A report to each House of Parliament on the disbursement of Recreational Fishing Licence Revenue


A report to each House of Parliament on the disbursement of Recreational Fishing Licence Revenue from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account, 2008-2009

The Government is committed to continued collaboration between key stakeholder groups and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) to increase the number and quality of recreational fishing opportunities for Victorians.

The 2006 election saw the Government commit to reviewing fisheries consultative arrangements that had been in place for more than 10 years. This included a review of the Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee, with the aim of ensuring recreational fishers are broadly represented and have a strong say in how recreational fishing licence funds are spent.

The review has resulted in improvements to Victoria's consultative framework for fisheries resources, which is now more effective and efficient in fisheries stakeholder engagement, as well as meeting the high expectations of fisheries stakeholders and Government. A new
performance-based consultative framework has been introduced and the Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee has been wound up, effective 1 July 2009.

Following the completion of an open expression of interest process, a new Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group will be established to provide advice to Government on how all recreational fishing licence funds should be spent. The group will also provide advice on the operation of a new Recreational Fishing Grants Program and assess proposals received under the 2008/09 round of the Grants Program using the existing criteria.

The new eight-member Working Group will include anglers from across the State who have knowledge of the marine and inland recreational fisheries, and understand the needs of recreational fishers.

During 2008/09, recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account funds were also committed or disbursed to fund a variety of activities, including:

  • Approved projects under previous rounds of the Recreational Fishing Grants Program and rounds 4 and 5 of the Federal Government Recreational Fishing Community Grants Program;
  • Funding for the Victorian Fishcare program and VRFish.
  • The $2 million final repayment of a $4 million Government loan to fund the voluntary buy-out of Bay and Inlet Commercial Fishery Access Licences (completed in 2005);
  • Salaries and operating expenses of some Fisheries Victoria's Field Services staff;
  • Recreational Fishing Licence sales commissions; and
  • Costs and expenses incurred in the administration of the Recreational Fishing Licence, the Recreational Fishing Grants Program, and the Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee.

I have pleasure in providing to each House of Parliament this report on the receipts and disbursements from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account for 2008/09.

Joe Helper MP
Minister for Agriculture
27 October 2009

Fisheries Act 1995

Pursuant to Section 151B(4) of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Minister (responsible for Victoria's fisheries) must cause a report on how amounts paid into the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account were disbursed –

  1. to be prepared by 1 October each year;
  2. to be laid before each House of Parliament on or before the seventh sitting day of that House after the report has been prepared.

For the information of Honourable Members, the RFL Trust Account came into effect on 1 April 2001, and a Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee (FRAC), whose function was to provide any advice requested by the Minister responsible for fisheries on priorities for the disbursement of funds from the RFL Trust Account, was appointed to 31 December 2008.

Following the completion of a review of Victorian fisheries consultative arrangements, the FRAC was wound up effective 1 July 2009, to be replaced by a new Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group. This group's principal role is to provide advice to the Minister responsible for fisheries on the expenditure of RFL Trust Account revenue.

The 2008/09 financial year is the eighth full year of the RFL Trust Account's operation. The Victorian Auditor-General has audited the receipts received, and disbursements made from the RFL Trust Account in 2008/09.

Field Services

In 2008/09, Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account receipts of almost $1.2 million contributed approximately 14 per cent of Fisheries Victoria's compliance budget.

When first allocated in 2001/02, this funding fully maintained ten full-time Fisheries Officer positions however, due to increases in staff-related costs being experienced, this level of funding now only maintains the equivalent of seven fulltime positions.

RFL Trust Account receipts, when added to ongoing recurrent funding of fisheries compliance activities, contributes substantially to the delivery of recreational fisheries compliance services in Victorian coastal and inland locations.

Fisheries Officers have had considerable contact with recreational fishers in the field during the last year. Overall, the level of compliance has been high, with some areas causing concern. One of the major issues on the increase is the unlicensed take-for-sale of high value table species.

Intelligence and activities by Fisheries Officers has led to several prosecutions in this area, with numerous seizures of vessels, vehicles and fishing gear. This will continue to be an area of very high priority for Fisheries Victoria.

