Eastern Port Phillip Management Plan - Implementation of the Management Plan

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This Plan describes the management of aquaculture fisheries reserves in Eastern Port Phillip Bay, with emphasis on ESD. The Plan has effect following its declaration by the Minister by notice in the Victoria Government Gazette. Implementation of the Plan will require actions by Government in respect of certain policy matters, by DPI in respect of day-to-day management, and by other stakeholders.

Key actions to be undertaken in the implementation of the Plan

The key actions to be undertaken to implement the recommendations of the Eastern Port Phillip Bay Fisheries Reserves Management Plan are listed and numbered below. Note that these tasks are not in priority order. A timetable for the implementation of these key actions is provided in Appendix 13. Many key actions must be completed prior to the allocation of sites, Crown leases or aquaculture licences. A list of recommended charges, fees and levies relating to implementation of the Plan is provided in Appendix 14. The purpose, process, timelines, outputs, outcomes and costs for the implementation of each of the key actions are detailed in Table 7. Note in this Table reference to cost is made on the basis that those key actions that will be implemented within the current Fisheries Victoria budget are referred to as 'within budget costs' (for example no additional funding is required). Where additional funding is required to implement key actions, an estimate of the costs to implement that action is provided.

Key Actions

  1. Develop classes of aquaculture licence specific to each Reserve.
  2. Prepare guidelines prescribing detailed methods and standards for undertaking environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring within the Reserves.
  3. Develop Crown lease clauses and aquaculture licence conditions for environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring respectively.
  4. Develop a data management system for the storage of environmental baseline survey and ongoing monitoring information.
  5. Review/revise capacity for reporting on commercial aquaculture production specifically from the Reserves.
  6. Develop protocols for the management of translocation of live aquatic organisms within, to and from the Reserves where appropriate.
  7. Implement, where possible, speed restrictions for boating in the Reserves.
  8. Develop guidelines for surveying of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
  9. Develop a Crown lease clause and aquaculture licence condition for boundary marking of lease/licence sites within the Reserves.
  10. Mark external boundaries of the Reserves for navigation purposes, develop a program of regular inspection and maintenance of navigation marks in the Reserves, and prescribe a levy for the recovery of the associated costs.
  11. Develop aquaculture licence conditions prescribing surface infrastructure requirements within the Reserves.
  12. Determine minimum standards for secure attachment of buoys to aquaculture infrastructure and the rehabilitation of lease sites in relation to discarded, derelict and inappropriate aquaculture equipment.
  13. Develop and implement a compliance strategy relating to the Reserves.
  14. Develop bond or bank guarantee provisions for cost recovery for the removal of abandoned commercial aquaculture equipment.
  15. Develop a Crown lease clause and aquaculture licence condition requiring public liability trespass insurance.
  16. Develop an aquaculture licence condition relating to maintenance of environmental standards within the Reserves.
  17. Develop an industry code of practice to facilitate the implementation of the Plan.
  18. Review the need for an active cultured stock health surveillance program within the Reserves.
  19. Prepare a research and development action plan, and establish a research and development site as required on the basis of strategic needs within the Reserves.
  20. Determine the size, location and orientation of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
  21. Develop Crown lease clauses and aquaculture licence conditions prescribing minimum rates of development within the Reserves.
  22. Extend the existing VSQAP to meet industry needs.
  23. Develop a communication strategy to inform other users about access to the Reserves.
  24. Undertake a review of the economics of aquaculture in eastern Port Phillip Bay.
  25. Review the Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan.

Table 7: Implementation tasks for key actions

1 Key action Develop classes of aquaculture licence specific to each Reserve.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to review legislative mechanisms for prescribing classes of aquaculture licence.
– Fisheries Victoria to determine the classes of aquaculture licence required to manage aquaculture activity within the Reserves as required by the Plan.
– Fisheries Victoria to prescribe the classes of aquaculture licence.
Timelines Within three months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Classes of aquaculture licence specific for each Reserve.
Outcomes Effective management, cost-recovery, reporting, implementation and compliance for the Reserves.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
2 Key action Prepare guidelines prescribing detailed methods and standards for undertaking environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to review best practice environmental monitoring and assessment methods, results of the Reserves' characterisation surveys, outcomes of expertise based risk assessment and proposed aquaculture activity.
– Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria in consultation with relevant agencies will prescribe detailed guidelines for the methods and standards for undertaking environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring.
– The Secretary will, in consultation with industry, develop an audit plan for the environmental monitoring framework and appoint an independent auditor.
Timelines – Prior to expression of interest process for greenfield sites.
