Wetlands Stocking Enhancement Trial
The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has funded the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) to partner with Traditional Owners on an exciting new project that will trial the stocking of golden perch and silver perch into three wetlands along the Murray River floodplain corridor.
Wetlands are critical nursery habitats for these two ‘floodplain specialist’ species. Through river regulation and barriers to movement, native fish have largely been disconnected from floodplain wetlands.
Lack of access to these nursery areas has a huge impact on their breeding success - something we hope to turn around!
Mimicking the natural spawning cycles of golden and silver perch, three specially selected wetlands will be filled with water for the environment, then stocked with larvae and fingerlings from the VFA’s Arcadia Native Fish Hatchery.
Under the careful eye of the First People of the Millewa Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (Mildura region) and the Barapa Barapa people of the central Murray near Cohuna, the wetlands will be closely monitored until the fish are large enough to be harvested and released into nearby rivers.
The success of the project is underpinned by the willing assistance of the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, Mallee and North Central Catchment Management Authorities, Parks Victoria, OzFish Unlimited and the Arthur Rylah Institute (DEECA).
Did you know?
More than 100 native fish species are listed under the Commonwealth’s EPBC Act 1999 as ‘critically endangered’ or ‘endangered’. Prior to European settlement, flooded wetlands provided critical nursery habitat for many native fish.
Their abundance and distribution have been severely impacted by the way we have modified waterways over the last 150 years, including the loss of wetland connectivity.
Water for the environment supports many environmental objectives, including fish feeding, migration and breeding, supporting bird feeding and breeding, and triggering plants to seed or germinate.
Environmental flows at these sites will target existing environmental objectives for plants and animals, as well as supporting the stocked native fish to grow – and hopefully thrive.
Wet or dry?
One of the most important phases of wetland ecosystems is to become a dryland! Cyclical wetting and drying regimes in wetlands allow some plants to go through an essential dormant phase.
They also eliminate pest species such as carp and create opportunities for other vegetation, everything from grass to redgums, to germinate and grow.
Once the wetland floods again, this kick-starts the food chain for juvenile fish such as our golden and silver perch to thrive. Regular wetting and drying cycles also help avoid the accumulation of excessive organic matter that can lead to blackwater events. Rather, nutrients are leached out of vegetation in smaller amounts over time.
Thank You
The VFA would like to acknowledge the following partners and investors, without whom we could not have got this project off the ground:
- This project has been funded by the Australian Government’s Murray Darling Water and Environment Research Program through the Murray–Darling Basin Authority. This tactical project’s scope is designed to assist the Australian Government in addressing Basin Plan objectives and responding to emerging issues.
- First Nations People all along the Murray River Corridor for their ongoing support and nurturing of Country.
- Staff of the Mallee and North Central Catchment Management Authorities, for their time, passion and expertise in their local waterways, and for critical support through their Seasonal Watering Proposals.
- The Victorian Environmental Water Holder for advice and facilitating the use of water for the environment for the trial.
Keen to learn more?
For more information on this project contact the Senior Project Manager Andrew Briggs via andrew.briggs@vfa.vic.gov.au or call him on 0427 018 406.