Broken - Angling Waters
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Amaroo Lake, Shepparton
See Kialla Lakes
Benalla Lake, Benalla
10 ha. Picnic facilities.
A small artificial lake in the centre of Benalla and on the Broken River. Developed as a recreational area. Grassy banks and very accessible for bank fishing. Contains some brown trout to 1 kg, redfin to 700 g, European carp to 3 kg, and golden
perch to 1.2 kg. Also goldfish, Murray River rainbowfish and western carp gudgeon. Has been stocked with golden perch but not recently. The river downstream is regularly stocked with this species and a vertical slot fish ladder has been constructed (2000) to give them access to the lake. Provides good
fishing for golden perch, redfin, European carp and occasional Murray cod. Stocking of recreational fish species suspended pending research into presence of Macquarie perch and trout cod in Benalla Lake and Broken River upstream.
Boosey Creek, Tungamah
Referred to as Tungamah Weir by the department in stocking assessment and reports.
Flows through flat farmland with riparian vegetation of grass and scattered red gums. A narrow (2-5 m) creek at Tungamah with mostly shallow riffles just over 50 cm deep. Dense aquatic vegetation with excellent habitat for small-sized native fish. Not worth fishing upstream of Tungamah.
Becomes a wider (10-12 m) channel at Katamatite with low banks (2.5 m). Has a soft mud substrate, turbid water and some small snags along the edges. Mostly shallow runs 60-80 cm deep, and pools to 150 cm at normal flow levels. There are some deep pools and a wider section of river downstream of
Katamatite, where locals catch a few golden perch at times. Good access along the river at this site.
Irrigation water is released downstream during November to April and fishing is best at this time. Contains golden perch to 2 kg, European carp, redfin, possibly Murray cod, also goldfish, eastern gambusia, western carp gudgeon, Australian smelt and southern pygmy perch. To be stocked with golden perch
now that water management issues relating to off-stream diversions are resolved.
Flows into the Broken Creek 10 km upstream from Nathalia. Most angling is done by locals and mainly around Tungamah Weir.
Some work under the River Health Program, was carried out at Tungamah Weir to improve instream habitat. Ten angler access points between Tungamah and Nathalia within the Broken Boosey State Park (Broken, Boosey and Nine-mile Creeks) have been provided under the Recreational Fishing Grant Program funded by Recreational Fishing Licence fees. The same program has also provided instream structures for fish habitat, a fishing platform and access tracks along Boosey Creek at Tungamah.
Broken Creek, Numurkah
Fishways: there are vertical-slot fishways at Hardings Weir, Katandra Weir, Kennedy's Weir, Luckes Weir, Nathalia Town Weir, Rices Weir and Schiers Weir.

A channel-like river, with low banks, flowing through flat farmland. Riparian vegetation of grass, rushes and mature red gums. In its upper reaches around Devenish, it is 7 m wide, with shallow runs less than 60 cm deep. Sluggish flow, mud substrate and turbid water. Good snags at some locations. Downstream of Devenish, width increases to 12-20 m with mostly runs and pools to 100 cm deep. There are some deep pools and a wider section of river downstream of Katamatite, where locals catch a few golden perch at times. At Numurkah, it is 8-10 m wide with mostly shallow water less than 100 cm deep, mud and sand substrate. Downstream of Nathalia, it becomes wider (10-12 m) with low banks (2.5 m). Has a soft mud substrate, turbid water and some small snags along the edges. Mostly shallow runs, 60-80 cm deep and pools to 150 cm at normal flow levels.
Contains mainly redfin to 1.3 kg (av.700 g), European carp, goldfish, tench, golden perch, freshwater catfish and Murray cod, with best fishing water for Murray cod downstream of Nathalia. Also contains eastern gambusia, Murray River rainbowfish, western carp gudgeon, Australian smelt, flathead gudgeon, and occasional bony bream.
Flow in the creek is maintained by irrigation releases to meet changing demands. Flow is therefore variable although usually higher during summer (November to April) and fishing is best at this time.
During very low flow there can be prolific growth of Azolla and fish kills.
The confluence of Boosey Creek and the Broken Creek is located within the Broken-Boosey State Park, which extends for 25 km between Katamatite and Numurkah. There is very limited vehicle access and restricted parking within the park. Also no camping, guns, dogs, or fires are allowed in the park.
Stocked annually with golden perch at Numurkah Lake and a stocking of Murray cod in 2005. However Murray cod stocking suspended 2006/09, to determine if the population of Murray cod in Broken Creek was being maintained by the spawning of resident fish or by new fish moving in from the Murray River. Stocking of golden perch to continue.
Seven vertical slot fishways have been constructed on various weirs since 1997 to improve fish passage to and from the Murray River. However, flows need to reach 40 ML/d before the fishways become usable by fish. Electrofishing surveys by DSE in 2000 and 2005 found that Murray cod had increased in numbers 5.5 fold in five years, in the four weir pools between Hardings and Nathalia Town Weir. Other native fish, particularly Murray River rainbowfish, were also more abundant.
Broken River, Benalla
Summer flow in this river is maintained by releases of water to meet irrigation demands; therefore fish populations have not been adversely affected by the prolonged period of drought in Victoria.
Lake Nillahcootie to Benalla
The river flows in a wide, flat valley, some distance from the road. Riparian vegetation is mostly mature eucalypts and some willows.
The river at Swanpool is deeply (8 m) entrenched and up to 10 m in width. At low flow it consists of predominantly shallow runs less than 50 cm deep with some good pools to 200 cm. Substrate is small patches of gravel in the riffles but mostly sand elsewhere. There are extensive areas of exposed sand banks during low flows. The water is turbid with a sluggish flow and some sedimentation occurs downstream of Swanpool.
Contains mostly brown trout to 800 g (av.220 g), abundant small redfin to 450 g, European carp, golden perch av.700g, max 2kg, Macquarie perch and Murray spiny crayfish.Alsoblackfish below Lake Nillahcootie dam wall, southern pygmy perch, Murray River rainbowfish, eastern gambusia, Australian smelt, flathead gudgeon and possibly tench.
Access is difficult because of private property and the distance of the river from the Midland Highway. Please ask permission to cross farmland. Best public access is at the Swanpool and Samaria road bridges. Stocked with Macquarie perch and with trout cod in the mid 1990s (both species protected and must be released if caught). No stocking in this section of the river but golden perch move upstream of Benalla from downstream stocking. Best fishing area for redfin and golden perch is just upstream of Benalla.
Benalla to Shepparton

