Recreational Fishing Reefs

The Victorian Fisheries Authority has a long history of delivering recreational fishing reefs and habitat enhancement projects through Victoria’s marine and freshwater environments. These projects support and promote fish aggregations and provide additional fish habitat in areas where natural habitat is limited.
Recreational fishing is a favourite pastime among Victorians. The Victorian Government recognises the social and economic benefits of fishing and is committed to further improving angling opportunities by enhancing fish habitat through the deployment of recreational fishing reefs for anglers of all abilities, whether they be boat or land based.
The deployment and management of reefs to improve fishing is in accordance with:
- the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development
- the Marine and Coastal Act 2018
- consideration of other marine users and values, including:
- protecting important fishing grounds for commercial fishing
- boating and shipping navigation
- aquaculture reserves
- sites of heritage significance
- natural habitat features
- marine parks and sanctuaries. and
- public safety.
Completed reefs
Seven sets of reefs have been deployed in Victoria's marine environments, with more to come in the future. Here's where you can find them:
- Corio Bay Rocky Reefs (video available)
- Port Phillip Bay - Shellfish Reefs
- Port Phillip Bay - boat based reefs (video available)
- Port Phillip Bay - shore based reefs (video available)
- Port Phillip Bay - Kingfish reef
- Port Phillip Bay - Kayaker's reef
- Gippsland - estuarine reefs
- Torquay Offshore Recreational Fishing Reef (video available)