Lets go fishing card - Flathead

The card is also available for downloading: Lets go fishing card - Flathead (PDF - 1.5 MB)

Top tips

Flathead are more active during the warmer months when they move into shallow waters.

Sandy areas with weed beds are good places to try. They feed by ambush, so slowly moving the bait along the bottom will often tempt them to bite. Doing the same with a soft plastic is also very effective.

Handle them carefully to avoid getting pricked from spikes just behind their head.

Fish by the rules

fishing_family Illustration

It's important to know the rules that apply to fishing. These include bag limits and minimum size limits for different types of fish. A bag limit is how many fish you are allowed to keep in one day. A minimum size limit is how big a fish needs to be in order for you to keep it. There are also closed seasons for some types of fish.

What are they?


Flathead are found in the ocean as well as in bays and estuaries. They are easily recognised by their large flattened head and long tapering body. There are several different species that can be caught in Victorian waters.

Different size and bag limits apply to dusky flathead compared to other flathead species so learn to tell them apart (refer to the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide).

light spinning rod 5kg_line
medium spinning rod 5kg line
sinkers hooks
sinkers hooks
soft plastics swivels
soft plastics swivels
landing net
landing net

Great baits

prawn pilchards
prawns pilchards
whitebait pipis
whitebait pipis

Select a spot

Flathead are a very common throughout Victoria and you will have a good chance of catching one from most piers and jetties. They can be found in both shallow and deep water.

Hot spots


Port Phillip Bay

Western Port

Port Albert

Gippsland Lakes
