Abalone Disease

Update: March 2025

Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG, also known as Abalone disease) is a viral disease which affects the nervous system of abalone and results in the foot curling up, swelling of the mouth, leading to weakness and death of abalone. There are no effects on human health.

In early 2024, South Australian authorities detected AVG in wild abalone near Port MacDonnell. Since then, the has virus spread into neighbouring populations in a westerly direction, away from Victoria.

On Thursday 6 March 2025, Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) announced a complete closure to Abalone Fishing (Recreational and Commercial) in waters from the River Murray Mouth to the Victorian Border. This closure is in place for 12 months. For up to date information on SA's abalone disease response, click here. You can also view a recent media release from PIRSA here.

In response to the South Australian detection, the Victorian Fisheries Authority has in place a Fisheries Notice. The notice requires all fishers and boaters to Check, Clean and Dry their dive equipment, fishing and boating gear, before entering Victoria from South Australia. The Notice also prohibits the possession of unprocessed abalone from South Australia anywhere in Victoria and imposes several conditions on Victorian-licensed commercial rock lobster fishers.

These measures are in place to prevent the potential spread of the virus into Victorian waters.

How to stop the spread

To reduce the risk of future spread it is important to remain vigilant to signs of this virus. Checking, cleaning and drying your gear and boat is the best way to reduce the risk. To find out more, click here.

Across Victoria, you cannot:

  • Be in possession of shucked abalone on, or near Victorian waters, which therefore prohibits the use of any part of the abalone as bait.
  • Shuck or clean abalone until being prepared to eat, at the location they will be eaten.
  • Dispose of abalone shell or gut back into the ocean. You must use your rubbish bin for disposal.

If you find an abalone that you think is sick, anywhere in Victoria, please call the 24-hour Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

A Code of Practice is also available to people wanting to put steps into place to help stop the spread of AVG in Victoria. This Code of Practice, developed by Agriculture Victoria, aims to strengthen and protect the abalone industry. You can find the code of Practice by clicking here.

Click here to learn how to effectively clean your gear and boat to stay safe.

To see what a sick abalone looks like, view the video below.

Watch the below video for tips on washing your boat to help protect our oceans from disease and pests

View this short video which explains the steps to follow when washing your dive gear to help protect our oceans from disease and pests.

Portland Abalone Stock Protection Area

The area between Whites Beach and Point Danger, inclusive of Lawrence Rocks was previously closed to all abalone fishing via a Fisheries Notice, which expired on 30 June 2024. Recreational and commercial abalone fishing is now allowed in this area. However, the area will continue to be assessed for signs of the virus and stock rehabilitation. The specified waters that were previously closed are illustrated in the map below. Click here or on the map to enlarge the image.