Your fees at work 2001-05
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria. In 2005-06 over $1.2 million was allocated to 25 Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects outlined below.
In 2005-06 over $1.2 million was allocated to 25 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2005-06 RFL revenue also funded:
- The establishment of Recreational Fishing-Only areas at Lake Tyers and Mallacoota; Inlet through the cancellation of Commercial Fishery Access Licences (CFALs);
- The voluntary buy-back of Victorian bay and inlet CFALs;
- 10 regionally-based Fisheries Officers;
- The administration of the RFL and the Recreational Fishing Grant Program;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- RFL sales commissions; and
- RFL- and RFGP-related community information.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2005-06

A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure. A report is available for revenue spent in 2005/2006 and for previous years.
The following is a summary of projects funded from 2005-06 RFL revenue. These projects are listed under the department Region from which the project application emanated.
Fish stocking costs are GST-exclusive, rounded to the nearest dollar.
Port Phillip Region ($75,036)
- $52,000 to construct a multi-use fishing facility between Sheepwash Rd. and Minah St. Barwon Heads.
- $7,500 to replace a flood-damaged recreational fishing platform on the Maribyrnong Valley Parklands, Lower Maribyrnong River, Avondale Heights.
- $8,336 to install solar lighting (above a fish cleaning table) and signage, St. Helen's, Corio bay, Geelong.
- $2,200 to extend a fishing platform providing angling access to deeper water, Second Island Sawtell's Inlet (Westernport) Tooradin.
- $5,000 contribution to the construction of a fish cleaning shelter and lighting at the Limeburner's Point Boat Harbour, Corio bay, Geelong.
Gippsland Region ($409,920)
- $60,000 to construct an access track, vehicle parking, four fishing platforms, erect fencing and plant native vegetation, Lower Avon River, Springberg's Lane.
- $20,000 for revegetation and to construct four small fishing platforms adjacent to Nicholson River boat ramp/recreation reserve, Bairnsdale.
- $110,000 for fish habitat improvements through the installation and monitoring of eight large in-stream structures, delivery of a community education and awareness program and installation of signage, Mitchell and Tambo Rivers.
- $58,400 to conduct a study to detect the impacts of recent changes to fishing pressure on key recreational fish species in Lake Tyers and Mallacoota Inlet (recreational fishing-only areas). Read full report into fishing pressure on key recreational fish species in Lake Tyers and Mallacoota Inlet.
- $75,500 to implement the Anderson Inlet Fisheries Management Plan – fishery and habitat research components. Read the Recreational fishery monitoring and fish habitat research report on Anderson Inlet Fisheries Reserve.
- $42,135.50 (and a commitment to disburse $43,884.50 in 2007/08) to fund the acoustic tracking of dusky flathead to identify movement, habitat preferences, and spawning locations to improve the management and protection from environmental disturbance of areas of importance to this species, and improve recreational fishers' understanding of this fish's biology. Read the Gippsland Lakes dusky flathead tracking project report.
Northern Region ($326,000)

- $60,000 to conduct a study to determine the spawning cues for Golden perch and other species in waters surrounding Lindsay Island, Murray Sunset National Park, and Wallpolla Island, State Park
- $97,200 (and a commitment to disburse $1,600 in 2007/08, and $4,600 in 2008/09) to produce, and distribute through a wide range of outlets, the Northern Victorian Angling Access Map and Brochure identifying all legal access points to rivers and streams, pedestrian, vehicle and boat access angling points; conduct a project evaluation study to determine the project's effectiveness.
- $20,000 to establish 10 angler-access points between Tungamah and Nathalia within the Broken Boosey State Park (Broken, Boosey and Nine-mile creeks).
- $105,000 to construct 10 rock groynes, 10 boulder fields, undertake pre- and post-works fish population monitoring and evaluation, and install signage, Delatite River.
- $22,000 (and a commitment to disburse $22,000 in 2007/08 and $22,000 in 2008/09) to continue the roll-out of developed standardised signage across the remainder of the Northern Fisheries Region to identify pedestrian, vehicle, and boat access angling locations.
- $5,000 to develop an engaging and informative on-site display at Parks Victoria's Alexandra and Eildon Visitor Information Centres to promote sustainable recreational fishing opportunities at Lake Eildon National Park.
