Measures and rulers
To help recreational anglers comply with catch limits, particularly minimum legal lengths, the VFA has produced a range of free products including plastic measures and stick-on rulers to complement the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide.
Recreational fishing measures are used to measure abalone (yellow ruler), rock lobster (orange ruler), spiny freshwater crayfish (white ruler) and Murray spiny freshwater crayfish (green ruler).
Measures are available free of charge by emailing or calling the Customer Service Centre on 136 186. They are also available at some fishing tackle stores and tourist information centres.
Please note: You must carry a device for measuring abalone when fishing for abalone. Please refer to the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide for more information.

Fish Length Ruler
The fish length ruler is a sticker that can be stuck to your boat, tackle-box or car. The minimum legal lengths for popular angling species are marked on the ruler.
Rulers are available free of charge by emailing or calling the Customer Service Centre on 136 186. They are also available at some fishing tackle stores and tourist information centres.
Murray Cod Ruler
A boat sticker ruler that allows anglers to estimate the weight of their Murray cod based purely on its length.
By lying the the Murray Cod down on the ruler, anglers can quickly get a weight estimate of the fish without suspending it on scales.
Rulers are available free of charge by emailing or calling the Customer Service Centre on 136 186. They are also available at some fishing tackle stores and tourist information centres.
Read the 'Measuring Your Catch the Right Way' video transcript.