Completed consultation

All completed consultation plans, written submissions and The Victorian Fisheries Authority's response and decisions will be shown on this page for at least three calendar months.

Completed consultation


Result of consultation

Effective decision date

Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2024

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2024 has been finalised.

Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2024
(PDF - 259.1 KB)

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Public Gazette

18 July 2024

Management arrangements for the Sea Urchin Fishery

Two submissions received.

SIV (PDF - 293.9 KB)

VSUDA (PDF - 302.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the VFA has implemented package of regulatory changes to maximise the harvest of the overabundant black sea urchin, Centrostephanus rodgersii,and remove the species from quota management.

Fisheries (Black Sea Urchin Recreational Catch Limit) Notice 2024 - a Fisheries Notice has been made to remove the catch and possession limits for recreational take of black sea urchin across Victorian waters

Fisheries (Black Sea Urchin Recreational Catch Limit) Notice 2024 (PDF - 384.1 KB)

The gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No.G27

Fisheries (Sea Urchin Commercial Operator) Notice - a Fisheries Notice has been made to allow up to eight operators on a Sea Urchin Fishery Access Licence.

Fisheries (Sea Urchin Commercial Operator) Notice 2024  (PDF - 100.0 KB)

The gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette No. 26

Initial Quota Order – Sea Urchin Fishery for White Sea Urchin – an Initial Quota Order has been made to manage the allocation of quota for white sea urchin to Sea Urchin Fishery Access Licence holders

Initial Quota Order
(PDF - 128.5 KB)

Further Quota Order – Sea Urchin Fishery - a Further Quota Order to set the 2024/25 total allowable catch of white sea urchins.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 86.4 KB)

The gazetted Initial and Further Quota Order can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 25

1 July 2024

Fisheries (Octopus Fishery Operator) Notice 2024One submission received:
SIV submission (PDF - 165.7 KB)
Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, a Fisheries Notice has been made that increases the number of operators that may be nominated on an Octopus Licence from 1 to 3.  Only one of these operators may fish under the licence at any one time.  
Fisheries (Octopus Fishery Operator) Notice 2024.   (PDF - 185.4 KB)
Explanatory Statement Fisheries (Octopus Fishery Operator) Notice 2024 (PDF - 273.9 KB)
The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette.
20 June, 2024
2024/25 Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for the eastern zone of the Victorian Octopus FisheryThree submissions received
Submission 1 (PDF - 111.5 KB)
Submission 2 (PDF - 216.5 KB)
SIV submission
Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for the eastern zone of the Victorian Octopus Fishery).
Further Quota Order Octopus Fishery 2024_25 (PDF - 151.0 KB) .  
Explanatory Statement Further Quota Order Octopus Fishery 2024_25.   (PDF - 278.1 KB)
The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette.
20 June, 2024
Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking) Notice 2024Three submissions received.

Z Taylor
A Milner
S and G Milner

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice requiring installation and operation of an electronic monitoring system for active Eel and Pipi Access Licences has been made.

Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking) Notice 2024

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

31 May 2024

Fisheries (Giant Crab Fishery Electronic Monitoring System) Notice 2024

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice requiring installation and operation of an electronic monitoring system for active Giant Crab Fishery (Western Zone) Access Licences has been made.

Fisheries (Giant Crab Fishery Electronic Monitoring System) Notice 2024 (PDF - 128.1 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 23 (PDF - 285.1 KB)

1 July 2024

2024/25 Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery

Two submissions received

Starritt submission
(PDF - 603.3 KB)

SIV submission

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 26.2 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 263.1 KB)

1 July 2024

2024/25 Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery

No submissions

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 109.1 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 251.4 KB)

1 July 2024

Fisheries (Western Murray cod) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to open waters within the Wimmera Catchment and Land Protection Region to Murray Cod fishing the whole year with the exclusion of the Wimmera River, is now effective.

Fisheries (Western Murray cod) Notice 2024 (PDF - 235.3 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

29 April 2024

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the boundary between the lake and the river during the Murray cod and trout (salmonids) closed seasons, and to reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers who care for Murray cod, is now effective.

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2024 (PDF - 958.1 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

29 April 2024

Fisheries (Lake Wendouree) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to prohibit the take of fish and the possession and use of recreational fishing equipment in a specified area of Lake Wendouree, during a specified period, to protect spawning trout, is now effective.

Fisheries (Lake Wendouree) Notice 2024 (PDF - 1.0 MB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

1 May 2024

Fisheries (Macquarie perch) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to change the bag limit for Macquarie perch to zero in order to protect Macquarie perch in all waters across Victoria, is now effective.

Fisheries (Macquarie perch) Notice 2024 (PDF - 239.9 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

29 April 2024

Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to provide for the management of Lake Hume by exempting a person who has paid the recreational fishing fee as required under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 of New South Wales from the requirement of holding a recreational fishing licence while fishing in Lake Hume, is now effective.

Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2024  (PDF - 212.3 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

1 May 2024

Fisheries (Central Murray cod) Notice 2024

21 submissions were received. For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to remove the Murray cod closed season within Lake Eppalock, Cairn Curran Reservoir and Lake Nillahcootie, allowing anglers to target and retain Murray cod between 1 September to 30 November, providing they comply with other recreational fishing regulations, is now effective.

Fisheries (Central Murray cod) Notice 2024 (PDF - 512.3 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

1 May 2024

2024/2025 Scallop (Ocean) Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for the Scallop (Ocean)Fishery:

Further Quota Order (PDF - 146.4 KB)

26 March 2024

Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2024

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2024 has now been finalised:

Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2024 (PDF - 201.8 KB)

26 March 2024

Fisheries (Western Port/Port Phillip Bay Fishery Catch Limits) Notice 2024

One formal submission was received.

