Current consultation

Contact us with any enquiries about Victoria's Fisheries consultative arrangements.

Consultation Purpose of consultation Start/finish date

Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery 2025/26 Total Allowable Commercial Catch TACC

Consultation Plan 2025

To seek feedback on the proposed management arrangements and total allowable commercial catch (TACC) for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery in the 2025/26 quota period.

Advisory meetings will be held with Victorian rock lobster commercial stakeholders during this period.

Consultation on these arrangements will close 27 April 2025.

Rock Lobster Consultation Documents:

Rock Lobster Stock Assessment Report 2023/24 (PDF - 3.9 MB)

Draft Further Quota Order (PDF - 18.0 KB)

Rock Lobster Resources Assessment Group (RLRAG) TACC Recommendation (PDF - 176.9 KB)

Rationale for setting the 2025/26 TACC (PDF - 573.3 KB)

Please provide any comments regarding the proposed management arrangements in writing to Ewan Flanagan, at or PO Box 114, Queenscliff VIC 3225.

26 March 2025 to 27 April 2025