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Fish stocking database
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Waters Last Stocking
Salmonid Releases
Native Fish Releases
Search by Species and Water
Atlantic salmon
Australian bass
Australian smelt
Black bream
Brook trout
Brown trout
Chinook salmon
Estuary perch
Golden perch
Macquarie perch
Murray cod
Rainbow trout
Silver perch
Trout cod
Tiger Trout
Cheetah Trout
Acheron River
Albert Park Lake
Alexandra Lake
Allans Flat Dredge Hole
Amaroo Lake
Anderson Lake
Arboretum Dam
Aringa Reservoir
Avoca River
Avon River
Banimboola Lake
Bannockburn Lagoon
Barkers Creek Reservoir
Bartlett Lake
Barwon River
Bealiba Reservoir
Beaufort Lake
Bellfield Reservoir
Bemm River
Benalla Lake
Berwick Springs Estate Lake
Big Meran Lake
Big River
Bittern Reservoir
Blue Rock Lake
Boga Lake
Bolac Lake
Booroopki Swamp
Boosey Creek
Bostock Reservoir
Boyds Waters
Bringalbert Lake
Brodribb River
Broken Creek
Broken River
Buckland River
Buffalo Lake
Buffalo River
Bullarto Reservoir
Bullen Merri Lake
Burrumbeet Lake
Cairn Curran Reservoir
Calembeen Front Lake
Campaspe River Kyneton Area
Campaspe River Rochester to Axedale
Cann River
Carpolac Lake
Cartcarrong Lake
Casey Fields Lake
Cato Lake
Caulfield Racecourse Lake
Charlegrark Lake
Charm Lake
Cobden Lake
Colac Lake
Colbrook Reservoir
Coleraine Lagoon
Coliban River
Corryong Creek
Cosgrove Reservoir
Cowwarr Weir
Craigmuir Lake
Crooked River
Crusoe Reservoir
Cudgewa Creek
Cullulleraine Lake
Cummins Reserve Lake
Dandongadale River
Dargo River
Darlingsford Lake
Dartmouth Dam
Daylesford Lake
Dean Reservoir
Deep Lake
Delatite River
Devilbend Reservoir
Dock Lake
Don Lake
Dunkeld Arboretum
Eildon Lake
Eildon Pondage
Eldorado Dredge Hole
Elingamite Lake
Emerald Lake
Eppalock Lake
Esmond Lake
Ess Lagoon
Expedition Pass Reservoir
Felltimber Creek Wetlands
Ferntree Gully Quarry
First Reedy Lake
Foletti Caravan Park Lake
Forest Lake
Fosters Dam
Freestone Creek
Fyans Lake
Garfield Lake
Gillear Lake
Glenlyon Dam
Glenmaggie Lake
Glenrowan Rec Reserve Lake
Goldfields (St Arnaud)
Goldfields Reservoir
Gong Gong Reservoir
Goulburn River Downstream of Nagambie
Goulburn River Eildon to Molesworth
Goulburn River Seymour to Nagambie
Goulburn River Yea to Trawool
Great Western Recreation Reserve Lake
Green Hill Lake
Green Lake Horsham
Green Lake Sea Lake
Greens Lake Corop
Gunbower Creek
Guthridge Lake
Guyatt Lake
Haddon Reservoir
Hamilton Lake
Hanging Rock Lake
Harrietville Dredge Hole
Hazelwood Pondage
Hepburn Lagoon
Heyfield Racecourse Lake
Holland Creek
Hopkins River
Horse Shoe Lagoon
Hospital Creek
Howqua River
Hughes Creek
Hume Lake
Hyland Lake
Inglewood Reservoir
Jack Emmett Lagoon
Jack Roper Reserve Lake
Jacksons Creek
Jamieson River
Jil Jil Lake
Jubilee Lake Daylesford
Jubilee Lake Skipton
Kangaroo Lake
Karkarook Lake
Kennington Reservoir
Kerferd Lake
Kialla Lakes
Kiewa River
King Lake
King River
Kings Billabong
Kismet Creek
Konong Wootong Reservoir
Kow Swamp
La Trobe River
Laanecoorie Reservoir
Landsborough Reservoir
