Vic Fish Stock 2012
Fisheries Victoria Management Report Series No. 85
August 2012

- Background
- Fish stocking outcomes 2011 season — Summary
- 2012 Vic Fish Stock meeting outcomes
- Improving your fisheries statewide
- Recreational Fishing Initiative
- Recreational Fishing Grants Program (RFGP)
- Key outcomes 2011/12
- Fishing for Grants?
- Fishcare
- Submitting a change to the fish stocking program
- Fisheries Victoria contacts
- Appendix 1 - Proposed fish stockings
- Gippsland
- North East
- North West
- Port Phillip
- South West
- Appendix 2 - Stocking Submission Check list
Figure 1: Map of Victoria showing Department of Primary Industries regions
Click on the image to view a larger version

The Vic Fish Stock regional consultative meetings were held in March 2012 to plan the number of salmonids to be stocked in 2012 and the number of native fish that will be stocked in 2012-13. The purpose of Vic Fish stock meetings is to:
- Review the current year's stocking plan and identify any modifications
- Draft the following year's stocking plan
- Identify other issues relevant to fish stocking
- Identify current fishery management issues
The Vic Fish Stock meetings provide a forum for discussions on fish stocking regimes and related recreational fisheries management issues. Five meetings were held across regional Victoria:
- Port Phillip meeting held at Melbourne 6th March 2012
- Gippsland meeting held at Traralgon on the 7th March 2012
- North East meeting held at Benalla on the 13th April 2012
- North West meeting held at Bendigo on the 14th March 2012
- South West meeting held at Colac on the 15th March 2012
The meetings involve invited representatives from Fisheries Victoria, the Victorian Recreational Fishing representative body (VRFish), the Australian Trout Foundation, Native Fish Australia, Water Management agencies, Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs), Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), and angling association representatives.
Draft outcomes from Vic Fish Stock meetings are prepared by Fisheries Victoria and circulated to meeting participants for comment prior to the publication of this document This report summarises the key outcomes of the 2012 Vic Fish Stock meetings.
The Department acknowledges and values the important contribution made by stakeholders in this process, particularly those who volunteered their time to prepare for, and attend these meetings.
Fish stocking outcomes 2011 season—Summary
Salmonid stocking outcomes
The 2011 Vic Fish Stock proposed 587,250 salmonids to be stocked in 2011. A total of 659,632 salmonids were stocked which included the Family Fishing lakes. No Chinook salmon were available for stocking in 2011. A breakdown of released salmonids species and numbers is presented in the following table.
All trout stocked were produced at Fisheries Victoria's Snobs Creek facility. The in-house production of Snobs Creek was boosted by the improved survival of trout attributed to Improved fish health management controls, vaccination against the bacterial disease Yesinia, and the introduction and use of self-cleaning circular tanks
2011/12 native fish stocking outcomes
The 2011-12 stocking plan for native fish was developed from the 2011 Vic Fish Stock report. It scheduled 2,151,000 native fish to be stocked in 2012. Native fish production shortfalls were experienced during 2011 and some stocking numbers had to be modified. A total of 2,059,192 native fish were stocked. A breakdown of released native fish species and numbers is presented in the following table.
This was a challenging year for the stocking program as significant mortality of Murray cod, Trout cod and Macquarie perch fry and fingerlings occurred that was associated with a white spot outbreak that occurred at the hatchery, and major flooding occurred during March 2012 along the Murrumbidgee River. This flood impacted on the native fish producers and the supply of Golden perch fingerlings.
Target - Vic Fish Stock (2011) | Actual fish stocked | |
Salmonids (2011) | ||
Brown trout | 301,400 | 372,913 |
Rainbow trout | 260,850 | 306,714 |
Chinook salmon | 0 | 0 |
Atlantic salmon | 25,000 | 16,005 |
Sub total | 587,250 | 659,632 |
Natives (2011) | ||
Australian bass | 47,000 | 47,000 |
Estuary Perch | 0 | 7,000 |
Golden perch** | 1,249,100 | 1,069,440 |
Macquarie perch | 10,000 | 3,620 |
Murray cod** | 788,900 | 885,807 |
Silver perch | 46,000 | 46,000 |
Trout cod | 10,000 | 325 |
Sub total | 2,151,100 | 2,059,192 |
Total | 2,738,250 | 2,718,824 |
2012 Vic Fish Stock meeting outcomes
The 2012 Vic Fish Stock outcomes proposed a total of 641,890 salmonids and 2,655,900 native fish to be stocked into Victorian public waters in 2012-13. Details of the proposed species and numbers to be stocked for each water body are presented in Appendix 1.
Summary of proposed Vic Fish Stockings
Proposed stocking numbers* | |
Salmonids (2012) | |
Brown trout | 327,040 |
Rainbow trout | 284,850 |
Chinook salmon | 30,000** |
Natives (2012-13) | |
Australian bass | 82,000 |
Golden perch | 1,420,000 |
Macquarie perch | 28,000 |
Murray cod | 1,067,900 |
Silver perch | 46,000 |
Trout cod | 10,000 |
Estuary perch | 7,000 |
Total | 3,302,790 |
Note: The final numbers and locations where fish are stocked may be influenced by a range of
- Suitability of receiving water, i.e. water quality, water levels, infrastructure maintenance, decisions of waterway managers
- Security of fish supply i.e. unforseen
- Availability of required stocks from private suppliers
** estimate only. Numbers dependant on
Fig 1. Numbers of fish stocked annually between 1999 and the proposed 2012 stocking for salmonids (blue) and native fish (maroon).
Improving your fisheries statewide
The following is an overview of selected statewide inland fisheries management programs that relate to fish stocking.
Recreational Fishing Initiative
Recreational fishing is important to Victorian fishers and families. According to the Ernst and Young report of 2009, more than 721,000 Victorians go fishing annually, spending $825 million on associated goods and services.
The State Government has demonstrated a strong commitment to improving fishing opportunities by allocating extra funding to the Recreational Fishing Initiative over a four year period. This is on top of recreational fishing licence revenue.
Fisheries Victoria has been working to implement year one of the Recreational Fishing Initiative across a range of programs aimed at building recreational fishing facilities and opportunities across Victoria. The key programs of the Recreational Fishing Initiative are:
- Constructing eight new recreational fishing reefs
- Improving angler access to piers, jetties and roads
- Upgrading boat launching facilities
- Building fishing platforms and cleaning tables.
- Stocking popular fish species in waterways recovering from prolonged drought or bushfires
- Funding the operation of Fisheries Victoria's new native fish production facility at Snobs Creek
- Establishing new fisheries with Murray cod, Australian bass, estuary perch, trout cod, Macquarie perch and freshwater catfish.
- Conducting public forums to gather recreational fisher ideas about recreational fishing improvements
- Improving advisory information for fishers, including the Victorian Recreational Fishing iPhone application, multilingual signage, publications and our website.
- Installing fish ladders in conjunction with water and land managers.
- Working with recreational and commercial fishers to implement measures to protect spawning fish stocks near some river mouths.
- Target fisheries patrols to peak fishing periods on weekends, public holidays and at night.
- Conducting priority research and development for recreational fishing e.g. monitoring recreational fishing reefs and refining fish stocking strategies.
Recreational Fishing Grants Program (RFGP)
Every year the Victorian Government, through the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account, disburses revenue derived from the sale of Recreational Fishing Licences to projects that will improve recreational fishing in Victoria.
Since its inception in 2001, the Recreational Fishing Grants Program (RFGP) has funded over 410 projects, worth more than $17.7 million throughout Victoria. The RFGP comprises three separate programs including the Small Grants Program that is continually open to fund small projects (up to $5,000 - GST Exclusive), the Large Grants Program (for projects from $5,001 to $100,000), and, a Commissioning Program for large priority projects (generally in excess of $100,000).
In 2011/12 the Trust allocated $200,000 to Fisheries Victoria to secure additional native and salmonid species for the statewide fish stocking program.
