Planning and Reporting
Ministerial statement of expectations
As a Victorian Government regulator, the Victorian Fisheries Authority is subject to the requirements of the Government’s Statement of Expectations Framework for Regulators (the SOE Framework). You can view current and past SOE documents here.
Annual reports
- VFA Annual Report 2023-24
- VFA Annual Report 2022-23
- VFA Annual Report 2021-22
- VFA Annual Report 2020-21
- VFA Annual Report 2019-20
- VFA Annual Report 2018-19
- VFA Annual Report 2017-18
Annual business plan
- VFA Annual Business Plan 2022-23
- VFA Annual Business Plan 2021-22
- VFA Annual Business Plan 2020-21
- VFA Annual Business Plan 2019-20
- VFA Annual Business Plan 2018-19
Gender Equality Progress Report
The VFA undertook the development of its first Gender Equality Action Plan and provided it to the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector (the Commission) which found the VFA’s Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) 2021- 2025 to be compliant with the Gender Equality Act (2020) (the Act):
Gender Equality Action Plan 2021 - 2025 (PDF - 1.7 MB)
Under the Act progress reporting to the Commission is required. For the reporting period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 VFA was required to:
- complete a progress audit to collect, compare, and submit information about workplace gender equality
- submit a progress report, drawing on audit data and other information, to demonstrate whether actions are achieving positive change towards workplace gender equality, and in our public programs, policies and services.
We are pleased to advise that on 1 October 2024, the Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector notified the VFA that it was compliant under the Equal Opportunity Act 2020 for both the Progress Audit and Progress Report.
It is a requirement under the Act to publish the Progress Report. The VFA has provided the report in two formats:
- A PDF Word document containing a foreword from the VFA Board Chair and CEO and showing all required information:
- A PDF of the Commission’s Excel template with all required and recommended fields:
VFA Progress Report GEAP 2021 - 2023 (Commission Template) (PDF - 337.3 KB)