Seafood Industry Victoria (PDF - 209.5 KB)

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to fix and enforce catch limits for the taking of fish other than snapper in the Western Port/Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery has been finalised.

For more information click here 

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette S125-24

16 March 2024

2024/2025 Snapper in Western Port/Port Phillip Bay - Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No formal submissions were received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for Snapper in the Westernport/Port Phillip Bay Fishery:

2024 Further Quota Order (PDF - 55.7 KB)

1 April 2024

2024/2025 Pipi Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

One submission was received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2024/25 TACC has been set for the Pipi Fishery:

Further Quota Order

Explanatory Statement

1 April 2024

Fisheries (Abalone Disease Control) Notice 2024For more information, contact Victorian abalone industry and Seafood Industry Victoria have been notified of the intention to make this Fisheries Notice. Because of the emergency nature of the notice, formal written consultation has not occurred.

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can be viewed here
26 February, 2024

Fisheries (Arcadia Pondage) Notice 2024

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to remove the Murray cod closed season within the Arcadia Pondage (Schedule), allowing anglers to target and retain Murray cod between 1 September to 30 November, providing they comply with other recreational fishing regulations.

Fisheries (Arcadia Pondage) Notice 2024 (PDF - 1.1 MB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

19 February 2024

Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2024

No submissions received

In accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, consultation was undertaken to continue the recreational catch and possession limit for spider crabs to 15 on any one day in, on or next to Victorian waters.

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette, No. G4, dated 25 January 2024 (PDF - 108.3 KB) and is in effect from 31 January 2024.

31 January 2024

2024 Banded Morwong Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Fisheries (Banded Morwong) Notice 2024

No submissions received

In accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, consultation was undertaken with the two Banded Morwong Fishery Access Licence holders and Seafood
Industry Victoria.

The 2024 TACC has been set for the Victorian Banded Morwong Fishery.

Further Quota Order

The 2024 Victorian Banded Morwong Fishery closed season has been set by a fisheries notice.

Fisheries (Banded Morwong Closed Season) Notice 2024  [PDF File - 653.5 KB]

11 January 2024

Fisheries (Macquarie perch) Notice 2023

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to change the bag limit for Macquarie perch to zero in order to protect Macquarie perch in all waters across Victoria is now effective.

Fisheries (Macquarie perch) Notice 2023  (PDF - 866.3 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette.

20 December 2023

Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2023

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to provide for the management of Lake Hume by exempting a person who has paid the recreational fishing fee as required under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 of New South Wales from the requirement of holding a recreational fishing licence while fishing in Lake Hume is now effective.

Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2023 (PDF - 51.8 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

13 December 2023

Fisheries (Corner Inlet Cockle) Notice 2023

All public submissions (PDF - 58.2 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Corner Inlet Cockle) Notice 2023 (PDF - 263.9 KB) has been finalised and came into effect on 16 November 2023.

For more information, click here (PDF - 229.5 KB) .

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette.

16 November 2023

Fisheries (Portland Bay Commercial Fishery) Notice 2023

Seafood Industry Victoria submission (PDF - 1.9 MB)

VRFish submission (PDF - 890.1 KB)

Glenelg Shire submission (PDF - 123.2 KB)

All public submissions (PDF - 13.0 MB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Portland Bay Commercial Fishery) Notice 2023 (PDF - 781.6 KB) has been finalised and came into effect on 16 October 2023.

For more information, click here (PDF - 391.5 KB) .

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette.

16 October 2023

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2023

Brodribb submission (PDF - 46.5 KB)

Caune submission (PDF - 77.2 KB)

Gibbs submission (PDF - 47.7 KB)

Native Fish Australia submission (PDF - 234.4 KB)

Nord submission (PDF - 217.3 KB)

Roberts submission (PDF - 51.8 KB)

VRFish submission (PDF - 135.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2023 (PDF - 139.7 KB) has been finalised and came into effect on 14 September 2023.

For more information, click here (PDF - 170.2 KB) .

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. G 37 Dated 14 September 2023

8 September 2023

Fisheries (Murray Cod) Notice 2023

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to open waters within the Wimmera Catchment and Land Protection Region to Murray Cod fishing the whole year with the exclusion of the Wimmera River is now effective.

Fisheries (Murray Cod) Notice 2023 (PDF - 262.3 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 34

21 August 2023

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2023

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the boundary between the lake and the river during the Murray cod and trout (salmonids) closed seasons, and to reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers who care for Murray cod. is now effective.

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2023 (PDF - 544.0 KB)

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 34

21 August 2023

Ocean Scallop Fishery Permanent Transferability of Quota No submissions received Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Scallop (Ocean) Fishery Initial Quota Order has now been amended:

Amended Scallop (Ocean) Fishery Initial Quota Order

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette G.33
14 August 2023
2023/24 Sea Urchin Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)  

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the Sea Urchin Fishery:

Further Quota order

Explanatory Statement for the Sea Urchin Fishery Further Quota Order

1 July 2023
Fisheries (Western Abalone Stock Protection) Notice 2023 No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to extend the recreational abalone fishing closure in the specified area in the Portland region to 30 June 2024, is now effective.

Fisheries (Western Abalone Stock Protection) Notice 2023  (PDF - 324.2 KB)

1 July 2023

Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2023

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2023 (PDF - 207.4 KB) has been finalised.