- $9,800 (and a commitment to disburse $13,800 in 2007/08 and $3,000 in 2008/09) to conduct a study to determine the impact of willow removal and habitat rehabilitation on the resident brown trout in a small stream, Rubicon River. Read the report on the response of brown trout to willow management and habitat improvements in the Rubicon River.
South West Region ($50,815)
- $49,750 to construct an 'access for all' fishing platform at St. Patrick's Point, Wendouree Pde., Lake Wendouree, Ballarat.
- $1,065 to conduct a junior angler development and promotion through activities and workshops. Conduct a project evaluation study to determine the project's effectiveness, Cobden Angling Club Inc.
Statewide ($172,380)
- $4,000 to educate recreational fishers in correct fishing practices and procedures by conducting Flathead Fred fishing shows in Victoria.
- $3,000 to produce and distribute (through tackle stores, fly fishing clubs and events) a brochure to promote and increase participation in fly fishing in Victoria; conduct a project evaluation study to determine the project's effectiveness.
- $14,870 to conduct 'Rock Fishing Education Sessions - A Pilot Project', to provide recreational fishers with knowledge about safe rock fishing practices, basic water safety, and rescue principles.
- $44,000 (and a commitment to disburse $48,000 in 2007/08 and $19,500 in 2008/09) to conduct a study to determine angler-use patterns for Murray cod in Victorian waters including angler demographics, the recreational catch and take, and angler satisfaction. Read the study into Sustainability of recreational fisheries for Murray cod.
- $12,750 (and a commitment to disburse $13,170 in 2007/08 and $13,590 in 2008/09) to produce a 'Fish Length Ruler' communicating the variety of minimum sizes limits for finfish in Victoria.
Fish stocking (statewide application)
- $209,892 to enhance fish stocking around Victoria (stocking of various waters to supplement The Victorian Fisheries Authority's $1.064 million 2006/07 fish stocking budget).
Your Fishing Licence Fees at Work 2004-2005
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria. In 2004-05 over $759,000 was allocated to 35 Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects outlined below.
In 2004-05 over $759,000 was allocated to 35 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2004-05 RFL revenue also funded:
- the establishment of Recreational Fishing-Only areas at Lake Tyers and Mallacoota Inlet through the cancellation of Commercial Fishery Access Licences;
- 10 regionally-based Fisheries Officers;
- the administration of the RFL and the Recreational Fishing Grant Program;
- the Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- RFL sales commissions; and
- RFL and RFGP-related community information.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2004-05
A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure. A report is available for revenue spent in 2004/2005 and for previous years.
The following is a summary of projects funded from 2004-05 RFL revenue. These projects are listed under the department Region from which the project application emanated.
Fish stocking costs are GST-exclusive, rounded to the nearest dollar.
South West Region ($94,150)
$29,500 (and a commitment to disburse $31,500 in 2006 and $20,000 in 2007 from retained 2004/05 RFL revenue) to trial the release and monitoring of stocked rainbow trout (of Tasmanian and NSW strains) in Lake Wendouree, Ballarat (and possibly one other water) to compare growth rates, survival and return to the angler compared to the existing strain of fish stocked by The Victorian Fisheries Authority; and to determine if existing brood stock management practices should be altered to provide the best outcome for anglers: Extending the survival of stocked rainbow trout.
$6,000 to realign and reconstruct a beach-access track at Levies Beach, Thunderpoint Coastal Reserve, Warrnambool.
$4,400 to manufacture and install five stiles over fences and spray blackberries to aid angler access to Lake Cartcarrong, Winslow, Hopkins River Basin.
$2,750 to manufacture and install three stiles over fences, and install signage to aid angler access at the Hepburn Lagoon, north of Newlyn.
Port Phillip Region ($108,064)

$49,500 to design and construct a fishing platform, suitable for persons of all abilities, on the Maribyrnong River, Riverside Park, The Boulevard, Aberfeldie.
$40,000 to design and construct two fishing platforms in Moorpanyal Park, North Shore, Geelong.
$8,336 to install solar lighting and signage to illuminate the Griffin Gully pier, Corio Bay.