Participation by Fisheries Officers in major recreational fishing projects funded from the RFL Trust Account has also increased. The annual Recreational Fishing Grants Program and Family Friendly Fishing events - funded through the Go Fishing In Victoria initiative, have all contributed to the longterm education of recreational fishers. These activities require considerable planning, and have also involved input from several Fisheries Management Officers who are not funded from RFL Trust Account receipts.

With the recent re-focussing of 13FISH (the very successful fisheries offence reporting line), on inland waters, Fisheries Officers are now benefiting from a much greater intelligence-driven approach to dealing with issues which have the most impact on the resource.

Several new processes have been introduced by Fisheries Victoria over the past eight months that have led to significantly more field time being available to Fisheries Officers. This additional field time, added to the intelligence driven approach, is leading to very positive outcomes for Victorian recreational fishers.

Financial Report

Report concerning how amounts paid into the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account were disbursed in 2008-2009 financial year

Receipts 2008/09 $  
Total receipts from RFL sales
243,697 RFL's sold (as at 20 July 2009) including: 18,025 three-year licences, 136,701 one-year licences, 23,125 28-day licences and 65,846 two-day licences.
5,153,242.48 RFL fee increase of ~10% was effective 1 August 2008.
Interest - investments 118,507.27 Fisheries Act 1995, S. 151B(4) enables money standing to the credit of the Account to be invested in any manner in which funds may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958.
Refunds: RFGP projects 3,030.98 Project #R500, Stairs at Artillery Rocks -$23.54; Project #R5013 Trial of Fish Attracting Devices - $29.64;Project # EI&T 6/04/05, "Know your limits" - $2,977.80.
Refunds: RFGP projects 5.31  
Total receipts for the year 5,274,786.04  
Disbursements 2008/09 $  
Recreational Fishing Grants Program and other projects 1,005,303.85 Payments to 43 projects
- see Note 2.
Fisheries Field Services (state wide) 1,030,391.36  
VRFish 367,802.05  
Community Information
Recreational Fishing Grants Program/Recreational Fishing Licence/disbursement reporting related advertising & publicity.
Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) 6% sales commissions
Applicable to sales commissions incurred during 2007/08, paid in 2008/09 financial year.
Costs and expenses incurred in the administration of RFLs

Salaries and on-costs.
Business, corporate & other levies (common domain access levy, OH&S levy, training & development levy, centre leader levy, CBD accommodation and workstation charge, computer internal lease costs). 208,442.45  
Agency labour hire 91,255.02  
Postal expenses, courier, telephones, stationery, banking charges, office equipment and software maintenance, meeting-related light meals, equipment hire/lease, vehicle hire - non-fleet, contract services, professional services other, personal expenses, meal costs - overnight stay, overnight accommodation and incidentals expense, work experience, and inventory and supplies purchase. 45,555.37  
Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee
Sitting fees, sustenance and expenses.
Voluntary buy-back of Victoria's bay and inlet Commercial Fishery Access Licence
Final repayment of $2 million for previous Treasurer's Advance of $4 million that partly funded the voluntary buy-back of Bay and Inlet commercial fishing licences (completed in 2005).
GST payable 771.93  
Total disbursements for the year 5,278,774.82  
Net cash inflow/(outflow) (3,988.78)  
Cash as at 1 July 2008 3,408,710.48  
Cash as at 30 June 2009 3,404,721.70 Provision to fund 2008/09's approved Recreational FishingGrant Program projects, and other items - see Note 3 and Note 4.
Amounts are net of applicable GST   

Notes to the Financial Report

These notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the financial report of the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account.

Note 1 Statement of Accounting Policies

Basis of preparation.

This special purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Fisheries Act 1995. The report has been prepared on a cash basis to report on how levies and application fees received in respect of recreational fishing licences have been disbursed from the trust account.

