Native Fish Releases
Native Fish

Between November and April each year, we stock native fish fingerlings. These fish average about one gram each. Snobs Creek breeds some Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch for stocking and the rest of the fish required for stocking, such as golden perch, silver perch, Australian bass and additional Murray cod purchased from commercial fish growers.
These species are native to the Murray-Darling Basin and are thus stocked north of the Great Dividing Range. More recently, selected lakes and streams in Gippsland have been stocked with Australian bass which are native to the coastal flowing streams east of Wilsons Promontory. Estuary perch, a close relative of bass, have also been stocked in a number of coastal drainage waters in the state.
For an historical list of native fish stocking in Victorian waters by The Victorian Fisheries Authority see below: