Forms - Licences and Boats
How to lodge your documents
You can lodge your applications by either:
Email Commercial Licensing:
Sending it by post to:
Licensing & Quota Services
Victorian Fisheries Authority
GPO Box 4509
Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone enquiries can be made to the:
Commercial Fisheries Licensing Officer on 1800 620 896.
All applications must be accompanied by the relevant fee and any attachments requested in the checklists on the relevant application form. It is recommended that a photocopy of your completed forms and any attachments be taken for your records.
Application Fees
The application fees listed in the fee schedule are non-refundable.
Additional fees and/or levies will be payable prior to the issue of a commercial fishery licence if the application is approved.
Licence fees and levies are charged at a pro-rata rate depending upon what stage of the licensing year the application is approved. The commercial licensing year commences on 1 April each year and ends on 31 March of the following year.
No additional fees or levies apply to boat registrations or permits.
The fees can be paid by cheque, money order or via electronic funds transfer.
Cheques and money orders
Must be made payable to 'Victorian Fisheries Authority' (refer to above for address).
Credit Card
To pay via credit card please contact commercial licensing on 1800 620 896.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Must be paid directly into the VFA account:
Name: Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry & Regions
BSB: 033 222
Account Number: 016041
Confirmation of payment by EFT must be made by email to: stating the payment date, amount and licence details.
Persons wishing to pay by EFT must advise their bank of the licence number for inclusion as the 'customer reference'.
Important notes:
The information you provide on the accompanying application form is the basis upon which your application will be assessed. Incomplete applications will delay the application assessment process.
If you need more space to answer any questions, attach extra pages and clearly reference your answers to the relevant section.
New commercial fishery licence operators
As part of the application process, new operators will be required to undergo an interview with a fisheries officer to assess their knowledge of the provisions of the Fisheries Act 1995 and Fisheries Regulations 2019 relevant to the fishery for which the application is sought.
Fee Schedule
The fees listed below are valid from 1 July 2024.
Licence type | Fee ($AUD) |
Licence applications (fishery access) | $333.13 |
Licence applications (aquaculture – private land) | $333.13 |
Licence applications (aquaculture – crown land) | $333.13 |
Abalone licence transfer | $249.85 |
Access licence transfer | $249.85 |
Aquaculture licence transfer | $249.85 |
General permit applications or variations | $166.57 |
Fish receiver (abalone) | $333.13 |
Boat registrations & transfers | $42.46 |
Pot transfers | $42.46 |
Licence variation | $42.46 |
Operator change | $42.46 |
Boat replacements | $42.46 |
Quota transfer | $42.46 |
Quota unit transfer (abalone) | $249.85 |
Quota unit nomination (abalone) | $42.46 |
Group recreational fishing licence | $40.99 |
Commercial Fishing
Commercial Fishing Licences
Group Recreational Fishing Licence
Telephone enquiries can be made to the Commercial Fisheries Licensing Officer on 1800 620 896.
Office hours 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays).
Mailing address: Commercial Licensing , PO Box 4509, Melbourne 3001.
Commercial Licensing:
Recreational Licensing:
Licence holders must ensure that documents required to be sent to the Secretary and returned or cancelled fisheries documents are sent to the address above, as specified in the Fisheries Regulations 2019.
Privacy statement
The Victorian Government is committed to protecting information about you and has enacted the Information Privacy Act 2000 to provide a statutory framework to guide government departments in their personal information handling.
The Victorian Fisheries Authority values and protects the personal information it collects in the course of undertaking its responsibilities and continues to demonstrate a strong culture of protecting the confidentiality and privacy of clients and members of the community.
The information you supply in transactions that is collected by VFA is not traded, sold or licensed. Personal information provided by you will not be used/disclosed for any purpose other than the purpose of the transaction you have entered unless such a use or disclosure is required or authorised by the Information Privacy Act 2000, Fisheries Act 1995 or other legislation. If you wish to access information held about you, please contact VFA.