Arcadia Expansion

Construction is underway at our Arcadia native fish hatchery, near Shepparton, to triple our production capacity of Murray cod and golden perch to 6 million fish each year.

The upgrades will see a massive increase in the number of plankton and broodfish ponds on site from 32 to 112, and an expansion of the existing hatchery building to create a larger fish processing facility.

You can get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes glimpse into how the expansion is going at our Arcadia Open Day on Sunday April 6.

Construction is expected to be completed in mid-2025.

Located on the banks of the Goulburn River, the hatchery boasts secure access to high quality water, a climate suited to the rearing of natives like Murray cod and golden perch, and ideal subsoil for constructing ponds.

Opened in 2021, the hatchery has played a key role in our record-breaking stocking program and in the coming years will become the home of our Murray cod production as our Snobs Creek fish hatchery expands its focus on Macquarie perch, trout cod, and small-bodied threatened species while continuing to grow salmon and trout.

The expansion of both hatcheries is a key component of the Victorian Government’s $96 million Go Fishing and Boating plan.