From 2012, the RFL will now contribute more than $820,000 toward this program.
Through the 2010/11 round of the Recreational Fishing Grants Program (RFGP) - Large Grants Program, over $1 million was allocated to 10 projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria. This investment for 2012 is now over $1.6 million on 18 projects.
Region | No. of projects | Investment |
South West | 2 | $188,665 |
Gippsland | 2 | $124,080 |
Port Phillip & Western Port | 2 | $223,055 |
Northern | 4 | $285,598 |
State-wide/ all waters | 8 | $789,474.58 |
Total | 18 | $1,610,872.50 |
2010/12 Funded
Commissioning Grants Program
Through the 2010/11 round of the Recreational Fishing Grants Program - Commissioning Grants Program, over $2.5 million was allocated to four projects:
$1,070,000 over four years to co-fund eight new recreational fishing reefs in estuaries in regional areas and the construction of one large scale off-shore reef;
$779,500 over three years to co-fund the delivery of a massive boost to native fish stocking in Northern Victoria including 8 new boat ramps – See Building Northern Native Fisheries project.
$492,000 over two years to conduct the Angler Diary Program; and
$255,520 to produce and distribute the following education products to recreational anglers:
- 300,000 copies of the 2011/12 Recreational Fishing Guide;
- 200,000 fish length ruler stickers;
- 9,000 abalone, rock lobster & spiny crayfish measures;
- 200 metal fish length rulers for installation at selected piers; and
- 17,000 'Know your limits' pocket cards in four different languages.
During 2010-11, RFL revenue also provided funding to assist Recreational fisheries field services (state wide), and, the purchase and liberation of native and salmonid fish, made in consideration of, and to complement the planned annual stocking program conducted by Fisheries Victoria.
Key outcomes 2011/12
The following is an overview of selected statewide inland fisheries management activities conducted over the year that support recreational fishing.
Recreational Fishing Application for Smartphones
Fisheries Victoria recently developed and released a new fishing application which now brings the popular Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide to the iPhone.
The first of its kind in Australia, the free application features colour illustrations of more than 65 species found in Victoria's waterways.
Anglers can use their the application to identify their catch and confirm size and bag limits, as well as access information on permitted equipment and closed seasons.
The application also allows anglers to buy a recreational fishing licence online. It also includes a GPS locator for finding outlets that sell licences, bait and tackle.
Anglers can use the application to connect to Fisheries Victoria's illegal fishing reporting line (13FISH), DPI's Customer Service Centre and the Water Police, too. It also provides valuable information on Marine Parks boundaries.
An Android version of the application will be available soon.
Fisheries Victoria is looking to expand and improve this product and any suggestions for the further development of the application can be emailed to
Recreational Fishing Forums 2012

Fisheries Victoria is open to new ideas and ways to keep improving recreational fisheries in Victoria. Each year a series of regional fishing forums are held throughout country Victoria to hear from anglers' about new fishing opportunities and update them about Fisheries Victoria's management activities.
The forums allow anglers to provide their ideas about growing fishing opportunities, and learn more about what Fisheries Victoria is doing to improve angling.
The forums are advertised widely but if you can't make it along on the night you can send in your ideas online at Have Your Say - fishing opportunities in Victoria. Check the Fisheries Victoria website for further details.
Developing New Fisheries
Under the Recreational Fishing Initiative and with funds raised from the sale of recreational fishing licences, Fisheries Victoria is managing a range of projects aimed at improving recreational fishing outcomes for Victorian fishers and their families. The following is a progress report on key projects aimed at
Chinook salmon
Over the last 40 years, Chinook salmon have been bred at Snobs Creek and stocked into western district lakes where they have created exceptional trophy fisheries. At its peak, this fishery was one of the few land locked Chinook salmon fisheries in the world, generating extraordinary angler interest, participation and associated regional economic and social benefits.
The last significant stocking event of 20,000 Chinook salmon occurred in 2006. A number of factors, including long-term drought have impacted on Chinook salmon production.
In 2011, RFL funded was provided to improve the reliability of fish production and stocking of Chinook salmon at DPI Snobs Creek. The project included an assessment of the genetic diversity of Chinook salmon broodfish, a review of fish production methods and new 'best practice' Chinook salmon breeding Standard Operating Procedure. The outcomes of this work will culminate in the 2012 breeding season.
Building Northern Native Fisheries
Over the next three-years this project will stock more than 1 million extra native fish into the Campaspe and Loddon Rivers, Gunbower Creek and Kow Swamp. Kow Swamp for example now has one the highest native fish stocking rates in Australia. In addition, under this project, 8 new boat ramps will be built and land-based angler access improved. The regional benefits of this investment will also be assessed over time.
This project recognises that although the abundance of our native fish has been impacted by changed water management practices, there remains great scope to improve recreational fishing in weir pools and secure waterways Northern Victoria.
Estuary perch

Estuary perch are a popular angling species that are largely confined to Victorian and News south Wales estuaries. A recent breakthrough in the breeding of estuary perch has now created an opportunity to create exciting new fishing opportunities in selected lakes in southern Victoria. Many of these waters are considered unsuitable for trout stocking.
In 2012, for the first time ever, 7000 estuary perch fingerlings were stocked into Lake Bolac.
Anglers directly contributed to the success of the breeding program by participating in the "Great perch search" where broodstock are caught from the Hopkins River. The broodstock were air freighted to Narooma in NSW where a commercial fish producer successfully spawned and raised these fish for release.
The early success of this breeding program has now been extended by RFL funding and new stocking waters are currently being considered to create new estuary perch lake fisheries. In particular, in shallow productive brackish lakes that are not suited to trout stocking.
Australian bass stocking update
In 2011 Australian bass were stocked into the Mitchell, Avon and Thomson rivers, to re-build the populations of wild bass in these streams. Lake Glenmaggie, Blue Rock Reservoir, Lake Narracan and the Macalister River were also stocked for the second consecutive year.
Anglers are starting to report captures of small Australian bass from several of these locations. This is positive news for the future and indicates that the stocked fish have survived and are growing.
Fisheries Victoria with RFL funding is working with the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority to improve angler access and re-establish Australian bass populations in the Nicholson River.
One Million Murray cod stocked into Eildon
Fisheries Victoria is boosting Murray cod stocking in Lake Eildon. The project, titled 'Murray Cod Million – Lake Eildon', will release one million cod over the next three years as the first part of a 10 year massive boost to Murray cod numbers in Lake Eildon. In the summer of 2011-12, 383,000 Murray cod were stocked into the lake. This builds on the 383,000 Murray cod stocked into Eildon in the 2010-11 season. The project is supported through RFL funds.
The project is being monitored by Fisheries Victoria scientists from Snobs Creek. The success of this large pulse of juvenile cod will be tracked by combining expert angler feedback with formal surveys undertaken by the researchers. Social surveys of current angler attitudes and target species have benchmarked the fishery for future comparison to highlight any changes. The fish have all been marked to identify them as the stocked fish. The researchers will survey the lake in 2013 to track how the fish are surviving and growing.
Reports of anglers catching small, possibly stocked Murray cod in Lake Eildon, close to release sites of stocked fish are encouraging.
Snobs Creek hatchery upgrade
A $1.9 million upgrade at DPI Snobs Creek will significantly increase fingerling production of Murray cod and golden perch. It will also expand the capacity to breed endangered fish such as Macquarie perch and trout cod. Native fish upgrades included a series of new brood fish ponds, three new plankton ponds for growing juvenile fish and an eco-friendly wetland for the treatment of effluent water.
Using additional RFL funding, the Snobs creek trout hatchery was also upgraded and new equipment (fish tanks, counter and fish grader) purchased. Water and oxygen supply to the hatchery was also improved.
These improvements have already led to a 75% increase in annual trout production which has enabled Fisheries Victoria to meet its drought recovering waters stocking program without the need to purchase trout from the private sector.