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. S 308 Dated 19 June 2023

19 June 2023

2023/24 Abalone Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) - Central and Western Zones

Submissions on the Central Zone 2023/24 TACC (PDF - 4.3 MB)

Submissions on the Western Zone 2023/24 TACC (PDF - 115.5 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the:

Central Zone of the Victorian Abalone Fishery

Further Quota Order for the Abalone Fishery (Central Abalone Zone) (PDF - 87.9 KB)

Fisheries (Central Abalone Zone) Notice 2023 (PDF - 298.4 KB)

Rationale for setting the Central Zone TACC (PDF - 165.5 KB)

Western Zone of the Victorian Abalone Fishery

Further Quota Order for the Abalone Fishery (Western Abalone Zone) (PDF - 90.5 KB)

Fisheries (Western Abalone Zone) Notice 2023 (PDF - 221.5 KB)

Rationale for setting the Western Zone TACC (PDF - 133.0 KB)

1 July 2023 (Central and Western Zones)
2023/24 Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for the Victorian Rock Lobster fishery

Two submissions received

Peter Price
(PDF - 72.2 KB)

VRLC (PDF - 188.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the Victorian rock lobster fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 37.8 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 276.7 KB)

1 July 2023

2023/24 Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for the Victorian Octopus Fishery (Eastern Zone)

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the Victorian Octopus Fishery (Eastern Zone).

Further Quota Order (PDF - 56.2 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 274.6 KB)

1 July 2023

Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking) Notice 2023

One submission received

Lachlan McKinnon submission

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking) Notice 2023 implementing electronic tracking in eel and pipi fisheries has been finalised.

Fisheries (Eel and Pip Electronic Tracking) Notice 2023

28 April 2023 (comes into effect 1 June 2023)

2023/24 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery

No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 89.3 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 257.0 KB)

1 July 2023

2023/24 Banded Morwong Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submissions on the Banded Morwong 2023/24 TACC.

VRFish submission
(PDF - 632.7 KB)

SIV Submission
(PDF - 212.2 KB)

York submission
(PDF - 107.0 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the:

Banded Morwong Fishery:

Further Quota Order
(PDF - 125.4 KB)

Explanatory statement
(PDF - 276.7 KB)

1 April 2023

2023/24 Abalone Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submissions on the Eastern Zone 2023/24 TACC.

Click here to view a PDF.
(PDF - 948.3 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the:

Eastern Zone of the Victorian Abalone Fishery:

Further Quota Order for the Abalone Fishery (Eastern Abalone Zone) (PDF - 99.3 KB)

Fisheries (Eastern Abalone Zone) Notice 2023/24  (PDF - 305.6 KB)

Rationale for setting the Eastern Zone TACC (PDF - 164.9 KB)

1 April 2023 (Eastern Zone)

Fisheries (Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay Catch Limits) Notice 2023

2 submissions were received:

SIV Submission (PDF - 191.8 KB)

VRFish Submission (PDF - 640.1 KB)

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay Catch Limits) Notice 2023 to set catch limits on species other than snapper has been finalised:

Fisheries (Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay Catch Limits) Notice 2023 (PDF - 158.9 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette G.11

Fisheries (Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay Catch Limits) Notice 2023 Explanatory Statement (PDF - 167.4 KB)

16 March 2023

2023/2024 Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery Further Quota Order

1 submission was received

VRFish Submission (PDF - 640.1 KB)

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery:

Further Quota Order (PDF - 55.6 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette G.11

1 April 2023

2023/2024 Scallop (Ocean) Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

3 submissions were received.

Seafood Industry Victoria (WORD - 28.5 KB)

Klaramenos (WORD - 28.9 KB)

Trinsand (PDF - 186.1 KB)

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2023/24 TACC has been set for the Scallop (Ocean)Fishery:

Further Quota Order (PDF - 36.8 KB)

1 April 2023

2023/2024 Pipi Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No submissions were received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Pipi Fishery:

Further Quota Order (PDF - 68.6 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 260.6 KB)

1 April 2023

Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2023

Three submissions were received.

Submissions (PDF - 2.2 MB)

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2023, to set the catch limit for Spider Crabs, is now effective.

Please refer to the Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2023 Explanatory Statement (PDF - 168.8 KB) for more information

The published Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - S.39.

6 February 2023
Fisheries (Giant Crab Fishery Electronic Monitoring System) Notice 2022 Two submissions were received.


Following consultation in accoradance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice requiring installation and operation of an electronic monitoring system for active Giant Crab Fishery (Western Zone) Access Licences has been made.

Fisheries (Giant Crab Fishery Electronic Monitoring System) Notice 2022

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. S 558

Comes into operation 15 November 2022
Fisheries (Western Abalone Stock Protection) Notice 2022

Two submissions were received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to close recreational abalone fishing in the specified area in the Portland region is now effective.

Fisheries (Western Abalone Stock Protection) Notice 2022
(PDF - 601.5 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette

6 October 2022
Fisheries (Roach and Tench Catch Limit) Notice 2022

Four submissions were received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to remove the daily recreational catch and possession limit of 5 for roach and tench is now effective.

Fisheries (Roach and Tench Catch Limit) Notice 2022  (PDF - 154.2 KB)

Fisheries (Roach and Tench Catch Limit) Notice 2022 - Explanatory Statement (PDF - 286.1 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 36

8 September 2022
Fisheries (Murray Cod) Notice 2022 Three submissions were received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to open waters within the Wimmera Catchment and Land Protection Region to Murray Cod fishing the whole year with the exclusion of the Wimmera River is now effective.

