Managing the Goulburn-Broken Fishery

Goulburn-Broken Fishery Management Plan 2011

Definition of the fishery

The Goulburn-Broken fishery is a recreational fishery that encompasses all of the inland waters as defined by the Fisheries Act 1995 that lay within the catchments of the Goulburn and Broken rivers and the Broken Creek. The fishery does not include waters located on private land.

The Goulburn-Broken fishery does not include commercial bait or noxious aquatic species fishing or aquaculture which are managed under commercial access and aquaculture licensing processes, permits and policies.

Management plan goal and outcomes

Ecologically sustainable development is, for the purposes of this fishery management plan, defined as using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased (Ecologically Sustainable Development Steering Committee 1992).

The goal of this fishery management plan is to manage recreational fishing in the Goulburn-Broken region for at least the next five years in a manner that is consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development and with Commonwealth and other State legislation and policy. This includes identifying habitats and aquatic environments on which fisheries resources depend and enhancing social and economic benefits to all Victorians.

The long-term objectives of this management plan are to:

  • Improve and increase recreational fishing opportunities (Social objective)
  • Sustainably manage fisheries resources (Biological objective)
  • Maintain and improve fish habitat (Environmental objective)
  • Improve governance/compliance with management arrangements (Governance objective).

Each management plan objective includes one or more strategies and targets. A strategy is a plan of action to achieve an objective; targets describe the benefit of implementing each action. Strategies contain one or more SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) actions to ensure that clear management outcomes are achieved.

Management objectives, strategies, targets and actions are described in the following sections of this management plan and summarised in Table 2. Appendix 4 includes detailed information on performance indicators, key and partner agencies, implementation schedules and the estimated budget, as far as is known, for each action.

Implementing this management plan

In implementing this fishery management plan, most management arrangements (e.g. bag and catch limits) or the processes used to establish them, will remain unchanged. There will be a greater focus on establishing programs to monitor the status of key recreational fishing species and to identify key environmental threats to fisheries resources.

If a need to alter management arrangements to ensure sustainable use of the fisheries resource or to meet changing demands for recreational fishing opportunities is identified, amendments to this management plan will be considered in consultation with stakeholders and in accordance with the requirements of the Fisheries Act.

Appendix 4 includes detailed information on the proposedfunding arrangements and outlines the provisional funding amount and source for each management action undertaken in this management plan.

Implementing most of the actions in the plan will involve progressively seeking agreement for funding from the Recreational Fishing Licensing Trust. Supplementary funds to improve opportunities for recreational fishing will be sourced from the new Recreational Fishing Initiative, the department's existing budget for fish production and stocking and some state vote funds for resource management actions.

Plan duration and review

This fishery management plan came into effect following its declaration via a notice published in the Victoria Government Gazette. The plan provides the basis for the management of the Goulburn-Broken fishery for at least five years from the date of declaration.

The plan objectives, strategies, actions and performance indicators will be reviewed by the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group (see below) approximately five years after the plan is declared to ensure that it remains relevant to managing the Goulburn-Broken fishery. Subsequent reviews of the management plan by the reference group will be conducted approximately every five years thereafter. The need for a new or amended management plan will be considered following these reviews.

Strategy 1: Implement the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Management Plan

Establish the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group

Fisheries Victoria will establish the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group to advise it with respect to the coordination of activities and priority projects that support management plan objectives; facilitate partnerships with other agencies to develop programs that facilitate meeting the objectives; review the outcomes of research; and make recommendations on future research directions. The reference group will also undertake five-yearly reviews of this management plan and report to Fisheries Victoria on its ongoing relevance for managing recreational fisheries in the region.

Nominations to the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group will be sought from relevant government agencies, recreational angler groups, water corporations, catchment management agencies, conservation interests, local government, local business and Traditional Owners. Other groups or persons may be engaged as required. Administrative support to the reference group and a Chair will be provided by Fisheries Victoria.

Reports documenting performance against the performance indicators in this management plan will be prepared annually for Fisheries Victoria by the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group.


The Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group is established to advise Fisheries Victoria on priority projects and the coordination of activities/ projects that support management plan objectives

Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group annually documents progress against the key performance indicators in the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Management Plan

The Goulburn-Broken Fishery Reference Group undertakes five-yearly reviews of the Goulburn-Broken Fishery Management Plan



Summary of Key Management Targets

Implement the Goulburn Broken Fishery Management Plan

Coordinated and effective fishery management outcomes

Improve and increase recreational fishing opportunities

Maintain and manage stock enhanced fisheries

The benefits of stocking programs are maximised using an open consultation process
The Nagambie Lakes supports a high-quality native fish fishery
Recreational fishers in natural disaster or drought-affected areas enjoy fishing opportunities
A diverse range of high-quality recreational fishing opportunities and challenges are available
Recreational fishing opportunities for Macquarie perch and trout cod are established
The Goulburn-Broken region is recognised as a premier fishing destination
Recreational fishing opportunities enhance community events
Anglers maintain a high level of access to fishing locations
Successfull avocation on behalf of recreational fishing outcomes

Re-establish recreational fishing opportunities in natural disaster or drought-affected areas

Develop, protect and promote recreational fishing opportunities

Understand the socio-economic benefits of recreational fishing

Seeking input from Aboriginal communities

Improve access to fisheries resources

Sustainable manage fisheries resources

Sustainably manage key fishing species

Recreational fishing is sustainably managed
Priority research programs are developed to address knowledge gaps and make efficient use of resources are developed
Endangered fish species inhabiting drought or natural disaster-affected areas are managed in a sustainable way

Protect endangered fish species

Maintain and improve fish habitat

Advocate for positive recreational fishing outcomes

Habitat and environmental requirements of key recreational fishing species inform policy development and business investment decisions
Fishery management outcomes are coordinated and effective

Work together to rehabilitate waterways

Governance/ compliance with management arrangements

Achieve sustainable resource utilisation

Fisheries compliance activities target identified areas of compliance risk
The general public are partners in sustainable fisheries management

Educate fishers on sustainable fishing