Development of a Macquarie perch recreational fishery
Fisheries Victoria is working closely with Native Fish Australia, the Department of Sustainability and Environment and the Goulburn Brocken Catchment Management Authority to develop Macquarie Perch captive breeding techniques.
In March 2010, 3,550 Macquarie perch were released into Expedition Pass Reservoir. In 2011, a total of 8,300 Macquarie perch were released into Expedition Pass Reservoir (3000), Lake William Hovell (2,650) and the Ovens River near Gapstead (2,650).
This year the Macquarie perch breeding season produced 3,620 fingerling Macquarie perch which were released into Expedition Pass Reservoir.
Fish surveys in the Ovens River have recently detected young Macquarie perch. The size of these fish indicates that they are likely to be derived from Fisheries Victoria's stocking program.
Lake Nagambie fishery assessment

Fisheries Victoria reintroduced native fish stocking was into Lake Nagambie in 2008 when 200,000 golden perch and 100,000 Murray cod fingerlings were released. These improved stocking numbers have now been maintained for several years.
Scientists from Fisheries Victoria's Fisheries Research Branch conducted a survey in 2011 to determine if these fish have survived and grown and to assess the benefits from this stocking. The survey results were complemented with angling records from the Nagambie Angling Club's Lake Nagambie fishing competitions. Club catch records show that Golden perch and Murray cod were not recorded in any of the contests between 2003 and 2009 (Fig 1). More recently however these records show that stocked golden perch have survived and have grown to a size where they are now being regularly caught by anglers. The records also indicate that Murray cod are also present in the lake and are just starting to reach legal size.
Fig 2. Murray cod and golden perch captures from Nagambie Angling Club competition records for Goulburn Weir/Lake Nagambie 2003 -2012. Data includes weighed fish (blue) and undersized fish (maroon) captured during the competitions.
Thanks go to the Nagambie Angling Club for supplying the additional data for this study. Angling clubs with similar long term datasets who wish to be involved are encouraged to contact John Douglas (03 5772 0254) at Fisheries Victoria.
Catfish revival - Native Fish Australia
Native Fish Australia (Wimmera) Inc. successfully secured $133,920 of funding through the Recreational Fishing Licence Grants program.
The project's primary aims are to establish a reliable supply of catfish fingerlings from commercial interests and then establish new stocking-based recreational fisheries for freshwater catfish across selected sites in northern Victoria.
The Native Fish Recovery Working Group, convened by Fisheries Victoria with representation from Native Fish Australia, VRFish, and DSE will work together to identify target waters in northern Victoria that could be used to restore populations and establish new recreational fisheries for freshwater catfish.
The project also has a research component to:
- Identify endemic catfish population genetics that could be impacted by the stocking
- Research artificial breeding hormones, as an alternative to carp pituitary gland
- Research more effective techniques for extracting milt from males
- Research in improving methods for over wintering broodstock.
Catfish broodstock are currently being collected and held pending the outcome of an expression of interest to source a suitably experienced fish hatchery.
Fishers for Fish Habitat

The importance of aquatic habitat to fish and fisheries is well recognised by recreational fishers.
Fisheries Victoria has agreed to extend the NSW DPI Fishers for Fish Habitat into Victoria. The program aims to help anglers get involved and advocate for positive environmental outcomes which will improve recreational fishing and protect endangered native fish.
For more information on this program and how to get involved refer:
Fishing for Grants?
Grants are available to help improve recreational fishing and facilities. Two options for obtaining funding are through the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund or the Recreational Fishing Initiative.
RFL Trust Fund Small Grants
The aim of the Small Grants Program is to provide funding of up to $5,000 (GST exclusive) for small projects which benefit public recreational fishing in Victoria.
The Grants are available to fishing clubs and other organisations. Information regarding the Small Grants Program Conditions & Guidelines can be obtained from the Fisheries Victoria website:
To apply for a small grant, applicants are required to use the online application form (at the web address above).
Further information on applying for a small grant can be obtained on the web or contact:
The Secretariat, Recreational Fishing Grants Program,
GPO Box 4440 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 (03) 9658 4779
or email
Recreational Fishing Initiative funding
Recreational fishing generates significant regional economic activity and growth whilst providing substantial social benefits for families and communities. The Recreational Fishing Initiative will bring many benefits to Victorian anglers and will ensure that Victoria remains a top fishing destination.
Funding from the Recreational Fishing Initiative may be available to clubs, agencies and organisations wishing to improve access and facilities related to recreational fishing.
If you have an idea on how to improve recreational fishing access and infrastructure in your local area you can let Fisheries Victoria know by sending an email to
Or alternatively you can contact:
Alyce Parker – Fisheries Project Officer
PO Box 4440, Melbourne VIC 3001
Ph: (03) 9658 4383
Fishcare Victoria has worked in partnership with volunteers, Fisheries Victoria and a number of fisheries management groups since 1995.
In 2012 Fisheries Victoria provided six months' additional support to the volunteer-based community education organisation to enhance Fishcare's funding, governance and administration in order to provide Fishcare programs to the public.
As the current RFL funding for the Fishcare program ends in 2012, the Fishcare program is being reviewed and a new funding proposal will allow Fishcare to continue encouraging anglers to adopt responsible fishing practices and raise public awareness of aquatic ecosystems.
For further information contact Sam Strong, Fishcare Coordinator on 0409 625 770.
Submitting a change to the fish stocking program
Fisheries Victoria's stocking program is constantly evolving as waterways and climatic conditions change. The need or otherwise to alter to the stocking regimes and stocking rates,in terms of the performance of a fishery or changed environmental conditions, is discussed annually at the Vic Fish Stock meetings.
Anglers wishing to submit a change to the stocking program can do so by contacting Fisheries Victoria (see contact details to right).
This current Vic Fish Stock document is a good reference to the current stocking program. Copies of the report can be accessed at the Fisheries Victoria web site or by requesting a hard copy from John Douglas, (03 5772 0254).
The Fish Stocking for Recreational Purposes Policy is also relevant and anyone wishing to make a submission is encouraged to make themselves familiar with the document before making a submission. The policy is available online at the Fisheries Victoria website:
A checklist of suggested subjects to address when making a submission is provided in Appendix 3.
Fisheries Victoria contacts

For inland fisheries management assistance:
Freshwater Fisheries Manager:
Anthony Forster 03 9658 4375
Fish stocking enquiries:
John Douglas 03 5772 0254
For compliance assistance:
To report fisheries offences call 13 FISH (13 3474).
For general enquiries:
Call the DPI Customer Service Centre on 136 186 or visit
Appendix 1 – Proposed fish stockings
Using the tables
The following tables present a summary of five Vic Fish Stock consultation meetings held across regional Victoria. They reflect the key outcomes from the minutes recorded at each meeting that were circulated to all participants prior to finalisation. Proposals for stockings were received prior to meetings. These proposals were discussed and a final position determined by consensus. The outcome represents the shared decision of the meeting attendees resulting from this assessment.
