Your fees at work 2006-07

Every year the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account allocates the fees you pay for your fishing licence to projects that will directly improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
In 2006-07 over $760,000 has been allocated to 17 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Other RFL Trust Account Expenditure
During 2006-07, RFL revenue also funded:
- 10 regionally-based Fisheries Officers;
- The administration of the RFL and the RFGP;
- The Victorian Recreational Fishing peak body (VRFish);
- RFL sales commissions;
- RFL and RFGP-related community information;
- Bay & Inlet commercial fishing licence buy-back loan repayment; and
- Matching funding of successful projects under Round 4 and Round 5 (to be announced) of the Commonwealth Government's Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme.
Recreational Fishing Grant Program Projects 2006-07

A report is tabled in Parliament in October each year concerning all RFL Trust Account revenue and expenditure.
The following is a summary of RFGP projects funded from 2006-07 RFL revenue. Unless otherwise stated, these projects are listed under the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (former) Department of Primary Industries region from which the project application emanated.
Port Phillip Region ($81,000)
- $81,000 for a study to evaluate the effects of recreational fishers targeting breeding elephant fish in Western Port (M). Read the evaluation report on effect on elephant fish.
Gippsland Region ($166,132)
- $63,000 to implement the fishery and habitat research components of the Mallacoota Inlet Fisheries Management Plan (E). Read the recreational fishery monitoring and fish habitat research report.
- $25,476 (and a commitment to disburse $36,356 in 2008-09) to improve access and facilities in Central North Gippsland through installation of signage and construction of fishing platforms at various locations (I)
- $33,000 for the implementation of integrated approaches and the monitoring and assessment of recreational estuarine fisheries for Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota Inlet, Glenelg River and Hopkins Rivers (E). Read the Angler diary monitoring of recreational target fish stocks research report.
- $8,300 to design and construct a fishing platform on Merriman's Creek Island, Seaspray (E)
Northern Region ($350,676)
- $212,790 for a study into the Kerang Lakes that assesses fish stock levels, analyses fish samples and develops a communication strategy to increase angler participation and obtain feed back (I)
- $50,000 to improve fish habitat by installing in-stream structures and improve facilities by constructing a fishing platform and access tracks along the Boosey Creek, Tungamah (I)
- $50,000 for the removal of blackberries, repair of riparian environment and bank stabilisation along the Howqua River (I)
- $37,886 to design and construct two fishing jetties to improve access and encourage recreational fishing at Kennington Reservoir, Bendigo (I)
South West Region ($59,163)
- $27,457 to design and construct a fishing platform at Tea Tree Lake, Mortlake (I)
- $17,728 to design and construct an all-persons accessible fishing platform that links to the shared pathway at Colac Lake (I)
- $9,609 to erect a solar light over existing fish cleaning table at Wally's ramp, Portland (M)
- $4,100 for "Catch a Carp Day" at Lake Colac to introduce primary school children to recreational fishing (I)
- $269 for a children's fishing education day to promote recreational fishing, correct tackle use, the code of practice, clean waterways and highlight personal safety at Victoria Park Lakes, Ballarat (I)
Statewide ($107,000)
- $33,000 (and a commitment to disburse $33,000 in 2008-09 and $33,000 in 2009-10) for Fishcare to conduct 300 'Fish Right' workshops for junior anglers across Victoria, and evaluate the workshops
- $4,000 to conduct Flathead Freds' Kids' Fun Fishing Shows around Victoria
- $4,000 to publish the Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide 2007-08
Matching funding of projects under Rounds 4 and 5 of the Commonwealth Government's Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme
In round 4, five projects to the value of $146,023 (GST-inclusive) were funded by RFL revenue.
Round 4 projects | RFL revenue | Matching Commonwealth funding |
Construction of three pontoons for land based fishing access at Mallacoota Inlet | $75,000 | $75,000 |
2007-08 "Kids, Come 'n' Try Fishing" Program for 700 children around Victoria | $29,688 | $29,988 |
Three fishing days for 600 children/adults with disabilities at Paterson Lakes, Carrum and Rosebud | $19,610 | $19,910 |
Construction of a fishing platform, suitable for persons of all abilities, on the Campaspe River, Echuca. | $15,125 | $30,250 |
"Kids Come Try Fishing" day at Casey fields Lake, Cranbourne | $6,600 | $7,300 |
In round 5, ten projects to the value of $429,828 (GST-inclusive) were funded by RFL revenue.
Round 5 projects | RFL revenue | Matching Commonwealth funding |
Goulburn-Eildon recreational fishing precinct: access improvements & habitat enhancement program. | $140,000 | $34,500* |
Fishcare Publications - a suite of educational materials for recreational anglers | $12,500 | $43,400 |
Construction of a rock stairway at Jump Rock, Lorne to allow for easier and safer access to the popular fishing location | $11,500 | $16,110 |
Construction of a rock stairway at Artillery Rocks, Lorne to allow for easier and safer access to the popular fishing location | $10,500 | $15,176 |
East Gippsland fish habitat improvement project - habitat improvements through provision of 16 instream structures and a community awareness program (through local media). | $114,400 | $100,000 |
Construction of two floating pontoons at Eildon Pondage that rise and fall with the changing water levels. | $28,830 | $28,830 |
Construction of a fishing platform, shelter and access paths at Nelson River to provide accessible opportunities for people with disabilities or mobility issues. | $9,598 | $9,598 |
Purchase and installation of nine webcams at locations including: Limeburners, Clifton Springs, Ocean Grove, St Leonard's, Stony Point, Altona, Sorrento, Torquay, Apollo Bay. | $89,750 | $95,300 |
Trial two fish aggregation devices (FADs) in Victorian waters (proposed locations including Mt Martha and Kannanook Creek). | $5,750 | $9,000 |
Solar lighting along Franklin River. | $7,000 | $7,000 |
* Applicant contribution of $100,000 to project