– For existing licence holders within six months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Detailed guidelines for baseline survey and ongoing monitoring methods and standards.
Outcomes Comprehensive, scientifically valid and reliable environmental information to support an adaptive, ESD-based management framework.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
3 Key action Develop Crown lease clauses and aquaculture licence conditions for environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring respectively.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to review characterisation surveys, guidelines for environmental baseline surveys and monitoring of Crown lease sites, risk assessment outcomes and proposed aquaculture activity.
– Based on the above, DSE in consultation with Fisheries Victoria to prescribe specific Crown lease clauses/aquaculture licence conditions for environmental baseline surveys/ongoing monitoring.
Timelines a) Prior to the expression of interest process for Crown lease clauses in respect of environmental baseline surveys for greenfield sites.
b) Prior to issue of aquaculture licences in respect of ongoing environmental monitoring for greenfield sites.
c) Within six months for existing licence holders, in respect of ongoing environmental monitoring.
Outputs Crown lease and aquaculture licence conditions for environmental baseline surveys and ongoing monitoring.
Outcomes Flexible regulatory mechanism to prescribe and facilitate compliance with the environmental management requirements of the Plan.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
4 Key action Develop a data management system for the storage of environmental baseline survey and ongoing monitoring information.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to complete a needs analysis to define and prioritise data management system requirements.
– Fisheries Victoria to review available data management systems.
– Fisheries Victoria to summarise cost-effective options and make final recommendations on appropriate system, including resource requirements, staging of implementation (where appropriate), and timelines from implementation.
– Fisheries Victoria to implement preferred data management system.
Timelines Within two years of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs A functional, cost-effective, secure and readily accessible data management system for aquaculture licences, Crown leases and environmental monitoring and assessment information.
Outcomes – Information-based decision support capacity for ESD-based management of all offshore marine aquaculture fisheries reserves.
– Enhanced capacity for reporting on ESD performance of the Reserves.
Cost $50 000 (estimate).
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
5 Key action Review/revise capacity for reporting on commercial aquaculture production specifically from the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to review existing production reporting process.
– Fisheries Victoria in consultation with industry to determine production reporting requirements.
– Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria to revise existing process to accommodate specific reporting requirements for the Reserves.
Timelines Within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Reliable, comprehensive and timely reporting of aquaculture production data for the Reserves.
Outcomes Effective and efficient evaluation of relevant socio-economic objectives of the Plan.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
6 Key action Develop protocols for the management of translocation of live aquatic organisms within, to and from the Reserves where appropriate.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria in consultation with relevant agencies to determine the protocols required for the management of translocation of live aquatic organisms within, to and from the Reserves.
– Based on the Guidelines for Assessing Translocation of Live Aquatic Organisms in Victoria, Fisheries Victoria to develop detailed protocols for application to aquaculture activity in the Reserves, where appropriate.
Timelines Ongoing.
Outputs Protocols for the translocation of live aquatic organisms within, to and from the Reserves.
Outcomes Regulatory mechanism for and effective management of threats associated with transmission of disease and biodiversity impacts relating to loss of genetic integrity of endemic species and introduction of exotic species.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
7 Key action Implement, where possible, speed restrictions for boating in the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria in consultation with Marine Safety Victoria and Parks Victoria to identify process for establishing boating speed restrictions within PPB.
– Fisheries Victoria in consultation with Marine Safety Victoria and Parks Victoria to identify responsibilities for enforcing boating speed limits within the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria, in consultation/collaboration with Marine Safety Victoria, Parks Victoria and other appropriate agencies, to implement and enforce boating speed restrictions within the Reserves where appropriate.
Timelines Within six months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Appropriate boating speed restriction arrangements in place for the Reserves.
Outcomes Safe boating with minimal impact on aquaculture activity within the Reserves.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
8 Key action Develop guidelines for surveying of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to consult Land Registry and Crown Land Management (DSE) on the appropriate methods, standards and reporting for surveying of Crown leases.
– Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria to develop guidelines for surveying of Crown leases for marine aquaculture within the Reserves.
Timelines Prior to the issue of Crown leases.
Outputs Guidelines for surveying of Crown leases for marine aquaculture within Reserves.
Outcomes Crown lease sites accurately defined and marked within the Reserves.
Costs Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
9 Key action Develop a Crown lease clause and aquaculture licence condition for navigation marking of lease/licence sites within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with Parks Victoria, the Port of Melbourne Corporation, Victorian Regional Channel Authority and Marine Safety Victoria, to develop standards for the navigation marking of aquaculture sites within the Reserves.