Water body and location | Special management arrangements | Species | Proposed Stocking Number | Stocking regime | Angler submission | Key Outcome |
Avon River (Stratford) | Australian bass | 3,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 3,000. | ||
Bemm River (Bemm River) | Estuary perch | Decision to stock deferred pending Fisheries Victoria review and subject to priority and available hatchery supply. | ||||
Blue Rock Lake (Willow Grove) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 10,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 7,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 7,000. | |||
Australian bass | 15,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 15,000 | |||
Cowwarr Weir/Thompson River (Cowwarr) | Australian bass | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 2,000. | ||
GlenmaggieLake (Glenmaggie) | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 2,000. | ||
Australian bass | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 10,000. | |||
Guthridge Lake (Sale) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,500 | Stocked twice per year | Recent Carp fishing day saw no trout landed and there is a lack of information regarding angler returns from Guthridge Lake. Lake sees little angling activity and it is not known if this is due to poor fishing or that it is not well known Guthridge Lake is an angling venue. | Rainbow trout 750 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. Publicity of Guthridge Lake stocking required to encourage anglers to fish the lake. |
Heyfield Racecourse (Heyfield) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Hyland Lake (Churchill) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 750 for the 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. Rainbow trout 500 for fishing event in November. | |
MacalisterRiver | ||||||
Below Lake Glenmaggie | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 2,000. | ||
Below Lake Glenmaggie | Australian bass | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 2,000. | ||
Above Lake Glenmaggie to Basin Flat | Rainbow trout | 7,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 7,000. | ||
Above Lake Glenmaggie to Basin Flat | Brown trout | Stocking suspended due to high natural recruitment, review stocking as required in future. | ||||
Glenfalloch homestead to Wellington River-Macalister junction | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 2,000. | ||
Mitchell River (Waterford to Iguana Creek) | Australian bass | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 5,000. | ||
Morwell Lake (Morwell) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 750 for 2nd and 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 500 for Fishing Week event. | |
Narracan Lake (Moe) | Brown trout | 7,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 7,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 3,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 3,000. | |||
Australian bass | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Australian bass 10,000. | |||
Nicholson River (Nicholson) | Australian bass | 35,000 | Stocked annually | RFL proposal submitted to stock the weir with Australian bass, The Nicholson Weir may be decommissioned in the near future and subject to official notification that the weir will be decommissioned. | ||
Turtons Creek (Dumbalk East) | Anglers requested trout stocking in Turtons Creek | Stream considered to maintain a self managing salmonid population but seeking angler feedback. | ||||
Tyers Lake (Lake Tyers) | Estuary perch | Decision to stock deferred pending Fisheries Victoria review and subject to priority and available hatchery supply. |
North East
Water body and location | Special management arrangements | Species | Proposed Stocking Number | Stocking regime | Angler submission | Key Outcome |
Allans Flat Dredge Hole (Allans Flat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 700 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 2 stockings of 350 Rainbow trout and a one off stocking for the kids day of 500 Rainbow trout on March 12 2012 | Rainbow trout 350 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. Support for kids day stocking. |
Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 500 Golden perch | Golden perch 2,000. | ||
Catfish | Potential Catfish water in the future when Catfish stocks become available. | |||||
Amaroo Lake (Kialla Lakes, Shepparton) | Golden perch | 500 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 500. | ||
Anderson Lake (Chiltern) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 300 Rainbow trout per stocking | Rainbow trout 300 1st term school holidays and Rainbow trout 300 stocked for Fishing Week Event. |
Golden perch | 1,000 | Stock annually | North East Angling Association request 500 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
Arboretum Dam (Euroa) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 800 | Stocked twice per year | Increase Rainbow trout from 200 to 400 each stocking | Rainbow trout 400 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Banimboola Lake (Dartmouth) | Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 5,000. | |
Brown trout | 3,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 3,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 3,000. | ||
Bartlett Lake (Tatura) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
Benalla Lake (Benalla) | Golden perch | Tatong Angling Group request 2,000 Golden perch fingerlings | Golden perch included in Broken River Golden perch stocking. See Broken River. | |||
Broken Creek | ||||||
Nathalia area | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 10,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Numurkah area | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Dip Bridge | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 5,000 in 2013, then Murray cod 2,000 in 2014, 2015 (Calceined marked). | |||
Broken River | ||||||
Benalla Lake to below Lake Nillahcootie | Golden perch | 15,000 | Stocked annually. | Golden perch 15,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Murray cod | 15,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 15,000 (Calceined marked). | |||
Swanpool to below Nillahcootie Lake | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | TEP required and angler access issues require clarification. | ||
Gowangardie Weir to downstream of Benalla Lake. | Golden perch | 30,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 30,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 5,000 (Calceined marked). | |||
Buffalo Lake (Dandongadale) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 10,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000. | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Myrtleford Angling Club request increase in Murray cod stocking | Murray cod 10,000. | ||
Macquarie perch | Numbers dependant of spawning program success | Stocking and numbers dependant of spawning program success. | ||||
Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1000. | ||
Cooper Lake (Corop) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 10,000. | ||
Corryong-Jerimal Creek (Corryong) | Murray cod | 2,500 | Stocked once every three years | North East Angling Association request 2,500 Murray cod | Murray cod 2,500. Next Stocking of Murray cod in 2013 then 2016, 2019. | |
Craigmuir Lake (Mooroopna) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
Cudgewa Creek (Cudgewa) | Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked once every three years | North East Angling Association 5,000 Murray cod (evenly distributed between Cudgewa Creek and Corryong/Jerimal Creek) | Murray cod 5,000. Next Stocking of Murray cod in 2013 then 2016, 2019. | |
Cummins Reserve Lake (Yea) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Dartmouth Lake (Dartmouth) | Golden perch | Angler requests received to stock Dartmouth. | Continuing discussions outside Vic FishStock. Dartmouth Lake discussion paper circulated for angler comment. | |||
Murray cod | Angler requests received to stock Dartmouth | Continuing discussions outside Vic FishStock. Dartmouth Lake discussion paper circulated for angler comment. | ||||
Eildon Lake (Eildon) | Murray cod | 383,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 383,000 (Calceined marked). | ||
Golden perch | 200,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 200,000. | |||
Rainbow trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 10,000. | |||
Brown trout | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 20,000. | |||
Eildon Pondage (Eildon) | ||||||
Advance yearlings (150-200g) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 4,000 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 2,000 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 10,000. | |||
Ex-brood (~3-4kg) | Brown trout | Number to be confirmed | Pulse stocking throughout year | Ex Brood Brown trout numbers dependant on availability. | ||
Ex-brood stock (~3-4kg) | Rainbow trout | Number to be confirmed | Pulse stocking throughout year | Ex Brood Rainbow trout numbers dependant on availability. | ||
Eldorado Dredge Hole (Eldorado) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 500 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | |
Catfish | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Catfish | Potential Catfish water in the future when Catfish stocks become available. | ||||
Felltimber Creek Wetlands (Wodonga) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 700 | Stock four times per year | North East Angling Association request 100 Rainbow trout 2nd & 3rd term school holidays plus 100 Rainbow trout for 23rd August 2011, for the Vietnam Vets CODs Day | Rainbow trout 250 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 100 each for Gambling Anonymous Day in May and CODs day in October. |
Fifteen Mile Creek | Brown trout | Angler requests 3,000 Brown trout. | Stream supports self managing Brown trout population. | |||
Fosters Dam (Glenrowan) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 200 Rainbow trout 2nd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 200 2nd term school holidays. |
Golf Course Dam (Longwood) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 200 3rd term school holidays. | |
Goulburn River | ||||||
Downstream of Eildon Pondage to Molesworth | Brown trout | 10,000 | Pulse stocking | Brown trout 10,000. | ||
Downstream of Goulburn Weir to Loch Garry | Golden perch | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 20,000 (Calcein marked). | ||
Murray cod | 50,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 50,000 (Calcein marked). | |||
Nagambie Lake/Goulburn Weir | Golden perch | 200,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 200,000 (Calcein marked). | ||
Murray cod | 50,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 50,000 (Calcein marked). | |||
Silver perch | Wangaratta Fly Fishers request stock Silver perch instead of Golden perch | Maintain current stocking plan and species. | ||||
Mitchelton Bridge to Yea | Golden perch | 50,000 | Stocked annually | Yea Angling Club request Murray cod to be stocked | Golden perch 50,000 (Calceined marked). Spread existing Goulburn River stocking from Mitchelton Bridge upstream to Yea. | |
Murray cod | 50,000 | Stocked annually | Yea Angling Club request Murray cod to be stocked | Murray cod 50,000 (Calcein marked). Stocking area expanded upstream of Seymour to the Yea area. | ||
Greens Lake (Corop) | Golden perch | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 20,000. | ||
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 10,000. | |||
