How riparian vegetation supports aquatic insects resulting in better trout fishing
Project 9. Is there an relationship between aquatic insects and riparian vegetation?
The relationship between aquatic insects and riparian vegetation is not well understood.
Action: Undertake an extensive literature search investigating associations between aquatic macro invertebrates and riparian vegetation.
- How will this help? Macro invertebrates form a significant component of stream trout diet and improving or enhancing macro invertebrate communities would benefit trout populations. Catchment Management Authorities (CMA) undertake riparian vegetation restoration and enhancement programs. Findings from the study can be incorporate into the CMA riparian planting programs to assist in building resilient and diverse macro invertebrate populations and communities that benefit trout populations.
Research findings
Bankside vegetation and insects summary (PDF - 658.8 KB)
Bankside vegetation and insects summary (WORD - 1.4 MB)