– DSE, in consultation with Fisheries Victoria, to develop an appropriate clause requiring lease holders to mark Crown leases (sites), as specified by Fisheries Victoria at the cost of the lease holder.
– Fisheries Victoria, consistent with the aforementioned Crown lease clause, to develop an appropriate aquaculture licence condition requiring existing licence holders to mark licence sites, as specified by Fisheries Victoria at the cost of the licence holder.
Timelines – Prior to expression of interest process for greenfield sites.
– For existing licence holders within three months of the declaration of thePlan.
Outputs – A clause for inclusion on Crown leases specifying navigation markingrequirements.
– A condition for inclusion on existing licences specifying navigation markingrequirements.
Outcomes Safe and orderly access to the Reserves for boats.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
10 Key action Mark external boundaries of the Reserves for navigation purposes, develop a program of regular inspection and maintenance of navigation marks in the Reserves, and prescribe a levy for the recovery of the associated costs.
Tasks 1. Fisheries Victoria to liaise with the Port of Melbourne Corporation, Parks Victoria and Marine Safety Victoria regarding type, number and location of navigation marking infrastructure for the Reserves.
2. Fisheries Victoria, following consultation with the FCC and relevant industry representatives on selection of marks, to acquire and deploy appropriate navigation marking infrastructure.
3. Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with the Port of Melbourne Corporation, Parks Victoria and Marine Safety Victoria, to develop an appropriate infrastructure inspection and maintenance program.
4. Fisheries Victoria to implement an inspection and maintenance program.
5. Service providers for the inspection and maintenance program to be sourced by a public process.
6. Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria to implement a levy for all the Reserves' aquaculture licence holders to recover inspection and maintenance costs levied to licence holders pro rata on the basis of area licenced.
Timelines For 1-3:
– Within three months of the declaration of the Plan for existing aquaculture zones.
– For greenfield sites, prior to the granting of Crown leases.
b) For 4-6: within three months of the completion of 1-3.
Outputs – Navigation infrastructure in place at the Reserves, along with associated inspection and maintenance program.
– A levy to recover on behalf of the Government all ongoing costs for inspection and maintenance of navigation infrastructure marking the Reserves.
Outcomes A safe and secure demarcation of the Reserves and recovery of all costs associated with ongoing inspection and maintenance of navigation infrastructure.
Cost $110 000 (estimate) for initial marking; $10 000 (estimate based on 10% amortisation of replacement cost plus inspection and incidentals) for ongoing maintenance.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
11 Key action Develop aquaculture licence conditions prescribing surface infrastructure requirements within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with relevant industry representatives and existing licence holders to determine requirements for aquaculture licence conditions prescribing surface infrastructure requirements within the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria to develop classes of aquaculture licences for each Reserve.
– Review proposed aquaculture activity and associated infrastructure needs for the Reserves.
– Draft aquaculture licence conditions consistent with the Plan for visual amenity of surface infrastructure.
– Prescribe aquaculture licence condition(s) for infrastructure.
Timelines – Prior to granting aquaculture licences for greenfield sites within the Reserves.
– For existing licences within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Licence conditions managing visual infrastructure deployment to protect visual amenity values.
Outcomes Protected visual amenity and enhanced stakeholder satisfaction with the Reserves as a result of reduced/minimal alteration in visual amenity values from aquaculture development within the Reserves.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
12 Key action Determine minimum standards for secure attachment of buoys to aquaculture infrastructure and the rehabilitation of lease sites in relation to discarded, derelict and inappropriate aquaculture equipment.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with relevant industry representatives and Parks Victoria, to determine options for secure attachment and identification of buoys to aquaculture infrastructure.
– Fisheries Victoria to develop minimum standards for the attachment and identification of aquaculture production infrastructure.
– Fisheries Victoria to develop inspection and maintenance standards of the infrastructure, including documentation and reporting requirements for relevant information on maintenance activities and incidents (for example loss of infrastructure such as buoys).
– Fisheries Victoria to prescribe standard conditions for each aquaculture licence issued for the Reserves
Timelines – Prior to granting aquaculture licences for greenfield sites within the Reserves.
– For existing licences within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Aquaculture licence conditions outlining identification, security, maintenance and recovery of aquaculture production infrastructure within the Reserves.
Outcomes – Reduced navigation hazards due to lost and or insecure aquaculture infrastructure.
– Reduced environmental and visual amenity impacts from aquaculture infrastructure lost from the Reserves.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
13 Key action Develop a compliance strategy relating to the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to list all relevant aquaculture licence conditions and Crown lease clauses.