Lang Lang River
Lascelles Lake
Lauriston Reservoir
Learmonth Lake
Les Stone Park Lake
Lethbridge Lake
Lilliput Lane Reserve Lake
Lillydale Lake
Lindsay River
Lismore Golf Club Dam
Little Boort Lake
Little Murray River
Loch Garry
Loddon River
Longwood Rec Reserve
Lowanna Lake
Macalister River Below Glenmaggie Lake
Macalister River Upstream of Glenmaggie Lake to Licola
Malmsbury Reservoir
Maribyrnong River
Marma Lake
Marysville Lake
McLeods Water Hole
Melton Reservoir
Merri River Below Weir to Dennington
Merri River Grassmere to Wollaston
Merriwa Park Lake
Miga Lake
Minyip Wetlands
Mitchell River
Mitta Mitta River
Modewarre Lake
Mokoan Lake
Moodemere Lake
Moorabool Reservoir
Mooroopna Recreation Reserve Lake
Mordialloc Creek
Morwell Lake
Mount Beauty Pondage
Mount Emu Creek Below Castle Carey Bridge to Panmure
Mount Emu Creek Skipton to Darlington
Moyne River
Murdeduke Lake
Nagambie Lake incl Goulburn Weir to Seymour
Nariel Creek
Narracan Lake
Natimuk Lake
National Watersports Centre
Navan Park Lake
Neanger Lake
Newlyn Reservoir
Nhill Lake
Nicholson River
Nillahcootie Lake
Numurkah Lake
Nursery Reservoir
Old Hamilton Reservoir
Ouyen Lake
Ovens River
Painkalac Reservoir
Pakenham Lake
Pertobe Lake
Pine Lake
Police Paddock Dams
Purrumbete Lake
Pykes Creek Reservoir
Pyramid Creek
Quarry Street Reserve Lake
Rabl Park Lake
Railway Dam
Rainbow Creek
Ratzcastle Lake
Redbank Reservoir
Richardson River
Ringwood Lake
Rocklands Reservoir
Rocky Valley Dam
Rocky Valley Reservoir
Rokewood Reservoir
Rose River
Rotary Park Lake
Rowville Lakes
Roxburgh Park Lakes
Rubicon River
Ryans Creek
Sambell Lake
Serpentine Creek
Serviceton Reservoir
Seven Creeks
Simpson Recreation Reserve Lakes
Skipton Railway Dam
Snowy River
Spavin Lake
St Arnaud Old Swimming Pool
St Augustines Water Hole
St Georges Dam
St Georges Lake
Stanley Ditch Dam
Struan Lake
Sugarloaf Reservoir
Sumsion Gardens Lake
Talbot Reservoir
Tambo River
Tamboon Inlet
Tarwin River East Branch
Taylors Lake
Taylors Lakes
Tchum Lake
Tea Tree Lake
Teddington Bottom Reservoir
Teddington Top Reservoir
The Gong
Thomson River
Timbarra River
Tom Thumb Lake
Tooliorook Lake
Toolondo Reservoir
Traralgon Creek
Trawool Reservoir
Tronah Dredge Hole
Tullaroop Reservoir
Tungamah Weir Pool
Tyers Lake
Tyers River
Upper Coliban Reservoir
Upper Goulburn River
Upper Sandy Creek Dam
Upper Stony Creek Reservoir
Valencia Creek
Valley Lake
Victoria Lake Maryborough
Victoria Lake Shepparton
Victoria Lakes Ballarat
Victoria River
Walkers Lake
Wallace Lake
Wallpolla Creek
Walpeup Lake
Walter J Smith Reserve Lake
Wannon River
Waranga Basin
Wartook Lake
Watchem Lake
Weeroona Lake
Wendouree Lake
Werribee River
West Barwon Dam
West Lake
William Hovell Lake
Willow Lake
Wimmera River
Woady Yaloak River
Wodonga Racecourse Lake
Wombat Reservoir
Wonnangatta River
Wooroonook Lake
Wurdiboluc Reservoir
Yaapeet Lake
Yarra River
Yarralumla Drive Lake
Yarrambat Lake
Yarriambiack Creek
Yea River
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Salmonid Releases
Native Fish Releases