Fisheries (Murray Cod) Notice 2022

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 34

22 August 2022

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2022

15 submissions were received.

For more information, please email

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice to trial a fixed marker in the Goulburn arm of Lake Eildon to better define the boundary between the lake and the river during the Murray cod and trout (salmonids) closed seasons, and to reduce confusion and conflict amongst anglers who care for Murray cod. is now effective.

Fisheries (Lake Eildon Marker) Notice 2022

For more information, click here

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. S 419

16 August 2022

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2022   Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice establishing a maximum size for black bream in the Gippsland Lakes and tributaries is now effective.

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2022

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2021 - Explanatory Statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be view in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 30
28 July 2022
Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2022

Five submissions were received:

NFA Submission

Individual Submissions_Fishers (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2022

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice establishing an exemption from holding a Victorian Recreational Fishing Licence when undertaking recreational fishing on Lake Hume having a paid the NSW fishing fee that is valid and is now effective.

Fisheries (Management of Lake Hume) Notice 2022

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be view in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G 25
23 June 2022
2022/23 Sea Urchin Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)  

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Sea Urchin Fishery:

Further Quota order

Explanatory Statement for the Sea Urchin Fishery Further Quota Order
1 July 2022

22/23 Abalone Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submissions on the Abalone Central Zone 2022/23 TACC (PDF - 634.1 KB)

No representations were received for the Abalone Eastern and Western Zones

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the:

Eastern Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Eastern Zone) (PDF - 65.4 KB)

Fisheries (Eastern Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 274.9 KB)

Rationale for setting the Eastern Abalone Zone TACC (PDF - 265.4 KB)

Western Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Western Zone) (PDF - 67.2 KB)

Fisheries (Western Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 124.1 KB)

Central Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Central Zone) (PDF - 64.6 KB)

Fisheries (Central Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 280.4 KB)

Rationale for setting the Western and Central Abalone Zone TACC (PDF - 271.3 KB)

1 April 2022 (Eastern Zone)

1 July 2022 (Western and Central Zones)

Corner Inlet Fishery Management Plan

23 written submissions and 15 individual survey responses were received. Attached below are the written submissions that could be made publicly available and a summary of the survey results.

Parks Victoria (PDF - 193.4 KB)

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority  (PDF - 263.2 KB)

Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (PDF - 257.7 KB)

Wellington Shire Council (PDF - 573.6 KB)

The Nature Conservancy Australia (PDF - 506.3 KB)

Birdlife Australia (PDF - 315.3 KB)

Individual submissions (PDF - 201.1 KB)

Summary of recreational fisher survey results (PDF - 350.8 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Corner Inlet Fishery Management Plan has now been declared by the Minister for Fishing and Boating.

Corner Inlet Fishery Management Plan

The Gazetted Declaration of the Corner Inlet Fishery Management Plan can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette.

A summary of key matters raised in submissions and the VFA response can be found here.

Declared on 30 June 2022
Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2022 No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2022 (PDF - 427.3 KB) has been finalised.

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. S 302 Dated 17 June 2022

Comes into operation on 20 June 2022
2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Octopus Fishery (Eastern Zone) No submissions received.

No submissions received.Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the eastern zone of the Victorian Octopus Fishery.

Further Quota Order  (PDF - 435.6 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 909.9 KB)

The published Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Government Gazette

1 July 2022
2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery

Two submissions received.

Eastrock submission
(PDF - 255.8 KB)

Price submission
(PDF - 74.7 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery
Further Quota Order (PDF - 20.6 KB)
Explanatory Statement (PDF - 292.4 KB)
1 July 2022
2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery No submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 71.3 KB)

Explanatory statement (PDF - 246.1 KB)

1 July 2022
2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Banded Morwong Fishery No submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Banded Morwong Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 106.3 KB)

Banded Morwong TACC Explanatory Statement (PDF - 361.3 KB)

1 April 2022

Initial Quota Order for Snapper Fishing in the Western Port/Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery; and

2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for Snapper Fishing in the Western Port/Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery and

Fisheries Notice (Western Port/Port Phillip Bay Fishery Catch Limit) 2022

Submissions on Quota Orders:

VR Fish submission
(PDF - 283.6 KB)

Vawdrey submission
(PDF - 218.3 KB)

Submissions on Fisheries Notice:

Waverley Angling submission
(PDF - 589.0 KB)

Vawdrey submission
(PDF - 221.1 KB)

Kent submission
(PDF - 219.9 KB)

SIV submission (PDF - 276.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the following instruments have been finalised.

  • Initial quota order to declare that Snapper fishing in the Western Port/Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery will be managed by the allocation of quota to Western Port/Port Phillip Bay Fishery Access Licences;
  • Further quota order to set the TACC for Snapper Fishing in the Western Port/Port Phillip Bay (Commercial) Fishery and
  • A Fisheries Notice to set catch limits on species other than snapper.

Initial Quota Order  (PDF - 138.1 KB)

Further Quota Order (PDF - 58.2 KB)

Fisheries Notice (PDF - 162.2 KB)

Explanatory statement (PDF - 170.0 KB)

1 April 2022

2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Scallop (Ocean) Fishery and Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2022 No submissions received

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Scallop (Ocean) Fishery and a Fisheries Notice has been put in place to close specified scallop waters.

Further Quota Order

Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2022
(PDF - 87.1 KB)

1 April 2022
2022/23 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Pipi Fishery One submission received (confidential)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2022/23 TACC has been set for the Victorian Pipi Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 19.6 KB)

Pipi TACC Explanatory Statement  (PDF - 402.3 KB)

1 April 2022
Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2022

Four submissions received

Individual submissions (PDF - 116.4 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2022 (PDF - 119.1 KB) has been finalised.