– Fisheries Victoria to identify all management actions relating to the Reserves for which there is a compliance requirement.
– Fisheries Victoria to identify all other stakeholders with compliance responsibilities within the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria to identify compliance techniques relating to previously listed actions.
– Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with identified stakeholders, develop and implement the compliance strategy.
Timelines Within six months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Development and implementation of a compliance strategy which includes needs of the Reserves.
Outcomes – An appropriate level of compliance with management actions for the Reserves.
– Effective implementation of the Plan.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
14 Key action Develop bond or bank guarantee provisions for cost recovery for the removal of abandoned commercial aquaculture equipment.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with relevant industry representatives and existing licence holders, to determine the preferred mechanism, either bonds or bank guarantee.
– DSE in consultation with Fisheries Victoria to develop a Crown lease clause requiring the lease holder to provide a legally enforceable bond or bank guarantee (Consumer Price Index adjusted and reviewed with the Plan).
Timelines Prior to granting Crown leases.
Outputs A clause prescribing a bond or bank guarantee relating to the removal of abandoned infrastructure.
Outcomes Maintenance of environmental standards and navigation safety in terms of the removal of abandoned infrastructure.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
15 Key action Develop a Crown lease clause and aquaculture licence condition requiring public liability trespass insurance.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to identify the public liability risks to which the State of Victoria is exposed through implementation of the Plan.
– Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria to identify the requirements for public liability insurance to indemnify the State of Victoria against financial loss.
– Fisheries Victoria following consultation with the insurance industry to develop a Crown lease clause requiring the Crown lease holder to obtain relevant public liability insurance indemnifying the State of Victoria.
– Fisheries Victoria to develop a condition for existing licences requiring the licence holder to obtain relevant public liability insurance indemnifying the State of Victoria.
Timelines – Prior to granting Crown leases for greenfield sites.
– For existing licences within three months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs – All Crown lease holders are adequately insured against trespass.
– All current licence holders are adequately insured against trespass consistent with the aforementioned Crown lease requirements.
Outcomes Reduced financial risk to the State of Victoria.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
16 Key action Develop an aquaculture licence condition relating to maintenance of environmental standards within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to identify the provisions of the Plan in relation to environmental standards and the associated performance indicators, management triggers and remedial actions.
– Fisheries Victoria to develop aquaculture licence conditions requiring the appropriate management actions to be undertaken by, and at the cost of, the aquaculture licence holder in the event of an environmental standard being breached.
Timelines – Prior to granting aquaculture licences for greenfield sites.
– For existing licences within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Establishment of arrangements for the appropriate remediation responses for Crown lease/aquaculture licence sites within the Reserves. Maintenance of environmental standards within the Reserves. Within program costs. Fisheries Victoria
Outcomes Maintenance of environmental standards within the Reserves.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
17 Key action Develop an industry code of practice to facilitate the implementation of the Plan.
Tasks – FCC in consultation with existing licence holders and relevant industry representatives to identify issues to be resolved through the development and implementation of an industry code of practice, including noise and lighting, waste and other aspects of environmental management.
– FCC to prioritise development of a code of practice, develop an implementation plan and identify/acquire appropriate resources.
– FCC to action implementation plan for code of practice.
Timelines Within the life of the Plan.
Outputs Code of practice facilitating the implementation of the Eastern Port Phillip Bay Management Plan.
Outcomes Industry self-regulation of certain issues associated with the management of the Reserves.
Cost $30 000 (estimate).
Responsible agency FCC
18 Key action Review the need for an active cultured stock health surveillance program within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria and the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer to identify the requirements for an active cultured stock health surveillance program for the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria and the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer to outline the requirements, benefits and costs to industry of an active cultured stock health surveillance program within the Reserves.
– Industry and Government to decide on cost-effectiveness of implementing an active cultured stock health surveillance program.
Timelines Within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Dependent upon industry and government decision regarding the need for an active cultured stock health surveillance program.
Outcomes As above.
Cost To be determined.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
19 Key action Prepare a research and development action plan, and establish a research and development site as required on the basis of strategic needs within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, relevant industry representatives and PIRVic to review sectoral, state and national research and development strategies relevant to marine aquaculture in Victoria and the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria, relevant industry representatives and PIRVic to identify a process for the preparation/ prioritisation and annual review of three year research and development action plan that recognises both strategic and applied research needs.
– Fisheries Victoria, relevant industry representatives and PIRVic to prepare a three year research and development action plan for marine aquaculture fisheries reserves that recognises both strategic and applied research needs in the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria, relevant industry representatives and PIRVic to identify and establish an appropriate site for undertaking research and development on behalf of the Secretary, DPI, within the MMAFR as required on the basis of strategic research and development needs within eastern Port Phillip Bay.