$5,909 to stock 5,000 yearling rainbow trout into Karkarook Park Lake. Fish to be stocked subject to the completion and outcome of a fish translocation risk assessment.
$2,727 to stock 2,000 yearling rainbow trout into Pakenham Lake, Pakenham.
$1,591 to stock 1,000 yearling rainbow trout (500 in the third semester school holiday break in 2005, and 500 in the 2nd semester school holiday break in 2006) into Bannockburn Lagoon, Bannockburn.
Gippsland Region ($83,500)
$68,000 to rebuild the end section of a jetty and construct a floating fishing platform at McLoughin's Beach, end of McLoughlin's Road, Shoal Inlet, Ninety-Mile Beach.
$15,500 to evaluate the importance of large woody debris in improving recreational fishing opportunities for black bream through tracking the broad scale movements throughout the Gippsland Lakes (funds already disbursed).
Northern Region ($398,000)
$68,000 to improve fish habitat through the introduction various in-stream structures, erect fencing and conduct riparian zone revegetation works, improve angler access through Crown frontage reserve, and install signage along 4km of the Rubicon River between the Taggerty-Thornton Road and the Power line utility track.
$38,450 to stock a total of 4,000 tagged yearling Murray cod and 40,000 chemically tagged fingerling golden perch to supplement the stocking into waters where commercial fishing ceased in 2002 (icl. lakes Boga, Reedy, Kangaroo, and Broken Creek, and Kow Swamp); and 150,000 fingerling golden perch into Lake Hume.
$37,500 to conduct a study to determine angler-use patterns for Cairn Curran Reservoir, particularly, information on target species and preferred catches. Survey angler-satisfaction and preferences for management objectives and survey fish populations to determine the structure and growth rates of this water's major species. Read the Angling Options for Cairn Curran Reservoir report.
$27,273 to stock 150,000 fingerling golden perch into Lake Hume.
$23,636 to stock 3,000 yearling Murray cod, and 40,000 fingerling golden perch into waters where commercial fishing ceased in 2002 inc. Kow Swamp, Lake Charm, Lake Kangaroo, Reedy Lake, and Lake Boga.
$17,727 to stock 10,000 fingerling Murray cod into the Campaspe River, and 50,000 fingerling golden perch into Green's lake, vicinity of Rochester.
$13,043 to construct a fishing platform at Bridgewater-on-Loddon.
$12,000 to stock 10,000 fin-clipped yearling rainbow trout into Lake Eildon.
$11,500 (and commitment to disburse $52,000 in 2006 and $55,000 in 2007 from retained 2004/05 RFL revenue) to assess the potential for the establishment of a quality brown trout fishery and the control of a pest fish population of roach, through the stocking of triploid brown trout in the Malmsbury and Lauriston Reservoirs.
$9,800 to stock 10,000 fin-clipped yearling rainbow trout into Lake Hume.
$8,364 to stock 5,000 fingerling Murray cod and 5,000 fingerling golden perch into the Broken Creek's Boulevard area, and 5,000 fingerling Murray cod into the Broken Creek's Station Street area of Numurkah.
$8,182 to stock 10,000 fingerling Murray cod into the Mitta River below Tallandoon and Pigs Point.
$6,818 to stock 5,000 fingerling Murray cod and 15,000 fingerling golden perch into the Goulburn River from Murchison to Mooroopna.
$4,000 to stock 2,000 fingerling Murray cod and 10,000 fingerling golden perch into the Broken Creek above Katamatite to Nathalia.
$2,091 to stock 10,000 fingerling golden perch into the Broken Creek, township of Nathalia.
$1,364 to stock 1,000 fingerling Murray cod and 1,000 fingerling golden perch into Mollison Creek (above the wall) at Pyalong.
$797 (and a commitment to disburse $797 in 2006 and 2007) to produce 12 issues for each of three years of the publication 'Up the creek', to promote recreational fishing and care of the aquatic environment in the Mollison Creek, Pyalong. This project complements the intended stocking of 1,000 fingerling Murray cod and 1,000 fingerling golden perch into Mollison Creek.
$455 to stock 600 fingerling golden perch into each of Lake Amaroo and Lowanna Waters, vicinity of Shepparton.