The Fisheries Notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. G8 Dated 24 February 2022

Comes into operation on 1 March 2022
Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2022 Four submissions received

SIV submission
VCAA Submission
Mornington Peninsula Shire submission (PDF - 214.4 KB)
Port Phillip EcoCentre submission

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2022 (PDF - 83.1 KB) has been finalised.

The published Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Government Gazette.

Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2022 Explanatory Statement
(PDF - 153.1 KB)

12 January 2022 (comes into operation on 1 February 2022)

Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2021

Eight submissions received

Individual submissions (PDF - 104.3 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Further Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2020 has been finalised.

The published Fisheries Notice can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - No. S 318 Monday 21 June 2021 (PDF - 425.3 KB)

21 June 2021

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2021

Zero submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2021 (PDF - 169.7 KB) has been finalised.

The Fisheries Notice can be viewed at Special Gazette Number S328 Dated 24 June 2021

Attached Explanatory Statement  (PDF - 172.8 KB)

1 July 2021

2021/22 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery

Four submissions received (one confidential).

Olver submission
(PDF - 89.8 KB)

Yim submission
(PDF - 67.5 KB)

Fitzgerald submission (PDF - 101.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery.

The Further Quota Order can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette Number G25 dated 24 June 2021

Giant Crab TACC Explanatory Statement (PDF - 362.7 KB)

1 July 2021

2021/22 Abalone Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submission on the Abalone Central Zone 2021/22 TACC - Johnston (PDF - 172.4 KB)

Submission on the Abalone Central Zone 2021/22 TACC - Abalone Victoria [Central Zone] (PDF - 245.6 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the:

Eastern Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Eastern Zone) (PDF - 91.3 KB)

Fisheries (Eastern Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 295.0 KB)

Rationale for setting the Eastern Abalone Zone TACC (PDF - 290.1 KB)

Western Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Western Zone ) (PDF - 92.7 KB)

Fisheries (Western Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 142.6 KB)

Central Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Central Zone) (PDF - 92.2 KB)

Fisheries (Central Abalone Zone) Notice (PDF - 300.9 KB)

Rationale for setting the Western and Central Abalone Zone TACC (PDF - 309.1 KB)

1 April 2021 (Eastern Zone)

1 July 2021 (Western and Central Zones)

2021/22 Sea Urchin Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submissions on the 2021/22 Sea Urchin TACC (PDF - 132.2 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the Sea Urchin Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 97.5 KB)

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 178.7 KB)

1 July 2021

2021/22 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Octopus Fishery (Eastern Zone)

Three submissions received:
SIV (PDF - 804.1 KB)
T Pollard (PDF - 433.6 KB)
A Djirkallis (PDF - 600.1 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the eastern octopus zone of the Victorian Octopus Fishery.

Further Quota Order
(PDF - 58.9 KB)

The Gazetted Further Quota Order can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette Number G20 dated 20 May 2021

1 July 2021

2021/22 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian rock lobster Fishery Two submissions received.
M Harry (WORD - 22.8 KB)
Z Johnston (WORD - 12.3 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the Victorian rock lobster Fishery.

The Gazetted Further Quota Order can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette Number G20 dated 20 May 2021

Rock Lobster TACC Explanatory Statement (PDF - 305.3 KB)

1 July 2021

Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking Notice) 2021

Four submissions received (one confidential)

Links to

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice implementing electronic tracking in eel and pipi fisheries has been finalised.

Fisheries (Eel and Pipi Electronic Tracking Notice) 2021
(PDF - 172.8 KB)

7 April 2021 (comes into effect 1 June 2021)

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2021

4,338 individual survey responses were received together with seven written submission. A summary of the survey results and written submissions from organisations are attached below.

Gippsland Lakes Recreational Fishery Plan - Summary of survey results 2020 (PDF) (PDF - 743.6 KB)

VRFish Submission (PDF) (PDF - 390.2 KB)

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority Submission (PDF) (PDF - 125.7 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice establishing a maximum size for black bream in the Gippsland Lakes and tributaries is now effective.

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2021 (PDF) (PDF - 101.1 KB)

Fisheries (Gippsland Lakes Black Bream) Notice 2021 – Explanatory Statement (PDF - 172.7 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be view in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. G 10.

1 April 2021

Fisheries (Gummy and School Shark) Notice 2021

No submissions received

Fisheries (Gummy and School Shark) Notice 2021 (PDF - 158.6 KB)

Fisheries Notice Explanatory Statement (PDF - 221.0 KB)

27 March 2021

2021/22 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian scallop (Ocean) Fishery

Two submissions received.

AB Hunter Fishing (PDF - 50.2 KB)

Trinsand Fisheries (PDF - 155.1 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the Victorian Scallop (Ocean) Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 39.6 KB)

The Fisheries (Ocean Scallop) Notice 2021 (PDF - 104.4 KB) has been finalised

1 April 2021

2021/22 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Pipi Fishery

One submission received (confidential)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2021/22 TACC has been set for the Victorian Pipi Fishery.

Further Quota Order (PDF - 71.4 KB)

1 April 2021

Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2021

Eight formal submissions were received. The submissions have not been made publicly available, as the respondents did not provide express permission.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2021 (PDF - 151.3 KB)  (PDF - 100.5 KB) has been finalised.

1 March 2021

Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2021

The VFA response to issues raised in submissions. (PDF - 1.3 MB)

More than 1500 submissions from individuals and organisations were received. Seven submissions were received from organisations. These submissions are attached below. Please note that the majority of individual submissions have not been published as it cannot be assumed that these respondents have provided express permission.

