
Permits are required to undertake activities that would otherwise contravene the provisions of the Fisheries Act 1995 and supporting regulations.

The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) issue permits under s.49, s.72, s.81 of the Fisheries Act 1995 (the Act).

Applications for permits are assessed on an individual basis after fully completed forms have been lodged with the VFA and the required application fee (if applicable) has been paid. This assessment my take up to 6 weeks, dependent on the level of complexity of the proposed activity and any other permits that are also being considered, noting that the VFA processes around 350 permits each year.

You will need to submit a permit application form if you want to engage in activities that are not normally allowed under fisheries legislation. To be eligible, you will need to provide a good, evidence-based reason why this permit should be issued for the requested activity.

You will need to submit a written proposal with your application describing your intended activities including:

  • the purpose of the permit;
  • information about the species;
  • the number of specimens you wish to take;
  • the location of your activity; and
  • the gear you intend to use.

Depending on the type of permit you apply for, you may also need to provide supporting information to meet eligibility criteria to be assessed as a fit and proper person under the Act. The VFA will contact you if this information needs to be included as part of your application.

Permits are only given where the VFA is satisfied that there is good reason for the proposed activity, and where applicable, the applicant has passed the required fit and proper assessment.

Permits may be issued for periods of up to 3 years and can be cancelled at any time.

Privacy statement

The Victorian Government is committed to protecting information about you and has enacted the Information Privacy Act 2000 to provide a statutory framework to guide government departments in their personal information handling.

The VFA values and protects the personal information it collects in the course of undertaking its responsibilities and continues to demonstrate a strong culture of protecting the confidentiality and privacy of clients and members of the community.

The information you supply in transactions that is collected by VFA is not traded, sold or licensed. Personal information provided by you will not be used/disclosed for any purpose other than the purpose of the transaction you have entered unless such a use or disclosure is required or authorised by the Information Privacy Act 2000, Fisheries Act 1995 or other legislation. If you wish to access information held about you, please contact the Commercial Licensing team at or on 1800 620 896.