Harrietville Dredge Hole (Harrietville) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked bi-annually | North East Angling Association request 500 Golden perch | Next stocking of Golden perch 1,000 in 2013 then in 2015. | |
Murray cod | 400 | Stocked bi-annually | North East Angling Association request 200 Murray cod | Next stocking of Murray cod 400 in 2013 then in 2015. | ||
Holland's Creek (Tatong) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000 with stocking locations to be upstream of Spring Creek. | |
Hume Lake (Tallangatta) | Golden perch | 200,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 200,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 200,000. | |
Brown trout | 30,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 30,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 30,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 30,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 20,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout to 30,000. | ||
Kerferd Lake (Beechworth) | Trout cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 5,000 trout cod | Trout cod 5,000. | |
Kialla Lake (Shepparton) | Golden perch | 1,500 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,500. | ||
Kiewa River (Baranduda to Dederang area) | Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 5,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 5,000. | |
King Lake (Rutherglen) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | |
King River (Cheshunt) | Angler feedback indicates Brown trout from natural recruitment so Brown trout stocking trial ceased. | |||||
Les Stone Park Lake (Wodonga) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 200 Rainbow trout, 100 Rainbow trout 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 100 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Loch Garry (Shepparton) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Lowanna Lake (Kialla Lakes Shepparton) | Golden perch | 500 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 500. | ||
Marysville Lake (Marysville) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 900 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 450 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Mitta Mitta River (Pigs Point) | Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 10,000 Review angler feedback in 2013. Possible move stocking to Hume Lake in future. | ||
Mooroopna Rec. Reserve Lake (Mooroopna) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 100 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 100 2nd term school holidays. | |
Mt Beauty Pondage (Mount Beauty) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Brown trout not to be stocked later than October each year | Brown trout 1,000 stocked no later than October each year. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,500 | Stocked three times per year | North East Angling Association request 1,500 Rainbow trout not to be stocked later than October each year | Rainbow trout 1,500 stocked no later than October of each year. | ||
Nagambie Lakes (Nagambie) | See Goulburn River | |||||
Nillahcootie Lake (Barjarg) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Tatong Angling Group request reducing stocking to 2,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000. | |
Murray cod | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Tatong Angling Group request 20,000 Murray cod to boost Murray cod numbers in the lake. | Murray cod 20,000. | ||
Parkside Drive Lake (Shepparton) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stock annually | Angler request to stock Parkside Drive Lake with Golden perch | Stocking dependant on confirmation of access, land manager approval, water security and TEP considerations. | |
Ryan's Creek (Molyullah) | Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Tatong Angling Group request 2,000 Brown trout and North East Angling Association request 500 Brown trout to be stocked in July | Brown trout 500. | |
Sambell Lake (Beechworth) | Family Fishing Lake | Trout cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 5,000 trout cod | Trout cod 5,000. |
Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 2,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 2,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 2,000 Rainbow trout, 1000 Rainbow trout 2nd & 3rd Term School Holiday | Rainbow trout 1,000 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | ||
Seven Creeks (Euroa) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Stanley Ditch Dam (Stanley) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
SumsionGardens (Wodonga) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | North East Angling Association request 500 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | |
Tungamah Weir Pool (Tungamah) | Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 2,000. | ||
Upper Sandy Creek Dam (Upper Sandy Creek) | Family Fishing Lake | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 1,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | ||
Victoria Lake (Shepparton) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Murray cod | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 2,000. | |||
Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | GMF request 600 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 300 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Wodonga Racecourse (Wodonga) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 2,000 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 1,000 2nd& 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 1,000 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Yalumba Drive Lake (Wodonga) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked twice per year | North East Angling Association request 200 Rainbow trout, 100 Rainbow trout 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 100 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Yea River (Devlin's Bridge) | Yea Angling Club seeking advice on potential stocking of Brown trout into Yea/Murrindindi River. | Fisheries Victoria to meet with Yea Angling Club to clarify request. |
North West
Water body and location | Special management arrangements | Species | Proposed Stocking Number | Stocking regime | Angler submission | Key Outcome |
Avoca River (Charlton to Nattie Yallock) | Golden perch | 18,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 18,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 18,000. | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 10,000. | ||
Barker's Creek Reservoir (Harcourt) | Brown trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 5,000. | |
Bael Bael Lake (Koorangie) | Murray cod | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Murray cod | Water level in Bael Bael Lake is not secure. | |||
Batyo Catyo | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Batyo Catyo Lake not to be stocked in 2012/2013 due to uncertainty of water security. Resume stocking if water security is confirmed. | ||
Silver perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually |
Batyo Catyo Lake not to be stocked in 2012/2013 due to uncertainty of water security. Resume stocking if water security is confirmed. | |||
Bealiba Reservoir (Bealiba) | Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 2,000. | |
Boga Lake (Lake Boga) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 5,000. | ||
Cairn Curran Reservoir (Maldon) | Golden perch | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 20,000 Golden perch and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 20,000. RFL bid to be submitted in collaboration with Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs and Nagambie Angling Club to significantly increase stocking rates. | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 10,000. RFL bid to be submitted in collaboration with Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs and Nagambie Angling Club to significantly `increase stocking rates. | ||
Brown trout | 30,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 25,000 Brown trout Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 30,000. Developing Cairn Curran Reservoir as a mixed fishery. | ||
Rainbow trout | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 25,000 Rainbow trout Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Remove Rainbow trout from stocking list for Cairn Curran Reservoir as little return to anglers from Rainbow trout stockings. . | ||||
Campaspe River | ||||||
(Axedale to Rochester) | Golden perch | 80,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 80,000. Campaspe River is part of current development of the Northern Native Fisheries project. For details see relevant section in 'Improving your fisheries' chapter of this document. | ||
Murray cod | 40,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 40,000 (See above). | |||
Charlton Swimming Pool (Charlton) | Charlton Angling Club request 2,000 Rainbow trout for a family fishing promotion using the Charlton swimming pool. | Charlton Council does not support stocking of Rainbow trout into Charlton Swimming pool. | ||||
Charm Lake (Lake Charm) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000. | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 10,000. | ||
Crusoe Reservoir (Bendigo) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Cullulleraine Lake (Cullulleraine) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked bi-annually | Survey request received for Cullulleraine Lake. Survey dependant on funding. Revised stocking of Golden perch starting in 2013. | Golden perch 10,000. Cullulleraine Lake to be stocked every second year from 2013. | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked bi-annually | Survey request received for Cullulleraine Lake. Survey dependant on funding. Revised stocking of Murray cod starting in 2013. | Murray cod 10,000. Cullulleraine Lake to be stocked every second year from 2013. | ||
Eppalock Lake (Knowsley) | Golden perch | 70,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 70,000 Golden perch | Potential RFL bid to be formed in collaboration with Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs and Nagambie Angling Club to significantly increase stocking with additional 130,000 Golden perch. | |
Murray cod | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Murray cod | Potential RFL bid to be formed in collaboration with Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs and Nagambie Angling Club to significantly increase stocking with additional 130,000 Murray cod. | ||
Expedition Pass Reservoir (Farraday) | Macquarie perch | Stock with available numbers | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Macquarie perch | Continuation of stocking pending angler feedback and possible fish survey results. Survey dependant on available funding. | |
Foletti Caravan Park (Donald) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 600 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 300 2nd & 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Golden perch | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Golden perch as a one off stocking to provide all year angling | Stocking of Golden perch 2,000 done in 2012. | ||||
Forest Lake (Kangaroo Flat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Goldfields Reservoir (Maryborough) | Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 500. | ||
Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 2,000. | |||
Green Lake (Sea Lake) | Golden perch | Green Lake is leaking and stocking halted until water security issues resolved. | ||||