Note 2 - Payments to Recreational Fishing Grants Program and other projects during 2008/09

Projects initially announced in 2006/07 Grant Amount Grant recipient
Fishcare 'Fish Right' workshops – conduct 300 junior angler workshops (and evaluate outcomes) across Victoria; 2nd year funding of $33,000, and GST adjustment of $3,000 from 1st year. Total funding of $99,000. $36,000.00 Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Angler access and facilities improvements; install signage and construct fishing platforms at various locations in Central North Gippsland. GST adjustment. Total funding of $61,832. $2,316.04 Southern Rural Water
Fish habitat and angler access improvement – excavate fish habitat holes and place timber debris in habitat holes for fish habitat purposes. Install fishing platforms and access tracks/ facilities along the Boosey Creek in Tungamah district; GST adjustment. Total funding of $50,000. $4,545.46 Moira Shire Council
Design and construct two fishing platforms to improve angler access and encourage recreational fishing at Kennington Reservoir, Bendigo; GST adjustment. Total funding of $37,886. $3,444.18 City of Greater Bendigo
Tea Tree Lake, Mortlake, construct a fishing access platform; GST adjustment. Total funding of $27,456.75. $2,496.07 Moyne Shire Council
Catch-a-Carp Day – Schoolies and Public day to introduce recreational fishing to primary school children; GST adjustment. Total funding of $4,100. $372.73 Colac Otway Shire
Publish recreational fishing Code of Conduct in Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide; GST adjustment. $363.64 VRFish
Projects initially announced in 2007/08   
Corinella jetty designated fishing platform, Peters Street, Corinella. Construction of designated fishing platform facility located on the end of Corinella jetty, to replace decommissioned boat landing facility. $165,000.00 Parks Victoria
Construct three fixed recreational fishing platforms on Tarwin River at Tarwin Lower providing all tide access. Project also involves connecting gravel pathways to alleviate erosion. $150,000.00 West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Construct two fishing platforms on Jubilee Lake, Daylesford. Construct two community fishing jetties to improve access & encourage recreational fishing. $80,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council
Conduct an economic study of recreational fishing in Victoria. First of two years of funding. Total funding $100,000. $60,000.00 VRFish
Installation floating fishing platform on the Hopkins River at Mahoney's Road, Warrnambool 200m downstream of existing boat ramp & jetty. $59,455.00 Warrnambool City Council
Construct access stairs at Sturt Point, Wye River. Construct stairs for improved and safer angler access. Includes provision of angel ring. $50,514.00 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Snowy River (2nd Island) estuary fish habitat (in-stream structures) improvement project. $37,349.00 East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Replacement of the Lyndoch fishing jetty - Hopkins River, Warrnambool with a floating fishing platform. $30,000.00 Warrnambool City Council
Fyansford fishing platform, Barwon River. Construct two fixed fishing platforms at Fyansford Common (rear of Fyansford hotel) to improve recreational fishing opportunities. $26,800.00 City of Greater Geelong
Construct access stairs at Grey River on the Great Ocean Road. Construct stairs to improve angler-access to rock platform. Includes provision of angel ring. $21,574.55 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Introduce children & families to recreational fishing in Casey Fields Lake, Cranbourne. One day event for primary school age children; tuition & equipment provided. $12,000.00 Futurefish Foundation Projects Pty Ltd
Install solar light over fish cleaning table at Apollo Bay boat ramp to assist land-based anglers. $7,939.00 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Construct Skipton Lake fishing jetty. Install a new L-shaped timber fishing platform to provide all abilities angler access. $6,843.27 Skipton Angling Club Inc.
Fishing for Success. Introductory field trips & clinics to recreational fishing for socially, educationally & economically disadvantaged youths. $5,112.00 Westall Primary School
Publish the Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide 2009/10 (in three editions). First of three years of funding. Total funding $13,800. $4,600.00 VRFish
