How to catch Australian bass
Revered for their wisdom and fight, Australian bass present a thrilling challenge for light-tackle sport fishers. Creatively presenting lures and baits to this often-reclusive fish generates unmatched excitement. For their size, bass show formidable strength and ought to be a bucket list item for every freshwater angler.
Bass fishing is typically best between November and April when warm, still evenings and insect hatches create perfect conditions. When targeting bass, look for structure and deeper sections of water, where they will often school. Bass are more likely found near rocky points and weed beds, standing timber in lakes, and during low light conditions.
Substantial stockings have increased populations and created fisheries that are more accessible to families and those wanting a quick stop to drop in a line. Still, adventurous anglers will be rewarded with awesome fishing if kayaking or rafting into remote sections of river.
Both spin outfits and lighter baitcasters are popular when bass fishing. Recommended is a medium-fast action 6.6-7 foot rod, a 2500-sized reel spooled with 8-12 lb braided line, and a leader of around 12 lb.
For lure fishers, try diving crankbaits and soft plastics of around 3 inches long. Surface lures, particularly cicada imitations, are another great option for additional variety. Small spinnerbaits, jigs, lipless crankbaits and even spoons can be effective in certain circumstances, especially when fishing deep waters in lakes.
For bait fishers, try shrimp, worms and small yabbies on a running sinker rig from the shore or boat for your best shot at landing an Aussie bass.