Have your say on the 2025/26 draft fish stocking plan

The Victorian State Government is committed to stocking another 10 million fish in 2025/26 to improve recreational fishing opportunities and rebuild native fish populations.

Fish stocking is funded from a combination of recreational fishing licence fees and State Government initiatives, including the Go Fishing and Boating Victoria Plan.

Recreational fishers, angling clubs and associations are invited to provide their feedback on the 2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan which details the planned release of 10 million fish, across 12 species, into more than 244 locations in Victoria between July 2025 and June 2026.

The 2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan has been developed in conjunction with the recreational fishing community and the VFA over several decades of annual Vic Fish Stock consultation feedback, angler catches, fish population survey data and fisheries research.

Past fish stocking in Victoria can be found by searching the Fish Stocking Database and by reading the annual Vic Fish Stock reports.

The VFA invites feedback submissions from recreational fishers which help refine the 2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan, to continue to provide exciting and productive recreational fisheries and maximise the rebuilding of native fish populations.

Click here to open the full Draft Fish Stocking plan (PDF)

Key highlights in the 2025-26 draft stocking include:

  • Over 1 million native fish into Rocklands Reservoir
  • Over 80 Family Fishing Lakes to be stocked with catchable rainbow trout in June and September school holidays
  • Over 1 million fish into Lake Eildon, including 220,000 brown and rainbow trout
  • 16 metro lakes and the Goulburn River to be stocked with stonker rainbow trout
  • 800,000 native fish into Lake Eppalock
  • Devilbend Reservoir brown trout increased from 10,000 to 15,000
  • Lake Glenmaggie rainbow trout increased to 15,000, plus 2,000 brown trout
  • Dusky flathead stocking in Gippsland Lakes, Bemm River and Mallacoota inlet
  • Melton Reservoir to receive 140,000 native fish
  • Campaspe River to receive 215,000 native fish including 15,000 more trout cod
  • Goulburn River – Upstream of Kevington to be stocked with more trout cod
  • Kiewa River to continue to receive 30,000 Macquarie perch and 20,000 trout cod
  • Timbarra River bass doubled to 20,000
  • Lake Elingamite bass increased to 15,000
  • Merri river to be stocked with 10,000 estuary perch for the first time complementing river health initiatives
  • Flooding Creek (Port of Sale) to receive 5,000 estuary perch
  • Dunyak Moira first time stocking and to receive 10,000 golden perch each year
  • Arcadia “fish out” Pondage to receive annual stocking of 100 on-grown cod
  • Nursery Reservoir (Macedon) and Shadforth Reserve Island Pond to receive 2nd stocking of on grown rainbows in T3 holidays

Total numbers proposed in the 2025/26 draft stocking include:


Total Proposed 2025/26

Australian Bass


Brown trout


Chinook salmon


Dusky flathead


Estuary perch


Golden perch


Macquarie perch


Murray cod


Rainbow trout


Silver perch


Tiger trout


Trout cod


Grand Total


How to have your say:

To have your say on the 2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan, please email your submissions to Mark Adams, Fisheries Manager at mark.adams@vfa.vic.gov.au by Sunday 6th of April 2025.

To guide your submission, you may wish to view the Suggested Stocking Submission Checklist on page 28 of the 2024-25 Vic Fish Stock Report.

All submissions will be considered by the VFA and tabled with regional recreational fishing representatives at the annual Vic Fish Stock meetings, planned to be held in May-June 2025.

Following the Vic Fish Stock meetings, the 2025/26 Draft Fish Stocking Plan will be finalised and implemented by the VFA.

For further information about the Draft Fish Stocking Plan, please email Mark Adams, Fisheries Manager at mark.adams@vfa.vic.gov.au