Flathead Fred's Kids' Fun Fishing Shows - conduct 'fun fishing shows' to educate children and adults in correct, safe, and sustainable recreational fishing practices. First of three years of funding. Total funding $12,000. $4,000.00 Frederick Bayes
Projects announced in 2008/09  
Establishment grant and base level funding. First of three years funding. Total funding $340,000. $92,000.00 Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Other projects  
Fishcare Victoria to work in partnership with Fisheries Victoria and other key stakeholder groups in planning and implementing Go Fishing in Victoria Family Fishing Events at Premier Lakes, and promotional events associated with Premier Rivers. The funding arrangement is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding. Third and final year of funding. Total funding of $90,000. $30,000.00 Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Small Events Recreational Fishing Grants Program  
Conduct a 'Kids Come N Try Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for families. $1,600.00 15 Mile Creek Camp Inc.
Conduct four 'Getting Kids Hooked on Fishing Workshops' to introduce students to recreational fishing. $1,600.00 Colac Otway Shire
Conduct a Catch-a-Carp-Day to introduce primary school children to recreational fishing. $1,472.73 Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Conduct a 'Learning and understanding the art of fishing' event for junior aboriginal anglers in sustainable recreational fishing practices. $1,450.00 Budja Budja Aboriginal Co-Op Inc.
Conduct a 'Get Hooked, Get Started, Get Fishing clinic' to educate junior anglers on best practice sustainable recreational fishing techniques. $1,440.00 Anderson Inlet Angling Club
Conduct an 'Introduction to fishing' workshop for disadvantaged people. $1,325.50 Wesley Mission Melbourne
Conduct a 'Kids Come N Try Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers. $511.50 Port Fairy Angling Club
Conduct a 'School Fishing Day' event educating junior anglers on correct fishing methods and responsible fishing practices. $357.50 Nicholson Angling Club
Commonwealth Government's Recreational Fishing CommunityGrants Program (Round 5) co-funded projects  
Install 16 in-stream structures in lower Mitchell and Nicholson rivers and deliver a community awareness program; First of two payments. Total funding of $104,000. $83,200.00 East Gippsland CMA
Construct fishing platform at Grammar School Lagoon, Corio Bay; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $20,000. $5,454.55 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Produce a suite of educational materials for recreational anglers; 2nd and final payment. $1,136.37 Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Angler access improvement through construction of stairway from Great Ocean Road to Jump Rock (vicinity of Lorne); 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $10,454.55. $1,045.46 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Angler access improvement through construction of stairway from Great Ocean Road to Artillery Rocks (vicinity of Lorne); 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $9,545.45. $954.55 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Construct fishing platform at Glenelg river, Nelson; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $8,725.45. $872.55 South West Sports AssemblyInc.
Install a solar light along Franklin River, Port Franklin; 2nd and final payment. $636.37 Port Franklin Public Purposes and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management Inc.
Install two fish aggregation devices – one off each of Barwon Heads and Portland; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $5,227.27. $522.73 Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc.
Commonwealth Government's Recreational Fishing Community Grants Program (Round 4) co-funded projects  
Futurefish Foundation Projects Pty Ltd - Install three fishing pontoons that protrude from the proposed new boardwalk to be built along the shoreline of Mallacoota Inlet, Victoria; 2nd and final payment. Total project funding of $61,849.37. $7,304.55 Futurefish Foundation Projects Pty Ltd.
Conduct three recreational fishing days for people with disabilities at Patterson Lakes, Carrum and Rosebud; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $17,739.10. $1,694.55 Futurefish Foundation Projects Pty Ltd
Disbursements net of GST $1,005,303.85  