Gunbower Creek (Gunbower to Cohuna) | Murray cod | 80,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod to 80,000. Gunbower Creek is part of current development of the Northern Native Fisheries project. For details see relevant section in 'Improving your fisheries' chapter of this document | ||
Inglewood Reservoir (Inglewood) | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 1,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 1,000. | |
Silver perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Silver perch 1,000. | |||
Jil Jil Lake (Donald) | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000. | |
Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Kangaroo Lake (Lake Charm) | Golden perch | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 20,000. | |
Murray cod | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 20,000. | ||
Kennington Reservoir (Strathdale) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 1,000 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 500 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Kow Swamp (Leitchville) | Golden perch | 60,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch to 60,000 (Calceined marked). Kow Swamp is part of current development of the Northern Native Fisheries project. For details see relevant section in 'Improving your fisheries' chapter of this document. | ||
Murray cod | 100,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 100,000 (Calceined marked). See above. | |||
Laanecoorie Reservoir (Laanecourie) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 1,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000. | |
Murray cod | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 20,000. | |||
Silver perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Silver perch 5,000 pending successful TEP. | |||
Lauriston Reservoir (Kyneton) | Brown trout | 7,500 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 7,500 | |
Leaghur Lake (Leaghur) | Golden perch | Boort Angling Club request 5,000 Golden perch | Leaghur Lake is ephemeral and NCCMA has a drying regime and water security marginal for Golden perch. | |||
Little Boort Lake (Boort) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. Little Boort Lake may become marginal for native fish stocking in future as CMA would like to have a drying cycle/environmental water lake. | |
Little Murray River (Swan Hill) | Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod 10,000. | ||
Loddon River (below Laanecoorie Reservoir to Kerang) | ||||||
Golden perch | 100,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch to 100,000. (Calceined marked). Loddon River is part of current development of the Northern Native Fisheries project. For details see relevant section in 'Improving your fisheries' chapter of this document. Golden perch to be stocked along Loddon River but majority of Golden perch stocked into the weir pools at Bridgewater, Serpentine and Fernihurst. | |||
Murray cod | 70,000 | Stocked annually | Murray cod to 70,000. (Calceined marked) See above. Murray cod to be stocked along Loddon River at angler access points but majority of Murray cod stocked into the weir pools at Bridgewater, Serpentine and Fernihurst. | |||
Malmsbury Reservoir (Malmsbury) | Brown trout | 4,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 4,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 4,000. | |
Manor Lake (Swan Hill) | Lake Boga Sport fishing Club request native fish stocking | Manor Lake is highly ephemeral and not suitable for native fish stocking. | ||||
Meran Lake (Big) (Lake Meering) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually. | Golden perch 10,000. | ||
Old St. Arnaud Swimming Pool (St Arnaud) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 200 Rainbow trout 2nd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 200 2nd term school holidays |
Pyramid Creek (D/s of Kow Swamp) | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000 (calceined marked). | |
Murray cod | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 10,000 (calceined marked). | ||
Reedy Lake (First) (Kerang) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 5,000. | ||
RichardsonRiver (Rich Avon) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Serpentine Creek (Durham Ox) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Talbot Reservoir (Evansford) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000. | |
Tchum Lake (Birchip) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked twice a year | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Rainbow trout, 1,000 Rainbow trout for 2nd & 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 1,000 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Teddington Reservoir (Top) (Stuart Mill) | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 2,000. Teddington Top Reservoir considered a Brown trout fishery | ||
Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Rainbow trout | Remove Rainbow trout from stocking list for Teddington Top Reservoir (see above). | |||||
Teddington Reservoir (Bottom) (Stuart Mill) | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 2,000. Teddington Bottom Reservoir, considered a Rainbow trout fishery. Removed Brown trout from stocking list | |
Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Tom Thumb Lake (Eaglehawk) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 200 2nd term school holidays. | |
Tullaroop Creek | Golden perch | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | No stocking as small size and limited recreational angler access issues in Tullaroop Creek. | |||
Tullaroop Reservoir (Carisbrook) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Brown trout and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 10,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 10,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 5,000. | |||
Upper Coliban Reservoir (Kyneton) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 10,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 5,000. | ||
Victoria Lake (Maryborough) | Golden perch | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 2,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 2,000. | |
Walkers Lake (Avon Plains) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Watchem Lake (Watchem) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Wooroonook Lake (Charlton) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. |
Port Phillip
Water body and location | Special management arrangements | Species | Proposed Stocking Number | Stocking regime | Angler submission | Key Outcome |
Albert Park Lake (Melbourne) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 1,000 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Received letter of support for stocking from Parks Victoria to stock Golden perch 5,000. | |||
Bannockburn Lagoon (Bannockburn) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked twice per year | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 600 Rainbow trout, Rainbow trout 300 2nd& 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 250 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Berwick Springs Estate (Berwick) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 500 prior to 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Bittern Reservoir (Moorooduc) | Brown trout | Discussions are underway to create Bittern fishery as part of opening up the Devilbend Reserve to recreational angling. | ||||
Rainbow trout | See above. | |||||
Bostock ReservoirBallan) | Brown trout | 2,500 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 4,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 2,500. | |
Rainbow trout | 2,500 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 2,500. | ||
Casey Fields Lake (Cranbourne) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,500 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 500 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays, Rainbow trout 500 for Fishing Week. | |
Caulfield Racecourse Lake (Caulfield) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 300 for 1st & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Darlingsford Lake (Melton) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 500 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Devilbend Reservoir (Moorooduc) | Brown trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 5,000. Stocking delayed until Devilbend Reservoir is opened to angling. | ||
Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 5,000. Stocking delayed until Devilbend Reservoir is opened to angling | |||
Don Lake (Healesville) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 800 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 400 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Emerald Lake (Emerald) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,500 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 500 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays, and Rainbow trout 500 for Fishing Week. | |
Exford Reservoir (Exford or Melton South) | Brown trout | To be assessed as part of Native Fish Australia's list of potential urban stocking waters | ||||
Garfield Lake (Garfield) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 250 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Hanging Rock Lake (Woodend) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Jack Roper Reserve Lake (Campbellfield) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 900 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 300 Fishing Week. | |
Kalparrin Lake | Rainbow trout | To be assessed as part of Native Fish Australia's list of potential urban stocking waters. | ||||
Karkarook Lake (Moorabbin) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 4,000 | Stocked four times per year | Rainbow trout 1,000 in April, Rainbow trout 1,000 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 1,000 Fishing Week. | |
Lethbridge Lake (Lethbridge) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked twice per year | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 800 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 250 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Lilydale Lake (Lilydale) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,600 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 800 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. Subject to availability, some larger ex brood Rainbow trout may be stocked prior to 3rd term school holidays. | |
Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 1,000. | |||
MacLeods Waterhole (Drysdale) | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Removed from Vic Fish Stock list due to water quality issues and no support from land manager (City of Greater Geelong). | ||||
Navan Park Lake (Melton) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 900 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 300 Fishing Week. | |
Nursery Reservoir (Macedon) | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 500. | ||
Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 500. | |||
Pakenham Lake (Pakenham) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 1,000 3rd term school holidays pending lake open to fishing. | |
Rowville Lakes (Rowville) | ||||||
Sutton Lake | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked three times per year | Rainbow trout 400 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays, and Rainbow trout 200 Fishing Week. | |
Hill Lake | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 150 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Roxburgh Park Lakes (Roxburgh Park) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 250 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Pykes Creek Reservoir (Ballan) | Brown trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 8,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 5,000. . | |