  1. Bunurong Land Council Submission (PDF - 481.3 KB)
  2. VNPA Submission (PDF - 1.2 MB)
  3. SCA Submission (PDF - 67.0 KB)
  4. VRFish Submission (PDF - 414.3 KB)
  5. PPEC Submission (PDF - 91.6 KB)
  6. Rye Community Group Alliance Submission
    (PDF - 218.4 KB)
  7. Mornington Peninsula Shire Submission
    (PDF - 465.1 KB)
  8. PT Hirschfield Submission (PDF - 1.1 MB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Spider Crab) Notice 2021 has been finalised

Explanatory Statement (PDF - 412.1 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette (PDF - 931.2 KB)

1 February 2021
Further Quota Order for the eastern octopus zone of the Victorian octopus fishery

Seafood Industry Victoria(PDF - 221.9 KB)

Four other submissions were received from eligible licence holders, however the VFA has not published these submissions which contained commercially sensitive data.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Further Quota Order for the eastern octopus zone of the Victorian octopus fishery(PDF - 33.1 KB) has been finalised.

The gazetted Fiurther Quota Order can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette 

10 July 2020

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2020

VR Fish(PDF - 353.7 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2020 (PDF - 151.3 KB) has been finalised.

The gazetted Fisheries Notice can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette.

Explanatory Statement(PDF - 153.3 KB)

1 July 2020
Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2020 Individual submissions (PDF - 650.0 KB)

VR Fish(PDF - 335.9 KB)

Futurefish Foundation (PDF - 126.5 KB)

Australian Marine Conservation Society (PDF - 162.3 KB)

Seafood Industry Victoria (PDF - 154.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Corner Inlet Fishery) Notice 2020 (PDF - 82.6 KB) has been finalised.

19 June 2020
2020/21 Total Allowable Commercial Catch for the Victorian Sea Urchin Fishery No submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2020/21 TACC has been set for the Sea Urchin Fishery.

Further Quota Order

Explanatory Statement

1 July 2020
Banded Morwong Further Quota Order No submissions received.

Consultation with Seafood Industry Victoria and the two banded morwong permit holders was undertaken through by mail and over the telephone and in accordance with s3a of the Fisheries Act 1995.

The gazetted Further Quota Order can be viewed in the  Victorian Government Gazette G14 9 April 2020

1 April 2020
Fisheries (Gummy and School Shark) Notice 2020

Submissions were received from 17 individuals/groups. Submissions that could be made publicly available are attached below.

Individual submissions (PDF - 1.3 MB)

VRFish (PDF - 138.8 KB)

VNPA (PDF - 76.2 KB)

Fisheries (Gummy and School Shark Notice) 2020 (PDF - 186.7 KB)

Fisheries Notice explanatory statement. (PDF - 83.4 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette - General Gazette Number G12 Dated 26 March 2020

26 March 2020

2020/21 Victorian Giant Crab Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2020/21 TACC has been set for the Victorian Giant Crab Fishery.

Giant Crab Further Quota Order 2020/21 (WORD - 30.6 KB)

Giant Crab TACC explanatory statement (PDF - 226.4 KB)

1 July 2020

2020/21 Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

VRLA poll results (PDF - 586.8 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2020/21 TACC has been set for the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery.

FQO for 2020/21 Rock Lobster TACC (WORD - 35.0 KB)

Rock Lobster TACC explanatory statement (PDF - 235.0 KB)

1 July 2020

2020/21 Victorian Scallop (Ocean) Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Vic Scallops 2020_21 submission – Stuart Richey (WORD - 25.7 KB)

Vic Scallops 2020_21 submission – Watts (WORD - 31.5 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2020/21 TACC has been set for the Scallop (Ocean) Fishery.

FQO for 2020/21 Ocean Scallop TACC (WORD - 33.3 KB)

1 April 2020

2020/21 Victorian Abalone Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Submissions on the 2020/21 Central Zone Abalone TACC (WORD - 46.1 KB)

Abalone Victoria [Central Zone] (AVCZ) Submission (PDF - 4.6 MB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2020/21 TACC has been set for the:

Eastern Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Eastern Abalone Zone) (WORD - 29.4 KB)

Fisheries (Eastern Abalone Zone) Notice 2020 (WORD - 53.6 KB)

Rationale for setting the Eastern Abalone Zone TACC (WORD - 24.5 KB)

Western Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Western Abalone Zone) (WORD - 34.4 KB)

Fisheries (Western Abalone Zone) Notice  2020 (WORD - 42.2 KB)

Central Zone abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Central Abalone Zone) (WORD - 32.9 KB)

Fisheries (Central Abalone Zone) Notice  2020 (WORD - 56.5 KB)

Rationale for setting the Western and Central Abalone Zone TACC (WORD - 28.7 KB)

1 April 2020 (Eastern and Central Zones)

1 July 2020 (Western Zone)

Fisheries (Commercial Rock Lobster Western Zone and Recreational Bait Net) Notice 2020 (PDF - 98.0 KB) Seafood Industry Victoria submission (PDF - 148.9 KB) Fisheries (Commercial Rock Lobster Western Zone and Recreational Bait Net) Notice 2020 24 March 2020
Fisheries (Revocation) Notice 2020 No submissions received. The Gazetted Notice (which revokes 10 previous Fisheries Notices due to commencement of new Fisheries Regulations 2019) can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette No. S 45 published on 31 January 2020 available here. 31 January 2020
Amendment to the Initial Quota Order for the Giant Crab Fishery in the Western Zone A Olver submission

Explanatory statement

The Gazetted Notice amending the Initial Quota Order for the Giant Crab Fishery in the Western Zone can be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette No 439 published on 31 October 2019 available here.

