VRFish statement of performance and expenditure

Anthony Hurst
Executive Director
The Victorian Fisheries Authority
GPO Box 4440
Melbourne Vic 3001

DATE: 29 April 2011


I present for the State's Representative's consideration the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body's (VRFish) Progress Report as at 31 March 2011. Detailing VRFish's performance and expenditure of the funding received from the

Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (former) Department of Primary Industries against VRFish's Annual Core-Business Plan and the State's expectations of VRFish for the 2010-2011 financial year.

VRFish is confident that it has met the expected outcomes and performance requirements detailed in Schedule 2 of the Core Funding Agreement and hopes that this report is satisfactory in presentation. As instructed in Schedule 3, VRFish encloses with this progress report, the second and final invoice for the 2010-2011 financial year.

Although VRFish has submitted its Strategy for representing the views of recreational fishers (Communications Plan), VRFish conducted an Engagement Model Review Workshop during its regional State Council Meeting, 26-27 March 2011. The outcomes have recently been presented to VRFish, VRFish are now in the process of reviewing these outcomes to establish whether or not any amendments are required to its Strategy. Should the Strategy be amended, a revised version will be submitted.

As noted in your correspondence dated 28 February 2011, VRFish has had some staff departures. Your correspondence refers to what VRFish proposes to use the savings arising from the recent staff departures. In regards to the Grants/Project Officer Role, any savings has been put toward the appointment of a full-time Administration Assistant to assist in the meeting on obligations under the VRFish Core-business Plan.

As responded in its 15 March 2011 correspondence, VRFish is in the process of reviewing its staffing arrangements and are endeavouring to have this situation rectified by the end of the financial year.

Kind regards,

Geoff Cramer