Rainbow trout | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Considered a brown trout water. | ||||
Saint Augustine's Waterhole (Geelong) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 500 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Seagull Lake (Geelong) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,200 | Stocked three times per year | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 1,600 Rainbow trout plus an extra 600 Rainbow trout for Ron Nelson Junior Clinic | Rainbow trout 800 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 600 Fishing Week (Ron Nelson Junior Clinic) supply some larger Rainbow trout if available. |
Spavin Lake (Sunbury) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 800 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 400 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | |
Sugarloaf Reservoir (Christmas Hills) | Stocking of the Sugarloaf Reservoir came up in general discussion at meeting. | No manager approval to stock lake. | ||||
Werribee River (Werribee) | Brown trout | To be assessed as part of Native Fish Australia's list of potential urban stocking waters. | ||||
Rainbow trout | See above. | |||||
Yarrambat Park Lake (Yarrambat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked four times per year | Rainbow trout 600 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays and Rainbow trout 400 Fishing event in May & 400 for Fishing Week in October, subject to water level. |
South West
Water body and location | Special management arrangements | Species | Proposed Stocking Number | Stocking regime | Angler submission | Key Outcome |
Alexandra Lake (Ararat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | Wimmera Anglers Association request 300 Rainbow trout for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Aringa Reservoir (Port Fairy) | Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 500. | ||
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 1,000. | |||
Beaufort Lake (Beaufort) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 1000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000. | |||
Estuary perch | Potential Estuary perch water. | |||||
Bellfield Reservoir (Halls Gap) | Rainbow trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 10,000. | |
Brown trout | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Brown trout | |||||
Bolac Lake (Lake Bolac) | Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 8,000 Rainbow trout | Maintain Rainbow trout 5,000. | |
Estuary perch | Maintain Estuary perch trial. Numbers dependant on production | |||||
Booroopki Swamp (Minimay) | Murray cod | Drought effected in 2012 review in 2013. | ||||
Bringalbert Lake (Bringalbert) | Golden perch | 5,000 | stocked annually | Golden perch 10,000 for 2011/2012, then revert back to Golden perch 5,000 | ||
Bullarto Reservoir (Bullarto) | Brown trout | 500 | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 500 Brown trout | Brown trout 500. | ||
Rainbow trout | 500 | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 500 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 500. | |||
Bullen Merri Lake (Camperdown) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Discuss future Bullen Merri Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||
Rainbow trout | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 30,000 Rainbow trout | Discuss future Bullen Merri Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||
Atlantic salmon | Discuss future Bullen Merri Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | |||||
Chinook salmon | Stocked annually (if available) | Discuss future Bullen Merri Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||||
Burrumbeet Lake (Burrumbeet) | Brown trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat Association request 40,000 Brown trout to be stocked as a component of Carp control and to raise profile of the Burrumbeet Lake to avert anti-social behaviour | Brown trout 5,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 10,000. | |||
Calembeen Lake (Creswick) | Golden perch | Stocked every three years | Golden perch 600 Next stocking in 2014. | |||
Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | ||
Carpolac Lake (Carpolac) | Golden perch | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | No stocking at present due to uncertainty regarding long term water security. Review water security issues in late 2012. | |||
Cartcarrong Lake (Winslow) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 1,000. | ||
Cato Lake (Stawell) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 600 | Stocked twice per year | Wimmera Anglers Association request Rainbow trout 300 2nd& 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Charlegrark Lake (Charlegrark) | Murray cod | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 5,000. On grown yearling Murray cod may be stocked depending on supply. | |
Cobden Lake (Cobden) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | South West District Association request increase in stocking to 400 Rainbow trout Rainbow trout 200 2nd & 3rd term school holidays | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. |
Colbrook Reservoir (Ballan) | Brown trout | Stocked every three years | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request to maintain 3 year stocking plan. | Brown trout 600. Stocked on a three year rotation. Stock, 2014, 2017. | ||
Colac Lake (Colac) | Brown trout | Colac Lake is unsuitable as a salmonid water. Managed as a Redfin & Eel fishery. | ||||
Rainbow trout | (see above). | |||||
Native Fish | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request native fish and have commissioned an investigation into possible stocking species. | Plans of future fishery to be discussed outside of Vic Fish Stock. | ||||
Coleraine Lagoon (Coleraine) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 250 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Cosgrave Reservoir (Creswick) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000. | ||
Dean Reservoir (Dean) | Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 500 Brown trout | Brown trout 500. | |
Rainbow trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 500 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 500. | ||
Deep Lake (Derrinallum) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,000 Brown trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 500 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,000 Rainbow trout and South West District Association request increase in stocking to 2,000 Rainbow trout and. Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 500 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000. | ||
Dunkeld Arboretum Dam (Dunkeld) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Elingamite Lake (Elingamite near Cobden) | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 2,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 2,000 To be stocked later in the year due to low water levels and difficult access at start of winter. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 2,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000 to be stocked later in the year. | ||
Esmond Lake (Ballarat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Ess Lagoon (Casterton) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 500 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Fyans Lake (Halls Gap) | Brown trout | 6,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 6,000 Brown trout Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 9,000 Brown trout Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 10,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 6,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 6,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 6,000. | |||
Gillear Lake (Allansford) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 1,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 1,000. | |||
Glenelg River (Casterton) | Request for Upper Glenelg River trial for Estuary perch. Glenelg River flow rates have increased and river is now looking good | Estuary perch not available for this trial at this time. | ||||
Glenlyon Dam (Glenlyon) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Great Western Racing Recreation Reserve (Great Western) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 200 prior to 3rd term school holidays. | |
Green Lake (Horsham) | Golden perch | 15,000 | Wimmera Anglers Association request 15,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 15,000. Stocking dependant on letter of support from land manager. | ||
Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Murray cod | ||||||
Greenhill Lake (Ararat) | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 2,500 Brown trout | Brown trout 2,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 2,500 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 2,000. | ||
Haddon Reserve Lake (Haddon) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Hamilton Lake (Hamilton) | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 2,000. | ||
Rainbow trout | 3,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 3,000. | |||
Hepburn Lagoon (Newlyn) | Brown trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 5,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 5,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 5,000 Rainbow trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 5,000. | ||
Hopkins River (Kent Ford Bridge to Junction with Mt Emu Creek) | Brown trout | 4,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 4,000. | ||
Jack Emmett Lagoon (Rupanyup) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request Rainbow trout 300 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 for 3rd term school holidays. |
Jubilee Lake (Daylesford) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Jubilee Lake (Skipton) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 250 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 250 for 3rd term school holidays. | |
Konong Wootong Reservoir (Coleraine) | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 2,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000. | ||
Lascelles Lake (Hopetoun) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 5,000. | ||
Silver perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Silver perch 5,000. | |||
Catfish | Potential Catfish water. | |||||
Learmonth Lake (Learmonth) | Brown trout | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Brown trout | Brown trout stocking not supported at this time due to uncertainties in future water levels. | |||
Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 5,000. | ||
Lonsdale Lake (Lake Lonsdale) | Brown trout | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 6,000 Rainbow trout | No trout stocking until the Lonsdale Lake management plan is released. | |||
Marma Lake (Murtoa) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stock annually | Rainbow trout 300 3rd term school holidays. Moved Rabl Park Lake Rainbow trout stocking to adjacent Marma Lake. | |
Golden perch | 2,000 | Stock annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 2,500 Golden perch and Marma Angling Club request Rabl Park Lake Golden perch stocking is transferred to Marma Lake. | Golden perch 2,000. Moved Rabl Park Lake Golden perch stocking to adjacent Marma Lake. | ||
Silver perch | Wimmera Anglers Association request 2,500 Silver perch. | |||||
Merri River | ||||||
Above weir Grassmere, Woodford & Wollaston Road Bridge | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 2,000. | ||