Statewide ($76,148)
$47,273 to expand The Victorian Fisheries Authority's statewide salmonid, native fish and drought recovery stocking program including approximately 17,000 fingerling golden perch, 11,500 fingerling Murray cod, and a mix of 40,500 fingerling and yearling rainbow trout and brown trout.
$9,410 to produce 300,000 copies of a Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct.
$8,182 to expand The Victorian Fisheries Authority's Small Waters (43) Fish Stocking Program (SWFSP) through increased stocking of 5,200 yearling rainbow trout for the 3rd semester school holiday break in 2005 and the 2nd semester school holiday break in 2006 - to be integrated with The Victorian Fisheries Authority's current SWFSP.
$7,282 to translate the 'Know your fish limits', (fin fish size and catch limits for recreational fishing in Victoria), into 16 languages to enable non-English speaking persons to understand and comply with fish bag and size limits.
$4,000 to educate recreational fishers in correct fishing practices and procedures by conducting Flathead Fred fishing shows in Victoria.
Your Fishing Licence Fees at Work 2003-2004
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria. In 2003-04 nearly $1 million was allocated to 40 Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects outlined below.
In 2003-04 nearly $1 million was allocated to 38 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2003-04 RFL revenue also funded:
- The establishment of Recreational Fishing-Only areas at Lake Tyers and Mallacoota Inlet through the cancellation of Commercial Fishery Access Licences (CFALs);
- 10 regionally-based Fisheries Officers;
- The administration of the RFL and the Recreational Fishing Grant Program;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- RFL sales commissions;
- RFL- and RFGP-related community information; and
- The stocking of over 2,000 Murray cod yearlings and over 35,000 golden perch fingerlings into five of the inland waters.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2003-04
A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure. A report is available for revenue spent in 2003/2004 and for previous years.
The following is a summary of projects funded from 2003-04 RFL revenue. These projects are listed under the department Region from which the project application emanated.
Fish stocking costs are GST-exclusive, rounded to the nearest dollar.
Port Phillip Region ($5,082)
$5,082 to remove weeds, plant native vegetation and erect signage at Lake Modewarre, Mt. Moriac.
Gippsland Region ($279,610)
$30,733 to formalise ad-hoc access tracks into one formed track to improve access to the Lower Tambo River, from Princes Highway to the river mouth.
$60,000 (and a commitment to disburse $55,000 in 2004/05) to replace the boardwalk and construct four fishing platforms on the South Bank of the Tarwin River, Tarwin Lower.
$11,500 to remove exotic vegetation, erect fencing, and install signage at Primrose Park, Boolara, Morwell River Catchment.
$21,375 to remove exotic vegetation, erect fencing, and install signage at Apex Park, Boolara, Morwell River Catchment.
$100,000 to improve fish habitat through the installation of large woody debris at ten sites along the Tambo River, Mitchell River, Snowy River, Nicholson River, North Arm, Frenchman's Creek, and Lakes Entrance (3 year project)
$33,002 (and a commitment to disburse $26,840 in 2004/05) to evaluate the changes to dusky flathead limits at Mallacoota Inlet.
$23,000 (and a commitment to disburse $14,000 in 2004/05) for a study to obtain detailed movement patterns of Australian bass in the Snowy River. Read the report of bass movement and migration in the Snowy River.
Northern Region ($299,750)
$140,000 to enhance recreational fishing opportunities by establishing angler access points to the Goulburn river and undertake works along the Goulburn river that protect and enhance stream habitats.
$55,000 to improve angler access, riparian vegetation and fish habitat (by the introduction of large woody debris, artificial cover-structures and boulders to increase adult trout habitat and the stream's carrying capacity) along the Rubicon River, Goulburn Valley, Thornton.
$34,250 for a study to benchmark the Lake Hume fishery by obtaining information on angler use of the water, recreational fish catch and effort, fish population structure in the water, details on management preferences, and develop a fish stocking plan (3 years). Read the Lake Hume Fishery Assessment report.
$38,500 (and a commitment to disburse $20,500 in 2004/05) to conduct a creel survey to determine the effects of recent changes to the stocking regime at Eildon Pondage. Read the Eildon Pondage Creel Survey Report.
