Your fees at work 2007-08
Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
In 2007-08 over $1.2 million has been allocated to 21 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL trust account expenditure

During 2007-08, RFL revenue also funded:
- Recreational fisheries field services (state wide);
- The administration of the RFL and the RFGP;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- RFL sales commissions;
- RFL and RFGP-related community information; and
- Bay & Inlet commercial fishing licence buy-back loan repayment.
Recreational fishing grant program projects 2007-08

A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure.
The following is a summary of RFGP projects funded from 2007-08 RFL revenue. Unless otherwise stated, these projects are listed under the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (former) Department of Primary Industries region from which the project application emanated.
Gippsland ($217,349)
- $150,000 to construct three fishing platforms on the Tarwin River
- $37,349 to install in-stream structures at Second Island in the Snowy River
- $30,000 to deliver research priorities in the Lake Tyers Fisheries Management Plan. Read the full Lake Tyers Fisheries Reserve report.

Gippsland/ South West/ Northern ($314,000)
- $44,000 to run angler diary programs in Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota, Lake Tyers, Glenelg and Hopkins rivers, and NE Victoria. Read the full research report: Angler diary monitoring of recreational target fish stocks in selected Victorian estuaries.
- $270,000 over three years to develop innovative approaches to monitoring small estuarine fisheries
Northern ($64,500)
- $64,500 to determine summer trout habitats in Lake Hume and Lake Dartmouth. Read the full research report on the summer trout habitats in Lake Hume and Lake Dartmouth.
Port Phillip ($182,112)
- $165,000 to construct a designated fishing platform at Corinella jetty
- $12,000 to introduce children and families to recreational fishing in Casey Fields Lake
- $5,112 to take disadvantaged primary school children fishing
South West ($283,126)

- $80,000 to construct two fishing platforms on Jubilee Lake, Daylesford
- $30,000 to replace the Lyndoch fishing jetty on the Hopkins River, Warrnambool
- $6,843 to construct an L-shaped fishing platform at Skipton Lake
- $7939.00 to install a solar light the fish cleaning table at Apollo Bay boat ramp
- $21,575 to build stone stairs at Grey River to the rock (fishing) platform
- $26,800 to construct two fishing platforms on the Barwon River at Fyansford
- $50,514 to build stone stairs at Sturt Point, Wye River, to improve angler access
- $59,455 to install a floating fishing platform on the Hopkins River
State wide ($125,800)
- $13,800 over three years to promote the recreational fishing code of conduct
- $12,000 for 'Flathead Fred's' Kids Fun Fishing Shows
- $100,000 over two years to undertake an economic study of recreational fishing in Victoria.