Timelines a) Complete the action plan within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
b) Research and development action plan to be annually reviewed.
c) Establish a research and development site, if required, during the design of the MMAFR.
Outputs – Three year research and development action plan for the Reserves.
– A research and development site if required.
Outcomes Timely, relevant and cost-effective research and development within the Reserves.
Cost $20 000 (estimate).
Responsible Fisheries Victoria
20 Key action Determine the size, location and orientation of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to determine the factors to be considered in the design of the Crown lease sites within the Reserves including: economic viability, separation distances for access, buffer zones, water flows and carrying capacity.
– Fisheries Victoria to determine option(s) for Crown lease sizes, orientation, location & aquaculture activity.
– Fisheries Victoria to consult with the existing licence holder within the Reserves, the FCC and relevant industry representatives on options for the design of the Reserves.
– Fisheries Victoria to finalise the design of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
Timelines Prior to expression of interest process for greenfield sites.
Outputs ESD compliant design of Crown lease sites within the Reserves.
Outcomes Optimal aquaculture development of the Reserves within an ESD framework.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
21 Key action Develop Crown lease clauses and aquaculture licence conditions prescribing minimum rates of development within the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to develop an aquaculture licence conditions for minimum rates of development on a cases by case basis relevant to the proposed aquaculture activity within the Reserves, including a development plan submitted by the proponent.
– Based on the above, Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with DSE, to develop a Crown lease clause as required.
Timelines – Prior to granting Crown leases for greenfield sites.
– For existing licences within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Crown lease clauses and aquaculture licence conditions specifying minimum rates of development.
Outcomes Optimal aquaculture development of the Reserves within ESD framework.
Cost Within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
22 Key action Extend the existing VSQAP to meet industry needs.
Tasks – The State Shellfish Control Agency, in consultation with existing licence holders, relevant industry representatives and the Victorian Shellfish Quality Assurance Advisory Committee to determine the reserves to be included in the VSQAP.
– The State Shellfish Control Agency to determine monitoring and sanitary survey requirements for the reserves identified by industry to be compliant with the ASQAP Operations Manual (2002).
– The State Shellfish Control Agency to design and cost a monitoring and sanitary survey program for the above reserves to meet ASQAP requirements.
– The State Shellfish Control Agency to implement sanitary survey and monitoring program for the above reserves subject to funding arrangements.
Timelines Within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs Water and product quality monitoring for the Reserves.
Outcomes Quality assured aquaculture bivalve shellfish product.
Cost $65 000 (estimate).
Responsible agency The State Shellfish Control Agency
23 Key action Develop a communication strategy to inform other users about access to the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to identify other users, key information requirements, effective means of information distribution and processes for updating information packages.
– Fisheries Victoria to prepare a communication strategy in consultation with existing licence holders, relevant industry representatives and VRFish.
– Fisheries Victoria to implement the communication strategy.
Timelines Within 12 months of the declaration of the Plan.
Outputs – A communication strategy for the Reserves.
– Information relevant to the Reserves via Internet sites, literature etc.
Outcomes Informed other users.
Cost $20 000 (estimate).
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria
24 Key action Undertake a review of the economics of aquaculture in the Reserves.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with relevant industry, to set the terms of reference for this review with consideration given to determining the financial performance indicators.
– The relevant representative industry organisation, in consultation with existing industry and Fisheries Victoria, to undertake a review of the economics of aquaculture within the Reserves.
Timelines Within the life of the Plan.
Outputs Documented information on the economic factors impacting on the economic performance of aquaculture within the Reserves.
Outcomes Improved understanding of the key economic factors that may have an impact upon the viability and rate of growth of the aquaculture industry within the Reserves.
Cost $25 000 (estimate).
Responsible agency Relevant representative industry organisation and Fisheries Victoria
25 Key action Review the Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan.
Tasks – Fisheries Victoria to undertake environmental assessment of the reference sites to allow comparison with the baseline surveys.
– Fisheries Victoria to review the performance of the Plan against the performance indicators and reference points of the Plan.
– Fisheries Victoria to identify relevant stakeholders.
– Fisheries Victoria to establish a steering committee to review the Plan and implement the review process.
Timelines Commence at month 30 of the Plan to be completed prior to the end of the life of the Plan.
Outputs Review of the Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan.
Outcomes Basis for the drafting of the new Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan.
Cost – Survey costs yet to be defined.
– Review (including steering committee costs) within program costs.
Responsible agency Fisheries Victoria