$32,000 for a study to determine if rehabilitated fish habitats are inhabited by fish species of interest to recreational fishers (by comparing the relative abundance, size distribution and species composition of the fish community at rehabilitated sites with comparable reference sites at each location). Read the summary abundance and size distribution of large-bodied fish in the Mallee region of the lower Murray River (2002-10).
South West Region ($175,232)
$30,000 to provide an all-weather access road to improve access to the river bank on the Wimmera River upstream of Peppertree Road to River Heights Road.
$6,000 to improve angler access, revegetate, and erect fencing and signage at Taylors Lake, Horsham.
$2,750 to replace the existing fish barrier at the Aringa Reservoir's outflow in Port Fairy.
$31,882 to erect a floating fishing platform suitable for persons of all abilities, and a fish cleaning facility at the south end of Lake Bullen Merri, Camperdown.
$1,200 to construct a fish cleaning table at Gellibrand River, Colac.
$28,400 to revegetate 120m of river bank, construct two fishing platforms, and install large woody debris in Barham River, Apollo Bay (2 year project)
$75,000 for a study into the effectiveness of the Lake Bullen Merri aerator in Camperdown.
Statewide ($93,893)
$9,410 to produce 300,000 copies of the Victorian Recreational Fishing Code of Practice.
$3,000 to educate children in correct fishing practices and procedures by conducting Flathead Fred fishing shows in Victoria.
$2,000 to conduct six educative recreational fishing clinics for children.
$1,595 to educate recreational fishers about marine safety, the correct procedure for tag and release of fish, correct type and usage of equipment, fish sizes and catch limits.
$1,500 to conduct fly fishing tuition and a fly fishing trip for recreational fishers of all ages.
$2,500 to deliver a recreational fishing program in schools that teaches children to become environmental minded fishers.
$10,000 to deliver the 'Get Hooked…It's Fun to Fish' recreational fishing school program.
$2,000 to conduct an education course on basic fly fishing.
$2,200 to conduct information and practical fishing demonstration sessions to promote and increase participation in recreational fishing.
$1,920 to produce a weekly thirty minute radio program to promote recreational fishing with a focus on the rights and responsibilities of recreational fishers, protecting the environment and rivers, and sustaining and improving fish levels in rivers.
$1,468 to deliver a junior angler development program which promotes recreational fishing through fun activities and workshops.
$56,300 to resume the angler diary program.
Fish stocking ($85,750)
$23,400 (and a commitment to disburse $25,700 in 2004/05, and $27,900 in 2005/06) to stock 25,000 brown trout, in addition to The Victorian Fisheries Authority's intended stocking over the next three years into Lake Hume.
$24,000 (and a commitment to disburse $24,000 in 2004/05) to stock 600 2kg brown trout and 400 3kg rainbow trout over two years into Eildon Pondage.
$5,500 to stock 1,000 dart-tagged yearling Murray Cod into Broken Creek, Nathalia.
$1,450 to stock 1,000 yearling rainbow trout into Emerald Park Lake.
$1,400 to stock 600 rainbow trout in addition to fish stocked via The Victorian Fisheries Authority's Small Waters stocking program into Yarrambat Park Lake.
$30,000 to stock 50,000+ Australian Bass Fingerlings into Lake Glenmaggie, Blue Rock dam, Macalister River and Hazelwood Pondage.
Your Fishing Licence Fees at Work 2002-2003
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria. In 2002-03 over $1.72 million was allocated to 53 Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects outlined below.
In 2002-03 over $1.72 million was allocated to 53 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2002/03 RFL revenue also funded:
- 10 regionally based Fisheries Officers;
- The final repayment to State Treasury for the buy-back of 108 commercial fishing licences in Victoria's bays and inlets;
- The voluntary buy-out of the remaining commercial fishing licences from 28 inland waters;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- The administration of the RFL and the Recreational Fishing Grant Program;
- RFL sales commissions; and
- RFL- and RFGP-related community information.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2002-03
A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure. A report is available for revenue spent in 2002/2003 and for previous years.
The following is a summary of projects funded from 2002-03 RFL revenue. These projects are listed under the department Region from which the project application emanated.