Flows close to the Midland Highway through lightly wooded farmland, in a deeply entrenched channel downstream of Goomalibee. Channel width varies from 15 m at Casey's Weir to 30 m at Nalinga. There is good riparian vegetation of mature red gums, wattles and areas of canegrass. It is a wide, shallow river at low flows, with predominantly shallow runs 60-100 cm deep, upstream of Nalinga. Substrate is mud with exposed sand banks during low flow periods. Water is often turbid. Access is restricted at Goomalibee Road because of extensive fencing along the riverbank.
Good access at Nalinga, Casey's Weir and Gowangardie Weir. However access elsewhere is limited with restricted vehicle access and private property. Movement along some sections of river banks requires entry through private property, please ask permission. Contains redfin to 800 g, golden perch, Murray cod, goldfish, a few European carp, occasional blackfish, flathead galaxias, Murray River rainbowfish, eastern gambusia, Australian smelt, western carp gudgeon, and flathead gudgeon. Carries a good population of Murray cod along the whole length of the river, which provides good angling.
There is an area of deeper water, suitable for small boats, upstream of Casey's Weir. The weir has good bank fishing, with still-water, dead timber and instream snags. There is a small picnic area but no facilities. Golden perch to 2.5 kg can be taken on shrimp and worms and some good Murray cod (8-20 kg) as well as numerous small cod are present upstream and in the weir. Anglers report that the fish are in good condition. Regularly stocked with golden perch.
A fishway has been constructed on Casey's Weir to allow the passage of fish such as golden perch and Murray cod which travel upstream to spawn. Movement of fish through the fishway has been monitored by DSE as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Native Fish Strategy. It has been established that these two species, as well as other smaller species are now moving upstream and downstream past the weir. Projects being carried out under The Goulburn Broken River Health Strategy, the Victorian River Health Program and Murray-Darling Basin Native Fish Strategy are improvement of instream habitats through the placement of large snags; improvement in the quality of stormwater run-off into the river, better protection and enhancement of river frontages, provision of environmental flows and fish monitoring and research. A better environmental flow is being developed with Environmental Water Reserves established in four reaches. Increased flows have come from negotiations with off-stream users and another 44,000 ML/year has been committed for environmental flows. Information about these programs/strategies is provided in the Introduction section in the Guide.
Holland Creek, Benalla
Rises in forested hills and flows through farmland. Rock substrate in the headwaters with mud and sand downstream. It has mostly runs and deep pools but becomes a series of pools in a dry year. Some sedimentation downstream of Tatong. There is a small brown trout fishery between Fords Bridge and Tatong.
Contains brown trout to 750 g, some rainbow trout av.220 g, abundant small blackfish and some European carp downstream and Macquarie perch (protected and must be released if caught). Also contains Australian smelt, flathead galaxias, redfin, eastern gambusia, goldfish, Murray River rainbowfish, western carp gudgeon, southern pygmy perch and the occasional golden perch. Partly burnt out in the headwaters by bushfires. Stocking of brown trout continues.
A demonstration reach, which restores the type of habitat preferred by Macquarie perch, has been developed by DSE as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Native Fish Strategy. This is located at Tatong between Swanpool Road and Spring Creek confluence. Modifications have been made to the banks and instream channel structure at three sites within the Demonstration Reach. The creek is stocked annually with brown trout.
Kialla Lakes, Shepparton
Consists of three lakes located within the Kialla Lakes Housing estate 4.5 km south of Shepparton. Access from Kialla Lakes Road. There is a walking track around much of the shoreline.
The most northern lake is Kialla Lake, then Amaroo Lake and Lowanna Lake. They all drain into Broken Creek. The lakes are surrounded by residential homes with lawns and trees around the shoreline. They contain redfin and yabbies and were stocked irregularly in the past with golden perch and silver perch. They are not heavily fished. The lakes are now regularly stocked with golden perch. Amaroo Lake and Lowanna Lake were stocked with golden perch in 2008.
Loombah Weir (see Ryans Creek)
Domestic water supply closed to fishing.
Contains brown trout and goldfish.
Lowanna Lake, Shepparton
See Kialla Lakes
McCall Say Weir (see Ryans Creek)
Not on map. Domestic water supply on Ryans Creek. Closed to fishing.
Mokoan Lake
7,900 ha. 365,000 ML. Boat ramp, picnic area.
A large shallow storage surrounded by farmland and scattered forest. It was created by the enlargement of Winton Swamp in 1971 and received water from the Broken River, for downstream irrigation and domestic needs.
In June 2004, the Government announced that, following 18 months of extensive community consultation, Lake Mokoan would be decommissioned and drawn down in 2009 to be returned to a wetland. (The lake was extremely inefficient and lost 50,000 megalitres, or the equivalent of 20,000 Olympic swimming pools, every year through evaporation). In January 2009, the lake was very shallow (3% capacity) with turbid water. The boat ramp is not operational and extensive soft mudflats around the edges prevented any further angling.
Due to lowering water levels and a decision by the Victorian Government to decommission Lake Mokoan, a Fish Management Plan for the Lake was developed in which the main objective was to implement a fish translocation strategy that would reduce the likelihood of a fish death event during the draw down phase of the Lake.
Both DSE and North East Water managed the fish translocation with advice and technical expertise from the department. Throughout 2007/08, 2164 golden perch and 51 Murray cod were translocated from Lake Mokoan into the Goulburn River and Lake Hume.
Moor oopna Recreation Reserve Lake, Mooroopna
Family Fishing Lake. Off-road parking. Picnic area. Toilet.
Located in a housing estate with houses around one side. Grassy area with scattered trees. Managed as a Family Fishing Lake and stocked with advanced yearling rainbow trout, see Introduction.
Murray River (NSW)
See Murray River
Nillahcootie Lake, Swanpool

