Record 11.5 million fish stocked

In 2023-24, the VFA stocked an all-time record 11.5 million fish into Victoria's lakes and rivers.

This isn't just a state record, but a national fish stocking record, with more than 29.5 million fish released into Victorian waters in the three years to July 2024.

We first stocked a record 10 million fish in 2021-22, delivering on a commitment of the State Government's Go Fishing Victoria plan.

Through a further $96m State Government investment into improving fishing, boating, piers and aquaculture, we've now ventured into uncharted and exciting waters!

Our stocking program is also funded by your recreational fishing licence fees.

To find out what was stocked and where across the record-breaking season, click the links below:

Fish stocking breakdowns - 2023/24

Barwon South West




Loddon Mallee

Metro Melbourne

Breakdown by species