Large Grants Program

This program provides funding for projects in the following categories:

  • recreational fishing access and facilities
  • recreational fisheries sustainability and habitat improvement
  • recreational fisheries-related education, information and training and
  • recreational fisheries research.

Preference will be given to projects that leverage off other projects, and/or which some financial co-funding or in-kind contribution can be made by the project proponent(s) to the funds being sought.

Key Dates

The 2023-24 round of the Large Grants Program is open for applications until 29 February 2024.

Conditions and Guidelines

Prior to developing an application please read the following Large Grants Program Conditions & Guidelines

Application Process

Eligible organisations can click here to apply.

Further Information

For further information please contact:

The Secretariat, Recreational Fishing Grants Program
PO Box 4509, Melbourne, Victoria 3001.
Telephone 8392 6872 or email