Port Phillip Region ($257,837)
$18,735 to construct and erect a fish screen to prevent fish escapes, and construct a floating fishing pontoon at Seagull Paddock Lake, Geelong
$34,452 to construct a fishing platform on the Maribyrnong River, Riverside Park at Aberfeldie, Essendon
$2,418 to install two fish cleaning tables and signage on Corinella Foreshore Reserve, Corinella jetty
$10,000 to remove and renew two existing fishing platforms on Maribyrnong River, Canning Reserve, Avondale Heights
$65,000 to provide a multi-use recreational fishing facility immediately down stream of Minah Street boat ramp, Lake Connewarre State Game Reserve, Barwon Heads
$3,000 to install a fish cleaning table and signage on Tooradin Foreshore Reserve
$19,600 to construct four recreational fishing embankments along the north bank of Lake Treganowan, Emerald Lake Park
$300 to stock golden perch into Hanging Rock Lake
$1,250 to stock rainbow trout into Lake Treganown, Emerald Lake Park
$2,500 to develop a wetland area and fishing activities as part of a Farm School Program at the Woori Yallock
$3,772 for facilitation of the YMCA's Fishing Education for primary and secondary school students
$2,000 to conduct a free education and information course at the Greensborough & District Angling Club on the skills and pleasures of recreational fishing
$2,500 to conduct a 'Kids Come & Try Fishing Day' in January 2004, Frankston Pier & Foreshore
$51,510 to enable students to participate in the science involved in monitoring, re-establishing or improving populations of native estuarine fish (black bream) in areas of their depletion
$800 to purchase equipment to enable an educational recreational fishing program to be conducted at the Diamond Valley Sport Game Fishing Club
$40,000 to assess the status of inshore recreational accessed populations of abalone along the central Victorian coast
Gippsland Region ($287,858)
$1,793 to install a fish cleaning table and signage at Manns Beach, Tarraville
$10,000 to construct 50 stiles to provide improved access for anglers to various waters in catchments of the South Gippsland Basin
$8,170 to improve fish habitat in the Thomson River, West Gippsland
$33,770 for stage two of Traralgon Creek environmental and aquatic restoration project
$24,000 to improve fish habitat in the lower reaches of the Tarwin River
$9,125 (and a commitment to disperse $9,125 in 2003/04 and $9,125 in 2004/5) to improve fish habitat at Innisfail Station, Cobungra River
$40,000 to improve water quality and fish passage within Cunninghame Arm to link with the Warm Holes, Eastern Beach Causeway, Lakes Entrance
$29,000 (and a commitment to disperse $17,500 in 2003/04) to undertake a detailed survey of angler catches in the Macalister River.
$82,000 to monitor the movement patterns and habitat preferences of Estuary perch in the Snowy River estuary.
$50,000 to replace existing fishing platforms, construct a fourth fishing platform, on the Looerrn board walk Tidal River
Northern Region ($694,473)
$45,000 for an upgrade benefiting recreational fishers at Woolshed Bay, Cairn Curran Reservoir
$20,000 (and a commitment to disperse $20,000 in 2003/04 and $20,000 in 2004/05) to conduct a study to determine the spawning cues for Golden perch and other species in waters surrounding Lindsay Island, Murray Sunset National Park, and Wallpolla Island, State Park
$45,000 to evaluate the current state of knowledge on artificial habitat structure in freshwater impoundments, and install and evaluate structure/s in suitable waters
$85,000 (and a commitment to disperse $85,000 in 2003/04) to assess the population structure, spawning habitat and recruitment, feeding habits, preferred depth/temperature profiles and habitat preferences of large brown trout in Lake Eildon
$47,000 to monitor the movement of brown trout in the Goulburn River to determine how to obtain optimum benefits from the fishery for recreational anglers.
