Maribyrnong - Angling Waters
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Barringo Creek, Barringo
Not shown on the map. Melway Ref: 509 H11
Small, entrenched creek flowing through forest then farmland. Up to 2 m in width with pools to 50 cm deep. Rubble, gravel and rock substrate. Lower reaches have severe bank erosion and blackberries. Contains short-finned eel and brown trout but is not recognized as an angling water.
Bolinda Creek, Bolinda
A small creek with headwaters in forest then flowing through open woodland and farmland. Upper reaches are up to 2 m in width with pools to 50 cm deep. Sand and rubble substrate. The lower reaches are up to 6 m wide with pools to 100 cm deep. Sand and mud substrate. Some willows and algal growth but abundant fish cover and woody habitat present. Contains short-finned eel, mountain galaxias, redfin, tench and brown trout. Flows through private property but accessible from several road crossings. Not a recognised angling water.
Boyd Creek, Darraweit Guim
Not shown on map.
Small tributary of Deep Creek located in cleared farmland. Sand and gravel substrate and some sedimentation from bank erosion. Mostly shallow water with a few pools. Fishing access at road crossings. Fish include brown trout to 450 g (av. 100 g), short-finned eel, common galaxias, small redfin, Australian smelt and flathead gudgeon. Low value angling water.
Deep Creek, Lancefield
The longest and major tributary of the Maribyrnong River system. Flows through farmland and has sparse riparian vegetation.
Upstream of Lancefield
Consists of a narrow, open, weedy-channel, less than 4 m wide. There are extensive pools 120-200 cm deep separated by very shallow riffles. The still water and abundant aquatic vegetation provide habitat for Yarra pygmy perch. Other fish species are southern pygmy perch, mountain galaxias and short-finned eels.
Lancefield to Darraweit Guim
This section is 25 km in length. Channel width is 10-14 m. There are shallow, fast-water riffles with extensive long pools (40% of the river) up to 260 cm deep. Substrate is rock, rubble and boulders. The riffles become shallow and exposed during summer but there is abundant habitat all year in the pools. Contains short-finned eel, brown trout to 420 g, (av. 100 g) with occasional fish to 1 kg, tench, mountain galaxias, eastern gambusia, Australian smelt, goldfish, common galaxias, flathead gudgeon, and Yarra pygmy perch downstream as far as the Lancefield/Kilmore Road Bridge. Fishing is restricted to the pools, because of the shallow nature of the riffles. The pools cannot be waded. Access is again restricted to road crossings because private property usually extends to the waters edge.
Downstream of Darraweit Guim
The creek extends for another 30 km downstream to the junction of Jacksons Creek. Channel structure is similar to upstream although the banks can be up to 4 m in height. Pools are extensive, forming 30% of the waterway. They are up to 200 cm deep and provide permanent habitat. Riffles can be fast-flowing but again are usually quite shallow. Substrate is rubble, gravel and rock. Contains similar fish species to those upstream with common European carp also present in the lower reaches. River blackfish used to occur but have not been reported since 1970. Access is difficult, as previously described. Not stocked by Fisheries Victoria since 1983.
Emu Creek, Bolinda
Rises as a number of tributaries (including Charlies and Bolinda Creeks) in gentle sloping forest, north-east of Mt. Macedon. Deeply entrenched in its lower reaches and flows through basalt rock. Catchment is mostly farmland with little riparian vegetation. Channel width varies from 1-6 m upstream to 10 m at Gailles Road. Pools form around 20% of the channel and are up to 170 cm deep. Substrate is rock.
The channel is in good condition with no sedimentation and excellent habitat in the pools (particularly in the lower reaches). Access is limited by the scarcity of road crossings and private property. Anglers are discouraged by some property owners so please ask for permission to enter. Contains brown trout to 750 g, tench to 800 g and abundant short-finned eel, also common galaxias, southern pygmy perch, Australian smelt and mountain galaxias.
Gisborne Creek, Gisborne
Rises in State Forest then flows through farmland. A few small pools. Substrate is gravel and rubble with some sedimentation. Access is through private property or at road crossings. Carries brown trout to 350 g (av. 90 g).
Jacksons Creek, Sunbury
The creek flows out of Rosslyne Reservoir and has little flow until picking up additional water from the sewage treatment plants at Gisborne and Sunbury. It flows through open farmland along its entire length with a thin strip of riparian vegetation downstream of Sunbury. Channel width varies from 2-6 m upstream to 10-15 m in the middle and lower reaches. Substrate along its length is predominantly rubble and bedrock. Although there is little sedimentation, there is some mud, aquatic vegetation and algal growth in the upper section.