28 October 2019

Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2019

Victorian National Parks Association submission
VRFish submission

R Smith submission

Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2019

Explanatory statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. S 385 Published on 23 September 2019

24 September 2019
Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2019

VRFish submission

G Leeworthy submission

Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2019

Explanatory statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. S 385 Published on 23 September 2019

24 September 2019

Fisheries (Ray Protection) Notice 2019

Victorian National Parks Association submission
VRFish submission

Fisheries (Ray Protection) Notice 2019

Explanatory statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. S 385 Published on 23 September 2019

24 September 2019

Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2019

Victorian National Parks Association submission
VRFish submission
Parks Victoria submission
Gunditj Mirring submission

Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2019

Explanatory statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. S 385 Published on 23 September 2019.

24 September 2019

Fisheries (Giant Crab) Notice 2019

No submissions received.

Fisheries (Giant Crab) Notice 2019

Explanatory Statement

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. G 31 Published on 1 August 2019

1 August 2019

Fisheries (yabby pot) Notice 2019

VR Fish Submission

NFA Submission

Fisheries (yabby pot) Notice 2019

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. G 26 Published on 27 June 2019

1 July 2019

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2019 (PDF - 140.3 KB)

Eastrock submission (PDF - 69.2 KB)

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2019 (PDF - 140.3 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victorian Government Gazette – No. G 26 Published on 27 June 2019

1 July 2019

2019/20 Rock Lobster Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Eastern Zone Rock Lobster Industry Association (PDF - 213.4 KB)
Seafood Industry Victoria and Victoria Rock Lobster Association (PDF - 757.0 KB)
VRFish (PDF - 1.1 MB)
Eastern Zone Rock Lobster Fishers (PDF - 139.1 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2019/20 TACC has been set for the Victorian rock lobster fishery.

Rock Lobster further quota order (PDF - 59.8 KB)
Rationale for setting the rock lobster TACC (PDF - 111.7 KB)

1 July 2019

2019/20 Giant Crab Fishery Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No submissions received.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2019/20 TACC has been set for the Victorian giant crab fishery.

Giant Crab further quota order (PDF - 47.5 KB)
Rationale for setting the giant crab TACC (PDF - 82.0 KB)

1 July 2019

2019/20 Ocean Scallop Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

No submissions received.

Further Quota Order for 2019/20 Ocean Scallop TACC

1 April 2019

Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan

Submissions were received from 26 individuals/groups. Submissions that could be made publicly available are attached below.


In September 2018, the Hon. Jaala Pulford, Minister for Agriculture declared the Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan. More information and a copy of the plan can be found below.

Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan (PDF - 3.9 MB)

September 2018

Victorian Pipi Fishery Management Plan 2018

Submissions were received from 48 individuals/groups. Submissions that could be made publicly available are attached below.


In September 2018, the Hon. Jaala Pulford, Minister for Agriculture declared the Victorian Pipi Fishery Management Plan 2018. More information and a copy of the plan can be found below.

Victorian Pipi Fishery Management Plan 2018

September 2018

Fisheries (Ray Protection) Notice 2018

Jacqui Younger (Rays Awareness) submission

PT Hirschfield (Project Banjo) submission
(PDF - 466.3 KB)

Victorian National Parks Association submission (PDF - 98.7 KB)

VRFish submission
(PDF - 994.4 KB)

Signed Fisheries (Ray Protection) Notice 2018
(PDF - 125.1 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victoria Government Gazette – No. S 442

24 September 2018

Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2018

Victorian National Parks Association submission (PDF - 98.7 KB)

VR Fish submission
(PDF - 986.5 KB)

Signed Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2018
(PDF - 204.9 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victoria Government Gazette – No. S 442

24 September 2018

Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2018

Victorian National Parks Association submission (PDF - 98.7 KB)

VR Fish submission
(PDF - 999.4 KB)

Signed Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2018
(PDF - 66.6 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victoria Government Gazette – No. S 442

24 September 2018

Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2018

Victorian National Parks Association submission (PDF - 98.7 KB)

VR Fish submission
(PDF - 988.8 KB)

Signed Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2018 (PDF - 317.9 KB)

Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2018 - Explanatory Statement
(PDF - 268.3 KB)

Fisheries (Victorian Pipis) Notice 2018 map
(PDF - 723.0 KB)

The Gazetted Fisheries Notice can also be viewed in the Victoria Government Gazette – No. S 442

24 September 2018

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2018

Submissions - Rock Lobster Tagging Notice renewal 2018   (PDF - 246.5 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice has been renewed for a further 12 months.

Signed Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2018 (PDF - 197.4 KB)

Fisheries (Rock Lobster Tagging) Notice 2018 - Explanatory Statement (PDF - 63.4 KB)

1 July 2018

Fisheries (Western Port/Prot Phillip Bay Fishery catch limit) Notice 2018

10 formal submissions were received from licence holders and representative bodies. The submissions have not been made publicly available, as the respondents did not provide express permission.

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries Notice setting catch limits on licences in the Westernport/Port Phillip Bay Fishery fishery is now effective.

A copy of the Fisheries Notice can be obtained at the Fisheries Legislation and Regulation page.

The VFA response to submissions can be found below.

