Appendix 7

North East Fishery Management Plan

Objective Strategy Actions Performance Indicator Target Schedule Responsibility
Biological - To conserve and ensure sustainable use of key fish stocks in the North East Fishery Strategy 1 – Demonstrate the sustainable use of key recreational fish species. Fisheries Victoria to seek funding from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account or other sources to implement a trout research angler diary program in at least one river in the North East Fishery. A research angler diary program is in place in at least one river in the North East Fishery. The recreational harvest of trout is sustainably managed in response to information collected from monitoring programs including research angler diaries. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. Fisheries Victoria
   Fisheries Victoria in consultation with the FRDC, North East, North Central and Goulburn-Broken CMAs and DSE to assess the sustainability of the recreational harvest of Murray Cod given current environmental constraints on fish populations. The sustainability of the recreational fishery harvest of Murray cod is assessed. Bag and size limits that are appropriate to ensure the harvest of Murray cod is sustainable. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. Fisheries Victoria and DSE
   Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with the North East CMA and DSE, to seek funding to establish a monitoring program, to inform development of a population model to assess the sustainability of the current recreational harvest of Murray spiny crayfish. Recommendations made on the appropriateness of current bag and size limits in accordance with information that is collected from the Murray spiny crayfish monitoring program. Bag and size limits are adjusted to ensure the harvest of Murray spiny crayfish is sustainable. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. Fisheries Victoria and DSE
   Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with the DSE and G-MW to seek funding to investigate the population status of Macquarie perch in Lake Dartmouth. The status of the Macquarie perch population in Lake Dartmouth is assessed. Bag and size limits for Macquarie perch provide for a sustainable fishery. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. Fisheries Victoria and DSE
Social - To maintain and where possible enhance recreational fishing opportunities in the North East Fishery Strategy 2 – Classify waters within the North East Fishery.

The ATF, NFA and the VRFish to prepare a Stream Classification Model (SCM) for the waters of the North East Fishery to define the waters to be classified as Native, Mixed or Salmonid fisheries.

Management decisions will be taken so that they are not inconsistent with the SCM or broader government policy.

SCM to be developed with broad agreement between ATF, NFA and VRFish. Fisheries Victoria to consider the SCM in fisheries management decision making for the North East Fishery. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. ATF, NFA and VRFish
  Strategy 3 – Quantify the social and economic benefits of alternative trout fishing regulations within the North East Fishery.

Fisheries Victoria, in partnership with VRFish, to seek funding and lead a contracting process for the development of independent social and economic valuation studies to identify an appropriate resource allocation for the trout fishery in the North East Fishery, based on the Balanced Outcome model.

VRFish to undertake consultation to identify candidate rivers to be used in the quantification of social and economic benefits of alternative trout fishing regulations within the North East Fishery.

Resource allocation for the trout fishery in the North East Region is equitable, unbiased and reflective of community values and aspirations. Alternative management arrangements are implemented if positive social and economic benefits are demonstrated through the Balanced Outcome resource allocation model. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding. Fisheries Victoria
Social - To maintain and where possible enhance recreational fishing opportunities in the North East Fishery Strategy 4 – Maintain stockenhanced fisheries within the North East Fishery. Fisheries Victoria to continue to stock native and salmonid fish in support of recreational fishing in suitable waters in accordance with established and environmental constraints and consideration through the North East Regional Recreational Fishing Consultation meetings. Stocking programs managed consistent with Guidelines for Assessing Translocations of Live Aquatic Organisms in Victoria and Protocols for the Translocation of Fish in Victorian Inland Public Waters, and outcomes of North East Regional Recreational Fishing Consultation meetings. Existing brown trout and rainbow trout, and native fisheries are maintained as agreed at annual North East Regional Recreational Fisheries Consultation meetings. Ongoing Fisheries Victoria
  Strategy 5 – Provide new fishing opportunities in the North East Region. Fisheries Victoria to engage DSE regarding the development of a small, limited-take trout cod fishery in selected impoundments in the North East to provide new fishing opportunities. Fisheries Victoria and DSE reach agreement reached regarding the development of a trout cod fishery and Fisheries Victoria determines a process for establishing the fishery. A new fishing opportunity for trout cod is established in selected impoundments in the North East Region. Ongoing. To begin in first year of declaring the NEFMP subject to funding Fisheries Victoria
  Strategy 6 – Monitor fishery management and stocking success within Lake Hume. Fisheries Victoria to continue to monitor fish populations and undertake angler creel surveys in Lake Hume during 2007. Results of angler preferences and catch levels incorporated into fishery management strategies including planning of future stockings of Lake Hume. Fisheries management in Lake Hume recognises survey results and employs adaptive fishery management where appropriate. Ongoing Fisheries Victoria
Social - To maintain and where possible enhance recreational fishing opportunities in the North East Fishery Strategy 7 – Encourage responsible recreational fishing behaviour. VRFish to facilitate the distribution of the Victorian Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct through appropriate outlets in the region, including agents who sell recreational fishing licences, fishingdependent tourism businesses and fishing clubs.    Ongoing VRFish
  Strategy 8 - Improve access to fisheries resources

Fisheries Victoria in partnership with VRFish, to develop an angler access map and road signage for major rivers in the North East Region.

Where appropriate, Fisheries Victoria to consider facilitating meetings between relevant land managers and VRFish, to assist in developing access improvements for recreational fishers

VRFish to consult with anglers and identify opportunities to improve access to fishery resources in the North East Region. VRFish to engage relevant land managers to promote road and track access for important recreational fishing locations within the North East Region.

VRFish to engage local government, where appropriate, to promote the maintenance of angler access through the development of policies that will recognise the importance of maintaining access to recreational fisheries.

VRFish to implement policy actions in its Access for Recreational Fishing to improve the understanding of their rights to access land adjoining recreational fisheries.

   Ongoing VRFish
Environmental - To promote protection of the habitats and environments which are essential for production or maintenance of fisheries resources across the North East Fishery Strategy 9 – Identify habitat requirements of key recreational species

Fisheries Victoria to collate information on habitat and environmental conditions required to sustain the production (spawning, recruitment, survival, growth and movement) of trout, redfin, Murray cod, Murray spiny crayfish and golden perch.

In accordance with the Fisheries Victoria Advocacy Strategy, Fisheries Victoria to provide information packages regarding trout, redfin, Murray cod, Murray spiny crayfish and golden perch to the North East CMA and G-MW to assist in the prioritisation of strategies and actions.

Fisheries Victoria and the DSE to collect information on in-stream and riparian habitat data for Murray spiny crayfish during monitoring programs established in Strategy 1.

Prior to the review of the NEFMP, information packages on the production requirements of trout, redfin, Murray cod, Murray spiny crayfish and golden perch are provided to the North East CMA and G-MW to inform reviews of management strategies. Information on the habitat requirements of key recreational species is being used by the North East CMA and GMW in their policy development and investment programs. Complete within the first two years of declaring the NEFMP Fisheries Victoria