Health and Physical Education

On a trip

Prepare for a field trip to the beach or river.  What safety considerations do we need to make?, what is acceptable /non-acceptable field trip behaviour? Find out why tides/currents should be investigated before visiting the beach. Review safety precautions like swim between the flags.

Dolphin Chasey  

Dolphins are a very clever predator. They can swim fast and work with other dolphins to catch their food. What do dolphins eat?Choose three students to be the dolphins (predator) and the rest of the students are fish (prey). Set your boundaries. The aim is for the fish to get from one end of your playing area to the other. The dolphins have to chase the fish. If they are caught, they turn into seaweed. The seaweeds have to stay on the spot where they are caught.


Use body and limbs to move like different animals - spread tentacles like an octopus, glide like a gull, crawl like a crab

The Hermit Crabs Need to Find a Home (hermit crab chasey)

Read ‘A House for hermit Crab’ by Eric Carle

Divide the class into two groups – the Hermit crabs and the shells. The shells should stand in a circle, spread out with their legs apart, to represent the opening of the shell. The Hermit Crabs should group together in the middle of the circle.

On a signal, the Hermit crabs crawl on all fours and move bottom-first into an empty shell. After a few practices, remove some of the shells so that there are more crabs than shells. Hermit crabs that miss out on a shell can be “gobbled up” by a hungry seagull (the teacher or the students that are out). Continue the game by varying the number of shells and hungry seagulls.


Design sea- Olympic activities, events could include:  Sea star jumps – how high? How many?  Crab races – move like crabs on all fours.  Sea Cucumber tunnel ball – students in line as a sea cucumber, pass the ball between legs. The ball represents food going in the mouth and coming out the bottom.