Below weir to Dennington | Brown trout | 6,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 6,000. | ||
Miga Lake (Miga Lake) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stock annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Minyip Wetlands (Minyip) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request Rainbow trout 300 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 3rd term school holidays. |
Moorabool Reservoir (Bolwarrah) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 30,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 10,000. Stocking dependant on Moorabool Reservoir being opened to angler access which is expected to occur in 2012. | |
Mount Emu Creek | ||||||
Below Castle Carey Bridge to Panmure | Brown trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 2,000. | ||
Skipton-below weir | Brown trout | 500 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 500. | ||
Pura Pura Bridge | Brown trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 200. | ||
Chatsworth Road | Brown trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 200. | ||
Darlington | Brown trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 200. | ||
Moyne River (Rosebrook to Toolong) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Brown trout 1,000. | ||
Murdeduke Lake (Winchelsea) | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 20,000 Rainbow trout | Water quality remains too saline for stocking salmonids at this time. | ||||
Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Chinook salmon | (see above). | |||||
Natimuk Lake (Natimuk) | Rainbow trout | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 5,000 annually. Water security issues require conformation prior to stocking. | |
Newlands Lake (Apsley) | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | No stocking due to lack of water security. | ||||
Newlyn Reservoir (Newlyn) | Brown trout | 4,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 4,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 4,000. | |
Nhill Lake (Nhill) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request Rainbow trout 300 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 3rd term school holidays. |
Old Hamilton Reservoir (Hamilton) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Pertobe Lake (Warrnambool) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 300 for 2nd term school holidays. | |
Police Paddock Dams (Horsham) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 300 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request Rainbow trout 300 3rdterm school holidays | Rainbow trout 300 for 3rd term school holidays. |
Purrumbete Lake (Camperdown) | ||||||
Brown trout | 15,000 | Stocked annually | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 20,000 Brown trout | Discuss future Purrumbete Lake fishery at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||
Rainbow trout | 15,000 | Stocked annually | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 20,000 Rainbow trout | Discuss future Purrumbete Lake fishery at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||
Atlantic salmon | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 15,000 Atlantic salmon | Discuss future Purrumbete Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||||
Brook trout | Purrumbete Angling Club requested to commence a trial stocking subject to availability and status of Chinook salmon breeding program | Discuss future Purrumbete Lake fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||||
Chinook salmon | Chinook salmon dependant on production from Snobs Creek. If Chinook salmon become available, cease Atlantic stocking | Discuss future fishery stocking at an out of session Vic Fish Stock meeting to be held in 2012. | ||||
Quarry Street Reserve Lake (Trentham) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 200 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd term school holidays. | |
Rabl Park Lake (Murtoa) | Rainbow trout Family Fishing Lake stocking transferred to adjacent Marma Lake. | |||||
Golden perch stocking transferred to Marma Lake. | ||||||
Ratzcastle Lake (Kangawall) | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Rocklands Reservoir (Balmoral) | Brown trout | 2,500 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 2,500. | |
Rainbow trout | 2,500 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 2,500. | ||
Simpson Recreation Reserve Lakes (Simpson) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 100 into each Lake for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
St George Lake (Creswick) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Rainbow trout 1,000. | |||
Taylors Lake (Horsham) | Golden perch | 40,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 40,000 Golden perch and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 40,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 40,000. | |
Murray cod | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 20,000 Murray cod and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Murray cod | Murray cod 20,000. | ||
Silver perch | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 20,000 Silver perch and Mid Northern Association of Angling Clubs request 20,000 Silver perch | Silver perch 20,000. | ||
Tea Tree Lake (Mortlake) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 400 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 200 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Tooliorook Lake (Lismore) | Brown trout | 3,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 4,000 Brown trout | Maintain Brown trout 3,000. | |
Rainbow trout | 4,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 8,000 Rainbow trout | Maintain Rainbow trout 4,000. | ||
Toolondo Reservoir (Toolondo) | Brown trout | 20,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 40,000 Brown trout and Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 20,000 Brown trout | Maintain Brown trout 20,000. . | |
Rainbow trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 10,000 (see above). . | ||
Victoria Lakes (Ballarat) | Family Fishing Lake | Rainbow trout | 800 | Stocked twice per year | Rainbow trout 400 for 2nd & 3rd term school holidays. | |
Wallace Lake (Edenhope) | Brown trout | Wimmera Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Water level too low to stock. Stock 1,000 Brown trout if water level increases. | |||
Rainbow trout | Wimmera Anglers Association request 4,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 4,000. See above. | ||||
Wartook Lake (Halls Gap) | Brown trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Brown trout and Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 12,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 10,000. | |
Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,500 Rainbow trout | Lake considered a Brown trout water and Rainbow trout stocking has ceased. | |||||
Wendouree Lake (Ballarat) | Brown trout | 17,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 17,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 17,000. 11,000 Brown trout by Fisheries Victoria and 6,000 Brown trout from Ballarat Fish Hatchery. | |
Rainbow trout | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 10,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 10,000. | ||
West Barwon Reservoir (Forrest) | Brown trout | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 2,000 Brown trout | Brown trout population considered to be self managing in West Barwon Dam. | |||
Rainbow trout | 3,000 | Stocked annually | Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 5,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 3,000. | ||
Wimmera River | ||||||
Dimboola | Golden perch | 10,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 10,000. | |
Silver perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Silver perch | Silver perch 5,000. | ||
Elmhurst/Greens Creek Area | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Glenorchy | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Horsham | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually; | Wimmera Anglers Association request 10,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Silver perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Silver perch | Silver perch 5,000. | ||
Jeparit | Golden perch | 5,000 | Stocked annually | Wimmera Anglers Association request 5,000 Golden perch | Golden perch 5,000. | |
Wombat Reservoir (Daylesford) | Brown trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 1,000, subject to gaining Central Highlands Water authority to stock. | |
Rainbow trout | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 1,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 1,000 (see above). | ||
Wurdiboluc Reservoir (Winchelsea) | Brown trout | 4,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 6,000 Brown trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 6,000 Brown trout | Brown trout 4,000 for next 3 years then review in 2016. | |
Rainbow trout | 2,000 | Stocked annually | Ballarat and District Anglers Association request 2,000 Rainbow trout and Association of Geelong and District Angling Clubs request 6,000 Rainbow trout | Rainbow trout 2,000 for next 3 years then review in 2016. | ||
Yarriambiack Creek | ||||||
Beulah | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
Brim | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,000. | ||
Warracknabeal | Golden perch | 1,000 | Stocked annually | Golden perch 1,000. |
Appendix 2 – Stocking Submission Check list
The following is a check list of information that you could include in a submission to the stocking program. These suggestions are not mandatory but will assist in the assessment of any proposals if included and addressed. Proposals can be discussed by contacting John Douglas, Fisheries Manager, Fisheries Victoria, on 03 57720254, or with your local Fisheries Officer.
Name of Water: | |
Fish Species: | |
Suggested change: | |
Justification for the suggestion: Why is it needed What is the expected outcome? | |
Your name and/or organisation: | |
Affiliation with angling club(s) (if appropriate): | |
Have you discussed the suggestion with Fisheries Victoria an angling club or association? | |
Have you checked the suggestion against Fisheries Victoria's stocking policy criteria? | |
Will the suggestion : | |
Maximise the returns to recreational anglers; | |
Create public value; | |
Enhance and support natural recruitment; | |
Be consistent with the translocation protocols and guidelines; | |
Provide for equitable access for a range of stakeholders; | |
Satisfy cost-benefit analysis; and | |
Consider long-term sustainable management strategies. | |
Are suitable receiving waters for the species to be stocked? | |
Is evidence that self sustaining populations do not exist or should that they should be augmented for recreational fishing purposes? |
If you would like to receive this information/publication in an accessible format (such as large print or audio) please call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186, TTY 1800 122 969, or email
Published by the Department of Primary Industries
Fisheries Victoria, August 2012
© The State of Victoria 2012.
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
ISBN 978-1-74326-256-6 (print)
978-1-74326-248-1 (online )
978-1-74326-249-8 (pdf)
Authorised by the Department of Primary Industries
1 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000.
Cover: Zach Stevens with an impressive Lake Elingamite rainbow trout
Photo:Shane Stevens
Photo acknowledgements: Marc Ainsworth, Ewan McLean, Paul Petratis, Scott Douglas, Leff Andropof, DPI photo library
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