530 ha. 40,000 ML. Boat ramp & toilets.
A water storage on the Broken River surrounded by open farmland. There are extensive shallows at the upper end. There are often large fluctuations in water level. Camping is prohibited.
Macquarie perch were recorded pre 1979 but are now probably absent and brown trout have suffered a decline. The lake was stocked with trout 1978-81 but this produced negligible returns. Murray cod were stocked in most years during 1988 to 1996.
The lake contains some Murray cod 3-10 kg with occasional fish to

20 kg, golden perch to 1 kg, redfin to 1 kg, European carp, goldfish and yabbies. Anglers reported (2007/08) good sized redfin and golden perch being caught as well as numbers of Murray cod to 6 kg. Occasionally very large Murray cod are taken while trolling. Various fishing methods has been successful, including trolling with lures, spinning from the bank and bait fishing with worms, shrimps and yabbies. January and February are good months in which to catch redfin. Stocked regularly with golden perch.
Ryans Creek, Benalla
Upstream of McCall Say Weir
Flows through forest. Width is 7-12 m, and it has a gravel and rock bed. During summer, the channel has mainly runs and riffles to 60 cm deep, with some deeper pools. Accessible from the Upper Ryans Creek Road, Triangle Track and Whisky Creek Track but walking required to reach the river. Contains mainly small brown trout av. 220 g, occasional rainbow trout and blackfish. A good trout stream above McCall Say Weir but access is limited and fishing is difficult because of overhanging bank vegetation. Not stocked.
Between Loombah Weir and McCall Say Weir
Closed to all fishing and you must not take fish or be in possession of fish or fishing equipment around Loombah Weir and McCall Say Weir or in the river between the two weirs.
Trout cod were stocked (1987/88 to 1990/91) into Loombah Weir for conservation reasons. A number of surveys up to 1995 confirmed that some trout cod were present. However the population is now considered to be extinct (National Recovery Plan for the trout cod. DSE 2008)

Downstream of Loombah Weir
Flows through cleared farmland, mud and sand bed and slow runs and pools. Little riparian vegetation and bank erosion has resulted in sedimentation and loss of deep water. Contains mostly brown trout to 1.2 kg (av.500 g) blackfish to 120 g, European carp, redfin to 500 g and goldfish. Also flathead galaxias, mountain galaxias, Australian smelt, southern pygmy perch and possibly tench. Stocked annually with brown trout, between Loombah Weir and Molyullah.
Tungamah Weir Pool, Tungamah
See Boosey Creek