Note 3 - proposal to fund 2008/09's approved Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects, and other items in 2009/10 and beyond as applicable

Proposal to fund previously approved Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects extending into 2009/10 financial year and beyond as applicable, and other items

DPI Region Project category Proponent Project site Type of waters Project duration Proposal Funding Other contributions/ comments
Project No. R/07/08/15
State-wide Education, Information & Training Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota Inlet and the Glenelg and Hopkins rivers Estuarine 3 yrs. Evaluate and validate the utility of Research Angler Diary programs as a cost-effective monitoring and stock assessment tool for the and stock assessment tool for the Victoria. $270,000.00 Financial contributions: Fisheries Victoria $270,000; Fisheries Research and Development Corporation $270,000. In-kind contributions: approx. 1,800 hrs ($27,000) based on 360 five hour fishing trips by 12 anglers. Fisheries Victoria plan to contribute policy development work assocciated with the management of small-scale recreational fisheries over a 3 year period ($140,000). Department of Sustainability and Environment will supply of acoustic profiling and/or electro-fishing for 20 days per year over three year period ($60,000).
Project No. R/06/07/1
Northern Research Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Snobs Creek Kerang Lakes, - Boga Lakes, Charm Lake, Kangaroo Lake, Reedy (1st) Lake, Kow Swamp Inland 3 yrs. Expanded stocking trial for Kerang Lakes, using dart-tagged yearling Murray Cod and chemically marked fingerling golden perch from a previously funded stocking trial, stock assessments and analysis of fish samples will be conducted. A communication strategy to increase angler participation and feed back will also abe developed; 2nd year funding of $43,500 and 3rd year funding of $71,290. Total funding of 212,790. $114,790.00 Fisheries Victoria project management and reporting.
Project No. R/07/08/09
Northern Research Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Snobs Creek Lake Hume and Lake Dartmouth Inland 2 yrs. Determine the extent of summer trout habitat in Lake Hume and Lake Dartmouth. 1st and 2nd year payments. $64,500.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. R/07/0814
Gippsland/ South West/ Northern Research Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota Inlet, Lake Tyers, the Glenelg & Hopkins rivers and North East Victoria Estuarine 1 yr. Implement integrated approaches to the monitoring and assessment of recreational estuarine fisheries (through angler diary research program) for Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota Inlet, Lake Tyers, Glenelg and Hopkins Rivers, and North East Victoria. $44,000.00 Financial Contributions: Fisheries Victoria $27,000. In-kind contributions: approx. 1,500 hrs ($22,500) based on 300 five hour fishing trips by 30 anglers. In 2008/09 Fisheries Victoria plan to contribute $90,000 as part of the "New and Innovative Approaches to Monitoring of Small-scale Recreational Fisheries" project which will focus on improvements to the delivery and validationprocedures of research angler diary programs.
Project No. R/07/08/17
State-wide Research VRFish State-wide State-wide 2 yrs. Conduct an economic study of recreational fishing in Victoria; 2nd and final year of funding. Total funding of $100,000. $40,000.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. A&F06/07/07
Gippsland Access & Facilities Southern Rural Water Heyfield wetlands, Lake Glenmaggie, Cowwarr Weir, Blue Rock Lake. Inland 2 yrs. Central North Gippsland angler access and facilities improvements – Heyfield wetlands, Lake Glenmaggie, Cowwarr Weir, Blue Rock Lake (fishing platform and extensive signage); 2nd and final year funding. Totalfunding of $61,832. $36,356.00 Financial contributions = $1,600. In kind contributions Volunteer labour 100hrs @ $15, Fishing platform design contribution from local businesses, donation of plant/equipment for construction = $1,800.
Project No. EI&T06/07/10
State-wide Education, Information & Training Fishcare East Gippsland Inc. State-wide State-wide 3 yrs. Fishcare 'Fish Right' workshops – conduct 300 junior angler workshops (and evaluate of outcomes) across Victoria; 3rd and final year funding of $33,000. Total funding of $99,000. $33,000.00 In-kind contributions (volunteer labour) = $54,000p.a. Grants funding of $33,000 foreach of three years inc. $3,000 for each of three years to evaluate outcomes.
Project No. R/07/08/13
Gippsland Research Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff Lake Tyers Estuarine 1 yr. Implement fishery research component of Lake Tyers Fisheries Reserve Management Plan. $30,000.00 Nil financial contributions. In-kind contributions: Communications $900.
Project No. A&F/07/08/14
South West Access and facilities Association of Geelong &District Angling Clubs Inc. Picnic Point, Wye River Marine 1 yr. Construct access stairs at Picnic Point, Wye River. Construct stairs for improved and safer angler access. Includes provision of angel ring. $27,795.10 Nil financial contributions. In-kind contributions: Volunteer labour 70 hrs @ $25/hr = $1,750.
Project No. FB/03/0515
Northern Education, Information & Training Fisheries Victoria (Northern) Northern Inland 3 yrs. Continue roll-out of developed standardised signage across the remainder of northern region to identify pedestrian, vehicle and boat access angling locations; 3rd and final year of funding. Total funding of $66,000. $22,000.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. FB/03/0484
South West Research Fisheries Research Branch (Snobs Creek) Lake Wartook Inland 3 yrs. Lake Wartook (transferred from Lake Wendouree due to dry conditions) trial release and monitoring of stocked rainbow trout (of Tasmanian and NSW strains) to compare growth rate, survival and return tothe angler compared to the existing strain of fish stocked by Fisheries Victoria; to determine if existing brood stock management practices should be altered to provide the best outcome to the angler; 3rd and final year of funding. Total funding of $81,000. $20,000.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. R/05/06/10
State-wide Research Fisheries Research Branch (SnobsCreek) State-wide Inland 3 yrs. Study to determine angler-use patterns for Murray cod in Victorian waters including angler demographics, therecreational catch and take, and angler satisfaction; 3rd and final year of funding. Total project funding of $111,500. $19,500.00 Financial contributions: Fisheries Victoria $75,000 to the broader project, NSWFisheries, QDPI&F, and SARDI are also collaborators with direct financial and/or in-kind contributions.
DPI Region Project category Proponent Projectsite Type of waters Project duration Proposal Funding Other contributions/ comments
Project No. A&F06/07/08
South West Access & Facilities Colac Otway Shire Lake Colac Inland 1 yr. Colac Lake accessible fishing platform – linking to the newly constructed shared pathway. Grant applicant advised that project start up delayed due to Cultural Heritage Management Plan requirements. $17,727.27 Applicant contributing $19,000. C'wealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry = $17,500. In-kind contributions (site preparation, project coordination, monitoring) 170hrs @ $15p/hr = $3,900.
Project No. EI&T/07/08/01
State-wide Education, Information & Training Victorian recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish) State-wide State-wide 3 yrs. Publish the Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide (in three editions). 2nd and 3rd funding of $4,600 per year. $9,200.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. EI&T07/08/04
State-wide Education, Information & Training Frederick (Flathead Fred) Bayes State-wide State-wide 3 yrs. 'Flathead Fred's Kids' Fun Fishing Shows. 2nd and 3rd year funding of $4,000 per year. Total funding of $12,000. Sub-total $8,000.00 Nil financial contributions.
      Sub-total $756,868.37  

