Fixed river marker trial in Lake Eildon


In 2024, the fixed marker will continue to be trialled in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the boundary between the lake and the river during the Murray cod and trout (salmonids) closed seasons.

The trial, which commenced in 2022, is aimed to provide clarity on the river-lake boundary for Murray cod and trout fishers and will reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers who care for these species.

In 2022, 2023 and 2024, the VFA consulted with key angling groups including VRFish, Howqua Association of Angling Clubs, the Australian Trout Foundation and key recreational anglers on issuing the fisheries notice to trial the fixed marker. The proposal was supported and as a result, VFA issued Fisheries Notices in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

The fixed marker is located at Jamieson boat ramp, near Mansfield-Woods Point Road. North of the marker in lake Eildon is open to year-round Murray cod and trout fishing. South of the marker is subject to the Murray cod and trout closed seasons.

Click here to view a map of the marker's location, including GPS coordinates.

This location was preferred because it is a known fixed landmark that provides clarity to both boat-based and bank-based anglers on the river-lake boundary. It also provides bank fishing options downstream of the boat ramp in the lake, whilst encouraging anglers to give Murray cod ‘a rest when they are on the nest’ during the riverine closed season upstream of the marker – consistent with the Care for Cod Campaign.

Click here for more information on the Murray cod Closed season. Click here for more information on the trout (salmonids) closed season.

The trial will be supported with strong communication through a webpage, social media, flyers and signage on-site. The VFA will monitor the trial through angler feedback to Fisheries Officers, email and social media, and will review the trial with anglers in 12 months’ time.

For further information, please feel free to call or email Taylor Hunt, Fisheries Manager on 0418 478 028 or

The case to trial a fixed river marker in Lake Eildon

In 2016, the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) consulted with recreational anglers and removed the closed Murray cod closed season at Lake Eildon.

The change has been a huge success and provided keen cod fishers with a destination during September, October, and November each year when other cod waters are closed.

Removing the Murray cod closed season at Lake Eildon has delivered year-round fishing opportunities consistent with the State Government’s plan to get more people fishing, more often through its $35 million Go Fishing Victoria plan.

Lifting the Murray cod closed season at Lake Eildon has also shifted fishing pressure from rivers, where Murray cod naturally breed and allow them to ‘have a rest when they’re on the nest’, consistent with the Care for Cod Campaign.

The case to trial a fixed river marker in Lake Eildon

The VFA received requests from anglers to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the lake and the river during the Murray cod closed season, and to reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers, who care for Murray cod.

On 18 June 2022, VFA fisheries managers, researchers, Murray cod fishing opinion leaders and local recreational fishers recently met at Snobs Creek Fish Hatchery to discuss the requests in more detail.

The meeting was informed by strong management and scientific presentations, yielded constructive discussion and ultimately consensus support for 1) a fixed marker to be trialled in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon and 2) for the fixed marker to be located at the Jamieson boat ramp.

Based on this feedback, the VFA sought broader recreational fisher input on the fisheries notice proposal to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the lake and the river during the Murray cod and trout closed seasons, and to reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers, who care for Murray cod.

The proposal was communicated and shared via a dedicated webpage, social media post and public submissions sought over a 30-day public consultation period. The VFA also formally wrote to key recreational fishing groups inviting their feedback on this proposal, including Futurefish Foundation, VRFish, Howqua Association of Angling Clubs, Native Fish Australia, and the Australian Trout Foundation.

The consultation resulted in twelve written submissions, with general support for the proposal. Based on this feedback, the VFA issued the Fisheries Notice to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon.

In 2023 and 2024, the VFA re-consulted with key angling groups including VRFish, Howqua Association of Angling Clubs, the Australian Trout Foundation and key recreational anglers on reissuing the fisheries notice to continue the trial. The proposal was supported and as a result, VFA reissued Fisheries Notices in 2023 and 2024 to continue the trial.

The trial is supported with strong communication through a webpage, social media, flyers and signage on-site. The VFA is monitoring the trial through angler feedback to Fisheries Officers, email and social media, and will review the trial with anglers in 2024.