to provide available habitat information and advice during the development and review of the WGCMA RCS and Regional River Health Strategy. | Information and advice provided to WGCMA. | Within six months of completion of research. | Fisheries Victoria | ||
VRFish, on behalf of recreational fishers and with assistance from Fisheries Victoria, to develop partnership arrangements with the WGCMA and other agencies to ensure that potential adverse impacts of catchment land and waterway use activities on fish habitat and fisheries in Anderson Inlet are adequately considered in the development of programs in support of these two strategies. | VRFish | |||||
Where appropriate, Fisheries Victoria to provide policy and technical advice to WGCMA and other agencies to assist them to identify and develop priority projects and programs to ameliorate or prevent adverse impacts of catchment, land and waterway use activities on fish habitats and fisheries in Anderson Inlet. | Information and advice provided to WGCMA and other agencies. | Fisheries Victoria | ||||
Fisheries Victoria and VRFish, on behalf of recreational fishers, to work with Parks Victoria and the WGCMA to identify funding opportunities to expand the Spartina control program currently undertaken by Parks Victoria, and to identify priorities for action to protect fish habitat and angler access threatened by Spartina. | Meetings held annually between Fisheries Victoria, VRFish, Parks Victoria and WGCMA with agreement on priorities for Spartina control and support given to funding applications addressing these priorities. | Funding applications submitted and action plan priorities completed prior to annual budget processes. | Fisheries Victoria, VRFish | |||
VRFish, with assistance from Fisheries Victoria, to engage relevant approvals authorities to ensure that potential adverse impacts of any proposed foreshore urban or tourism developments on fish habitat and fisheries in Anderson Inlet are identified and properly assessed during environment impact assessment processes. | VRFish | |||||
VRFish, with support from Fisheries Victoria and other water-based recreational user groups, to engage relevant waterway authorities to ensure that adequate boating navigational facilities are provided in Anderson Inlet and that any potential adverse impacts of boating on fish habitat and fisheries in the inlet are identified and minimised. | VRFish | |||||
Social - maintain and where possible enhance recreational fishing opportunities in Anderson Inlet. |
VRFish, and other water craft-based recreational user groups, to engage relevant foreshore management authorities to identify needs and seek funding to maintain or enhance boating access facilities in Anderson Inlet. | VRFish | |||
VRFish, on behalf of recreational fishers, to engage relevant foreshore and waterway management authorities to ensure that fisheries interests are properly considered in any management arrangements designed to alleviate congestion from competing waterbased activities in Anderson Inlet. | VRFish | |||||
VRFish, on behalf of recreational fishers, to engage relevant foreshore and waterway management authorities to resolve shore-based fishing access issues and to seek funding to maintain or enhance shore fishing access facilities. | VRFish |