Other items

DPI Region Project category Proponent Project site Type of waters Project duration Proposal Funding Other contributions/ comments
Project No. IR/04/0171
State-wide Not Applicable Fishcare East Gippsland Inc. State-wide State-wide 3 yrs. Establishment grant and base level funding. 2nd and 3rd year funding. Total funding of $340,000. $248,000.00 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. SE1
n/a Small Event Oakdale Angling Club Venus Bay Marine 1 day Annual surf fishing family day $1,061.50 Financial contributions: Oakdale Angling Club $1,500. In-kind contributions: Volunteer labour 60 hrs @ $25/hr = $1,500.
Project No. SE2
n/a Small Event Shire of Melton Navan park, Melton Inland 1 day Family Fishing Expo $1,760.00 Financial contributions: Shire of Melton $12,000. In-kind contributions: Volunteer labour 100 hrs @ $25/hr = $2,500.
Project No. SE3
n/a Small Event Yarra Valley FlyFishers Inc. Lilydale Lake Inland 1 day Introduction to fly fishing $1,760.00 Financial contributions: Yarra Valley Fly Fishers Inc. $1200. In-kind contributions: Volunteer labour 20hrs @$25/hr = $500.
Project No. SE4
n/a Small Event Numurkah Fishing Club Numurkah Town Market Inland 1 day Numurkah Fishing Club Promotion Event $1,360.70 Financial contributions: Nil. In-kind contributions: 20 hrs @$25/hr = $500.
      Sub-total $253,942.20  

Commonwealth Recreational Fishing Community Grants Program - Round Four (commitment to fund balance due)

DPI Region Project category Proponent Project site Type of waters Project duration Proposal Funding Other contributions/ comments
Project No. FB/03/0541
State-wide Not Applicable Futurefish Foundation Ltd. State-wide State-wide To be completed within 18 months of funding Conduct Kid's Come 'n' Try Fishing Program; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $27,528.88. $5,937.60 Nil financial contributions.
Project No. FB/03/0538
Northern Not Applicable Shire of Campaspe Campaspe River Campaspe River, Echuca To be completed within 18 months of funding Construct Campaspe River Accessible Fishing Platform; 2nd and final payment. Total funding of $13,750. $1,375.00 Financial contributions: Campaspe community = $15,125.01, Shire of Campaspe = $1800, Federal Government = $30, 249.98.
  Sub-total $7,312.60  

Commonwealth Recreational Fishing Community Grants Program – Round Five (commitment to fund balance due)