There are numerous pools to 110 cm deep and shallow riffles downstream to Sunbury, then very extensive pools downstream to the Deep Creek junction, with deep water and excellent habitat. Access is restricted because the creek is often some distance from the road and most of the stream bank is within private property. However there are some road crossings and parklands and permission can be obtained from landholders to cross to the creek. Fishing is restricted to the banks as the pools cannot be waded. Best fishing is downstream from the junction of Riddells Creek. Trout can be caught on bait, lure or fly but bait fishing allows a range of species to be targeted. Good baits are worms, maggots, mudeyes, crickets and grasshoppers. Use of a float is worthwhile.
Flow can be low during summer but good permanent habitat and good stocks of fish are maintained in the deep pools. Predominant angling fish are brown trout to 1.8 kg, (av. 500 g), redfin to 1.5 kg, (av. 100 g), roach to 300 g, tench to 1.5 kg and short-finned eel. There are a few European carp but they are not abundant. Other species are Australian smelt, common galaxias, flathead gudgeon, eastern gambusia, goldfish, mountain galaxias, shorthead lamprey, trout galaxias, southern pygmy perch and congoli. The creek used to be stocked with brown trout at Holden Bridge but has not been stocked since 1996. The success of natural spawning exceeds the capacity of the creek to support trout. The creek also contains platypus and water rats.
Maribyrnong River, Bulla

Junction of Deep and Jacksons Creeks to Solomons Ford (The Ford is located at the end of Canning Street, Avondale Heights. Melway Ref: 27 B8) The following fishways have been constructed: partial rock-ramps at Arundell Road weir, Brimbank Weir and McNabs Weir. Also a culvert at Brimbank Ford has been modified to allow fish passage.
A large river flowing in a deep valley through cleared farmland and then through Melbourne. Substrate is mud, sand, rock and boulders. Very extensive pools with sluggish flow and discoloured water. In dry years, the flow virtually stops during summer. Much of the river upstream flows through private property and many landholders are refusing access because of people entering without permission. Best public access is at Brimbank Park and by walking and bicycle tracks downstream to Solomons Ford. Contains brown trout to 600 g, numerous tench and short-finned eel, some goldfish, roach and congoli and occasional Australian grayling. Also carries Australian smelt, common galaxias, flathead gudgeon, shorthead lamprey, goldfish, redfin, trout galaxias, mountain galaxias, European carp and eastern gambusia.
The last trout stocking by Fisheries Victoria was in 1990.
Solomons Ford to Yarra River
The river widens into a sluggish, estuarine, deep-water channel. Access is very good at many parks and road crossings. A very popular fishing area is around the Raleigh Road Bridge near Anglers Tavern. A fishing jetty at Avondale Heights has been replaced using Recreational Fishing Licence revenue. Other areas are at the Flemington Racecourse, Canning Street Reserve, and Footscray Road Bridge. A variety of estuarine fish can be caught but most abundant are black bream to 1.5 kg, although undersized fish (<28 cm) are common. Silver trevally, mullet, flathead, pinkie snapper and mulloway can also be taken. Best fishing results appear to be during the incoming tide. The use of berley and floating rigs with unweighted baits has been successful in catching mullet and black bream. Bottom baits with a running sinker can also be used. A variety of baits such as maggots, bass yabbies, sandworms, chicken fillet, worms, prawns, pipis and dough are used. Soft plastics and small-hardbodied lures are becoming very popular with anglers seeking bream.
Riddells Creek, Macedon
Flows from forest then through farmland. Substrate is rock, boulders gravel and some patches of mud. Channel width is mostly 2-3 m, with some pools up to 7 m wide. Water depth is mostly 45-80 cm with pools to 110 cm. Has a low flow during summer. The creek has excellent habitat for brown trout. Access is restricted by private property and also by dense bank vegetation. However some access can be had at road crossings with the picnic area near the town of Riddells Creek being a popular fishing spot. Carries brown trout to 450 g, small redfin and short-finned eels. Not stocked by Fisheries Victoria with trout since 1978.
Rosslyne Reservoir, Gisborne
195 ha. 24,700 ML.
Domestic water storage managed by Western Water. Not open to fishing or boating.
Spavin Lake, Sunbury
Family Fishing Lake. No recreational facilities. Melway Ref: 362 B11.
A small lake located on the northern fringe of Sunbury. A Family Fishing Lake that is stocked by The Victorian Fisheries Authority with advanced yearling rainbow trout (See Introduction).
Taylors Lakes, Taylors Lakes
Melway Ref: 13 J1. No recreational facilities
A series of 6 small lakes located on Taylors Creek, surrounded by open land. The lakes are controlled by Melbourne Water Authority and the Reserve is managed by Brimbank City Council. Fish are redfin to 1.5 kg, European carp to 3.5 kg, goldfish and rainbow trout. Used to be managed as a Family Fishing Lake and stocked with advanced yearling rainbow trout. Water quality problems led to this being suspended in 2005. The lakes also carry European carp, short-finned eel and small redfin.