$71,373 (and a commitment to disperse $45,050 in 2003/04 and $45,050 in 2004/05) to undertake a study to establish base-line data of fish in the Goulburn River below Nagambie Lakes (view research report summary)
$146,100 to determine the movement patterns of Golden perch and Murray cod when released into the Nagambie Lakes (view research report summary)
$215,000 to establish access points to the Goulburn River for recreational fishers, and undertake ground works at eight locations along the river to protect and enhance stream habitat, install signage and fencing
$20,000 to erect signage to direct anglers to fishing waters at various sites in north east
South West Region ($296,631)
$15,730 to stabilise foreshore banks from erosion, and provide recreational fishing access to Tooliorook Lake, Lismore
$5,755 to re-sheet a vehicle access road to Lake Elingamite, Cobden
$28,636 to design and construct a fishing platform at Durham Point, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat
$123,000 to construct a fishing platform on the north-west bank and the north east bank of the Anglesea River
$15,000 to enhance an existing dam and reserve to improve the amenity and facilities for recreational fishing at the Bannockburn Lagoon
$1,250 to stock rainbow trout into the Old Dunkeld Arboretum, Dunkeld
$1,600 to stock brown trout into the Moyne River, Warrnambool
$660 for a recreational fisheries information poster at the Aire River
$5,000 (and a commitment to disperse $5,000 in 2003/04) to develop and deliver a community awareness program for carp management in the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment
$100,000 to develop improved screen designs for carp control for water entering the Glenelg River, and reduce carp biomass
Statewide ($189,908)
$3,000 to promote sustainable recreational fishing practices to children around Victoria
$5,000 to prepare and print a new version of a pest fish education and awareness brochure – Pest Fish: Villains or Victims?
$50,000 to establish Victoria's Fishing Participation Program
$78,908 (and a commitment to disperse $78,908 in 2003/04 and $78,908 in 2004/05) to continue the Fishcare Volunteer Program across Victoria
$5,500 to produce practical children's educational resources
$38,500 (and a commitment to disperse $38,500 in 2003/04) to revise, update and republish 'A Guide to the Freshwater Fish of Victoria'
$7,500 to design and install interpretive signs highlighting estuary dynamics and the issues associated with unlicensed and/or inappropriate breaches of estuary river mouths
$1,500 to conduct a recreational fishing program for disadvantaged men and women
Your Fishing Licence Fees at Work 2001-2002
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria. In 2001-02 over $650,000 was allocated to 33 Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects outlined below.
In 2001-02 over $650,000 was allocated to 33 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2001/02 RFL revenue also funded:
- 10 regionally based Fisheries Officers;
- Repayment to State Treasury for the buy-back of commercial fishery access licences in Victoria's bays and inlets;
- Buy-back of all remaining Inland Fishery Access Licences (IFALs);
- Native fish stocking in the Wimmera and Central Highlands;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- Fisheries Revenue Allocation Committee (FRAC);
- The administration of the RFL and the Recreational Fishing Grant Program;
- RFL sales commissions; and
- RFL- and RFGP-related community information.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2001-02
A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure. A report is available for revenue spent in 2001/2002 and for previous years.
The following is a summary of projects funded from 2001-02 RFL revenue. These projects are listed under the department Region from which the project application emanated. Fish stocking costs are GST-exclusive, rounded to the nearest dollar.
Port Phillip Region ($232,318)
$12,545 to manufacture and install directional signage to Lakes Modewarre, Bullen Merri, Murdeduke, Colac and Purumbete
$16,364 to design, manufacture and install fishing rod holders with bait boards to provide a recreational fishing facility, a disabled fishing facility, and install interpretive signage at Kerford Road Pier, Lagoon Pier, Mornington Pier and South Pier
$10,000 to restore the fishing platform at Anglesea River/ Lions Park
$20,909 (and a commitment to disperse $20,909 in 2002/03) to construct a fishing platform and access boardwalk for fishers of all ages and abilities, and install information signs about the benefits of the riparian zone at Anglesea River Reserve
$4,532 to upgrade the existing facilities on the Yarra River in Newport, and introduce a recreational fishing litter reduction education promotion
$54,802 (and a commitment to disperse $19,180 in 2002/03 and $22,584 in 2003/04) for a study to identify the spawning locations and habitats of King George Whiting along the Victorian coast including Wilson's Promontory, Phillip Island, Torquay, Apollo Bay, Port Campbell and Portland (view research report summary)