Outcome of consultation (PDF - 53.0 KB)

21 June 2018

2018/19 Sea Urchin total allowable commercial catch (TACC)

SIV submission (PDF - 116.1 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2018/19 TACC have been set for the sea urchin fishery.

2018/19 Sea Urchin Further Quota Order (WORD - 21.2 KB)

Rationale for setting the TACC
(WORD - 15.0 KB)

1 July 2018

Proposed minimum size limit for mako shark species

Submissions from almost 195 different individuals and organisations were received. The submissions received from organisations are attached below. Please note that the remaining submissions have not been made publicly available, as the respondents have not provided express permission. These submissions were all sent by email.

Greenvale Sports and Game Fishing Club (WORD - 47.5 KB)

Portland Sports Fishing Club (WORD - 243.5 KB)

Paul Carter (The Live Well) (WORD - 18.4 KB)

Bass Strait Game Fishing (WORD - 274.5 KB)

Metropolitan Anglers Association (PDF - 69.7 KB)

VRFish (PDF - 1.0 MB)

Seafood Industry Victoria (PDF - 111.3 KB)

Boating Industry Association of Victoria (PDF - 601.5 KB)

The VFA took the VRFish proposal for a mako minimum size to the fishing community and received nearly 200 submissions during the public consultation period. The proposal has not been widely supported by anglers and will not proceed. Feedback through the consultation process suggested that an education and awareness campaign, rather than regulation, is a better option and promotes responsible fishing, catch and release for juvenile mako sharks. The VFA has listened to the recreational anglers on this proposal and decided that a different path will reach a similar outcome, which is a win-win for anglers and the species.

14 June 2018

2018/19 Rock Lobster and Giant Crab Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Fiordland Lobster Company (WORD - 16.0 KB)

Victorian Rock Lobster Assosiation (WORD - 16.0 KB)

Maddens Lawyers (PDF - 237.0 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2018/19 TACC has been set for the rock lobster and giant crab fisheries.

Further quota order for the Victorian rock lobster fishery (PDF - 40.7 KB)

Rationale for setting the rock lobster TACC 2018/19 (PDF - 73.0 KB)

Further quota order for the Western Zone of the Victorian giant crab fishery (PDF - 30.8 KB)

Rationale for retting the Victorian giant crab fishery TACC 2018/19

1 July 2018

2018/19 abalone total allowable commercial catch (TACC)

Submissions on the 2018/19 Abalone TACC
(WORD - 25.9 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2018/19 TACC have been set for the abalone fishery

Further Abalone Quota Order (Eastern and Central Abalone Zones) (WORD - 23.1 KB)

Further Abalone Quota Order (Western Abalone Zone) (WORD - 21.7 KB)

Fisheries (Central Abalone Zone) Notice 2018 (WORD - 44.8 KB)

Fisheries (Eastern Abalone Zone) Notice 2018 (WORD - 42.2 KB)

Fisheries (Western Abalone Zone) Notice 2018 (WORD - 34.6 KB)

Rationale for setting the TACC (WORD - 18.6 KB)

1 April 2018

Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2017 (WORD - 27.0 KB)

Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2017 (WORD - 38.0 KB)

VRFish Response to Snapper catch limits (PDF - 113.1 KB)

VRFish Response to Abalone open days (PDF - 130.8 KB)

SDFV Response to Abalone open days (PDF - 23.8 KB)

Daryl Stewart's response to commercial snapper catch limit (PDF - 56.2 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice 2017 and Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice 2017 have been continued for another 12 months.

Letter for Snapper catch limit (IMAGE - 243.9 KB)

Letter for Abalone open days (IMAGE - 301.9 KB)

24 October 2017

Draft Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan 2017

Seafood Industry Victoria on behalf of commercial eel industry:

East Gippsland Wild Caught Fisheries Eels and Carp Group

Australian Platypus Conservancy

In August 2017, Hon. Jaala Pulford, Minister for Agriculture, declared the Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan 2017. More information and a copy of the plan can be found at:

Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan 2017

28 August 2017

Rock Lobster Tagging Fisheries Notice

VRFish (WORD - 103.0 KB)

SCUBA Diver's Federation of Victoria (WORD - 882.9 KB)

Victorian Rock Lobster Association (WORD - 66.3 KB)

Ross Winstanley, Recreational Fisher (WORD - 14.2 KB)

Jordan Hill, Member of Southern Freedivers (WORD - 13.6 KB)

The tagging of recreationally caught rock lobsters commenced on 1 July 2017. For more information on the program please visit

A copy of the Rock Lobster Tagging Fisheries Notice can be obtained at the Fisheries Legislation and Regulation  page.

1 July 2017

2017/2018 Ocean Scallop TACC

Submissions on the 2017/2018 Ocean Scallop Total Allowable Commercial Catch (WORD - 19.7 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2017/2018 Total Allowable Commercial Catches have been set for the ocean scallop fishery:

Rationale for setting the TACC (WORD - 177.8 KB)

Further Scallop Quota Order (WORD - 23.9 KB)

1 April 2017

2018/19 Ocean Scallop Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC)

Scallop Fishermans Association (PDF - 980.4 KB)

A Ciconte, Recreational Fisher (PDF - 194.6 KB)

Following consultation in accordance with Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995, the 2018/2019 Total Allowable Commercial Catches have been set for the ocean scallop fishery:

Rationale for setting the TACC (WORD - 985.0 KB)

SIV Response to Scallop TACC (PDF - 204.6 KB)

Further Quota Order from the Scallop Ocean Fishery (PDF - 182.9 KB)


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Please direct any enquiries about Victoria's Fisheries Consultative Arrangements to our Customer Service Centre on 136 186.