DPI Region Project category Proponent Project site Type of waters Project duration Proposal Funding Other contributions/ comments
Project No. ID/06/0034
Northern Not applicable Goulburn Broken CMA Goulburn-Eildon Inland To be completed within 18 months of funding Eildon Recreational Fishing Precinct: Access Improvements and Fish Habitat Enhancement Program; 2nd and final payment. $25,454.54 Financial contributions: Goulburn Broken CMA = $100,000, Fisheries Victoria = $50,000, In-kind contributions: VRFish vounteer labour 250 hrs @ 20p/hr = $5,000, Fisheries Research Branch = monitoring equipment hire.
Project No. ID/06/0036
Gippsland Not applicable East Gippsland CMA Lower Mitchell River, Nicholson River Estuarine To be completed within 18 months of funding Install 16 in-stream structure in lower Mitchell and Nicolson rivers and deliver community awareness program; 2nd and final payment. $20,800.00 Financial contributions: Federal Government = $100,000
Project No. ID/06/0031
Port Phillip Not applicable Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs Inc. Various - Port Phillip Marine To be completed within 18 months of funding Install nine webcams at locations including: Limeburners, Clifton Springs, Ocean Grove, St. Leanards, Stoney Point, Altona, Sorrento, Torquay and Apollo Bay; 2nd and final payment. $16,318.18 Financial contributions: Association of Geelong & District Angling Club Inc. = $6,000, Federal Government = $64,000.
Project No. ID/06/0035
Northern Not applicable VRFish Eildon Pondage Inland To be completed within 18 months of funding Install two floating pontoons at Eildon Pondage, Eildon; 2nd and final payment. $5,241.81 Financial contributions: Federal Government - $28,830. In-kind cotributions = VRFish volunteer labour 50 hrs @ 20p/hr = $1000.
      Sub-total $67,814.53  

Proposal to fund RFL sales commission not claimed

Proposal Funding  
  $15,948.44 Excludes RFL sales commission receipts not submitted by licence sellers.
Sub-total $15,948.44  

Proposal to fund projects/services not yet invoiced

Proposal Funding  
  $11,700.00 Fitzroy River Tyrendarra $11,550, and Gunbower Ck. Recreation Reserve $150.
Sub-total $11,700.00  
Sub-total $1,113,586.14  

Proposal to fund 2008/09's approved Recreational Fishing Grants Program projects and emerging recreational fisheries issues in 2009/10 Proposal Funding

Proposal Funding
Total $3,404,721.70
Balance remaining $0.00

Note 4 - Cash assets

Cash as at 30 June 2009 of $3,404,721.70 shown in the financial statement includes $2,500,000 which has been invested pursuant to Section 151B(4)(5) Fisheries Act 1995.

Statutory Certification

I certify the attached Financial Report for the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account has been prepared in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995.

I further state that, in my opinion, the information set out in the Receipts & Disbursements Report and notes to the financial report, presents fairly the financial transactions during the year ended 30 June 2009.

I am not aware of any circumstance which would render any particulars included in the financial statements to be misleading or inaccurate.

Robert Krix
Executive Officer Fisheries Committees
Fisheries Victoria

Independent Audit Report from Auditor-General

Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account
To the Minister for Agriculture and the Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries

The Acquittal Statement

The Accompanying Receipts and Disbursements Report for the Recreational Fishing License Trust Account for the year ended 30 June 2009 has been audited. The report has been prepared for the Minister for Agriculture and the Secretary for the Department of Primary Industries to certify that the amount reported as received into and paid from the Trust Account is correct.

Any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on my report or on the Receipts and Disbursements Report to any person other than the Minister for Agriculture and the Department, or for any purpose other than for which it was prepared, is disclaimed.

The Responsibility of the Secretary for the Financial Report

The Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries is responsible for the preparation of the Receipts and Disbursements Report and has determined that the report is appropriate to the needs of the Minister and the Department as required by the Fisheries Act 1995.

Auditor's Responsibility

As required by the Fisheries Act 1995, an independent audit has been carried out in order to express an opinion on the report. The audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. The audit procedures included examining information on a test basis to provide evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures included in the report. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the report has been prepared in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995.

The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.


The Auditor-General's independence is established by the Constitution Act 1975. The Auditor-General is not subject to direction by any person about the way in which his powers and responsibilities are to be exercised. The Auditor-General, his staff and delegates comply with all applicable independence requirements of the Australian accounting profession.

Auditor's Opinion

In my opinion, the Receipts and Disbursements Report for the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account for the year ended 30 June 2009 is in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995 and fairly presents the receipts and disbursements from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account.

D D R Pearson
9 October 2009