$27,730 to conduct a statewide angler diary program which involves anglers in the monitoring of recreational fisheries
Gippsland Region ($141,699)
$770 to manufacture and install signage with maps of Lake Tyers and a fish ID chart
$2,530 to manufacture and install signage and a fish cleaning table at Mill Point
$3,080 to manufacture and install signage and a fish cleaning table at the Nowa Nowa Recreation Reserve
$10,591 to construct a fishing platform and boardwalk at Bemm River
$3,818 to build stairs to provide access to fishing sites on Franklin River
$42,910 to clear waterways of exotic vegetation and establish a buffer zone alone the Traralgon Creek bank
$78,000 for the second stage of the Lower Tambo and Mitchell Rivers habitat restoration project
Northern Region ($29,754)
$2,730 to install styles over fences to improve recreational fishers' access to Barkers Creek Reservoir/ Harcourt North Reservoir and install signage
$14,000 for a study to determine the habitat used by catchable size Brown trout under high and low flow condition
$13,024 to undertake an investigative study of the apparent decline in fish species' diversity and populations in Nagambie lakes
South West Region ($176,353)
$5,758 to construct a fishing platform, concrete path, and car parking area at Campaspe River, Kyneton
$18,182 to construct fishing jetty with disabled access at Merri River, Ferrier Drive Reserve
$41,182 (and a commitment to disperse $20,591 in 2002/03) to construct accessible fishing platform, shelter and path extension at Hopkins River, Warrnambool
$11,600 for a study into the assessment of fish habitat condition (as part of Glenelg-Hopkins CMA project) to rehabilitate fish habitat in the Glenelg River at Harrow via creation of an artificial buffer storage and re-snagging operations
$40,000 for a pilot study into the application of 'smart tag' technology for Snapper
$20,000 (and a commitment to disperse $10,000 in 2002/03) to conduct a creel survey to assess the reason for increasing or reducing the number of yearling fish stocked at Lake Bullen Merri, Camperdown
$9,090 to study and assess land management practices around Lake Gillear, Allansford, to develop future management strategies to decrease nutrient inputs and improve water quality
Statewide ($3,000)
$3,000 to educate children in correct fishing practices and procedures by conducting Flathead Fred fishing shows in Victoria
Fish Stocking ($81,149)
$21,859 to stock native fish in various waters
$500 to stock 300 Murray cod and 2000 Golden Perch in Lake Anderson, Chiltern
$400 to stock 500 Golden Perch fingerlings in Hanging Rock Lake
$11,670 to stock 10,000 Rainbow Trout yearlings in Tullaroop Reservoir, Maryborough
$2,500 to stock 2,000 Brown Trout fingerlings in Moyne River, Warrnambool
$27,500 to expand stocking of Australian Bass in Lake Glenmaggie, Blue Rock Lake
$5,900 to stock 5,000 yearling Atlantic Salmon in Lake Bullen Merri, Camperdown
$150 to stock 1,000 Golden Perch fingerlings in Goldfields Reservoir, Maryborough
Additional Projects
In September 2002, the Minister announced the funding of 12 new RFGP projects, and extra funding for one existing project, totalling in excess of $169,000. Total RFL revenue disbursed or committed to 45 RFGP projects in 2002 exceeds $833,000.
$19,265 to construct all-weather access track and parking areas to access the La Trobe River, Sale
$7,894 to seal a dirt road providing access to southern shore of Lake Bullen Merri and jetty, Camperdown
$13,410 to construct a fishing jetty at Curdies River, Curdievale
$3,780 to remove combungi to provide better access for junior recreational fishers and install signage at Seagull Paddock Lake, Geelong
$8,400 to repair, upgrade and improve access track to La Trobe River, Heart Morass, State Game Reserve
$5,455 to rebuild the jetty at Blind Bight jetty, Westernport, to provide access for disabled recreational fishers and rebuild the fish cleaning bench
$4,090 to replace the existing jetty at Anglesea River/ Maid Marions
$1,400 to install a fish screen to prevent escape of carp and stocked fish in Lake Bolac
$10,000 to stock Murray cod in Western and Northern district waters
$20,000 to enable six Bellarine Peninsula secondary schools to participate in the science involved in re-establishing populations of native estuarine fish (black bream) in areas where they have been depleted
$14,546 as additional funding for the pilot study into the application of 'smart tag' technology for snapper
$20,000 for a study to determine angler catch at Eildon Pondage and what proportion of the catch results from stocked fish, and angler attitudes/ opinions on fishing and management of fishery
$41,390 for a study to assess the level of mortality of under-sized snapper and black bream caught and released by recreational fishers in Port Phillip Bay and Gippsland Lake