Recreational fishing licence trust account report 2010-2011


Photo of a Trout

Recreational fishing grants program (RFGP)

A report to each House of Parliament on the disbursement of Recreational Fishing Licence Revenue


  • Foreword
  • Fisheries Act 1995
  • Field Services
  • Financial Report
  • Notes to the Financial Report
  • Statutory Certification
  • Independent Audit Report from Auditor-General


A report to each House of Parliament on the disbursement of Recreational

Fishing Licence Revenue from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account, 2010-11.

As the Minister Responsible for Fisheries in Victoria, I understand the important contribution recreational fishing makes to Victoria. Recreational fishing brings families together, provides relaxation and creates jobs in regional Victoria as fishers and their families travel, holiday and buy supplies locally.

Every year the Victorian Government, through the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account, disburses revenue derived from the sale of RFLs to projects that will further improve recreational fishing opportunities in Victoria.

During 2010/11, the Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group continued to provide sound advice on the expenditure of all RFL revenue, and on the operation of the three-tiered Recreational Fishing Grants Program which comprises:

  1. A Small Grants Program - that is continually open to fund small projects up to $5,000;
  2. A Large Grants Program for projects from $5,001 to $100,000; and
  3. A Commissioning Program for large priority projects generally in excess of $100,000.

The eight-member Working Group includes recreational anglers from across the State who collectively has knowledge of the marine and inland recreational fisheries, who understand the needs of recreational fishers. I look forward to continuing my relationship with the Working Group into the future.

As the Victorian Government is committed to supporting recreational fishing to further improve opportunities for recreational anglers, I am pleased to advise that the very popular Small Grants Program has funded 69 projects worth more than $193,000 since its inception in March 2010, with The Victorian Fisheries Authority issuing grants of up to $5,000 to local fishing clubs and groups following consultation with the Working Group.

In June 2011, I announced that over $1 million will be allocated to 10 projects through the 2010/11 round of the Large Grants Program to further improve recreational fishing opportunities in Victoria.

  • Through the 2010/11 round of the Commissioning Grants Program, almost $700,000 will be allocated to continue the award-winning State wide Angler Diary Program, and to produce and distribute a wide variety of recreational fisheries communications products that help anglers better understand and voluntarily adopt good recreational fishing practices and comply with fishing rules.
  • These projects are in addition to the release of more than one million Murray cod into Lake Eildon with the aim of creating a fantastic new Murray cod recreational fishery, and the installation of near-shore fishing reefs close to three popular land-based fishing platforms in Port Phillip Bay.

I have also supported a major drought recovery fish stocking program that is creating tremendous fishing across South West Victoria.

During 2010/11, Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account funds were also committed or disbursed to fund:

  • VRFish to provide advice to the Victorian Government about the broad range of recreational fishers' views on the management of the State's fisheries resources;
  • The Victorian Fishcare program;
  • The 2009/10 and previous rounds of the Recreational Fishing Grants Program for access and facilities, education, information and training, and recreational fisheries-related research and fish habitat improvement projects.
  • Expanded stocking of native and salmonid fish species into Victorian rivers and impoundments;
  • Salaries and operating expenses of some The Victorian Fisheries Authority Field Services staff;
  • Recreational Fishing Licence sales commissions; and
  • The costs and expenses incurred in the administration of the Recreational Fishing Licence, the Recreational Fishing Grants Program, and the Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group.

I have pleasure in providing to each House of Parliament this report on the receipts and disbursements from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account for 2010/11.

Peter Walsh signature

The Hon. Peter Walsh MLA
Minister for Agriculture and Food Security

Fisheries Act 1995

Pursuant to Section 151B(4) of the Fisheries Act 1995, the Minister (responsible for Victoria's fisheries) must cause a report on how amounts paid into the Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account were disbursed –

  1. to be prepared by 1 October each year; and,
  2. to be laid before each House of Parliament on or before the seventh sitting day of that House after the report has been prepared.
    For the information of Honourable Members, the RFL Trust Account came into effect on 1 April 2001.

The 2010/11 financial year is the tenth full year of the RFL Trust Account's operation.

The Victorian Auditor-General has audited the receipts received, and disbursements made from the RFL Trust Account in 2010/11.

Field services

In 2010/11, Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) Trust Account receipts contributed $1,537,826 to The Victorian Fisheries Authority's compliance budget.

RFL Trust Account receipts, when added to ongoing recurrent funding of fisheries compliance (education and enforcement) activities, contributes substantially to the delivery of recreational fisheries compliance services in Victorian coastal and inland locations.

Fisheries Officers have continued to have good contact with recreational fishers in the field during the last year. Table 1 summarises yearly totals for contacts in the recreational fishing sector. The activities are divided into categories based on species, locations or other activities. The data shows the total number of contacts of Fisheries Officers with recreational fisheries exceeding 27,000 and then shows the number of offenders, verbal warnings, official warnings, infringement notices, and briefs of evidence for the year.

Table 1.

 Officer contacts with recreational fishersNumber of offendersVerbal Warning issuedOfficial Warning issuedInfringement Notice issuedBrief of Evidence compiled
General advisory1812

Abalone (on water)15135218152
Abalone (on land)85512647761217
Abalone (Inter Tidal Zone)8383671141383534
Intertidal Port Phillip Bay32317291341375
Intertidal Pipis1781251138461098
Intertidal Red Shore Crab21660194605
Intertidal Other3331408642480
Bass Yabbies1200000
Rock Lobster (on water)1261061110
Rock Lobster (on land)26320186162
Ocean (on water)48331121532
Ocean (on land)325221911176760
Bay & Inlet - Port Phillip Bay (on water)794513212542
Bay & Inlet - Port Phillip Bay (on land)773374327816836412
Bay & Inlet - Western Port (on water)18234160
Bay & Inlet - Western Port (on land)555182117250
Bay & Inlet - Other (on water)23221123100
Bay & Inlet - Other (on land)1679914914440
Scallops (On Water)200000
Scallops (On Land)3140040
Freshwater (on water)2720905835741
Freshwater (on land)49393091781151671
Spiny Cray50226116160
Murray Cod110100
Fish stocking73

Angler Club meetings attended13

Shows, forums, clinics144


All of the Fisheries Officers in the State undertake duties related to the recreational fishing sector. Fisheries Officers interact with recreational fishers through:

  • contact with recreational fishers in the field;
  • attending angling club meetings;
  • attending recreational fishing-related shows, forums and clinics;
  • attending fish stocking/liberation events;
  • liaising with grant recipients regarding the successful completion of infrastructure type projects under the annual Recreational Fishing Grants Program (Large Grants);
  • advising fisheries management on issues relating to recreational fishing;
  • assisting DPI's Fisheries Research Branch on matters relating to recreational fishing;
  • responding to recreational fishing issues raised from the 13FISH Offence Reporting Line;
  • producing recreational fishing-related media releases/distributing booklets, pamphlets;
  • investigating recreational fishing-related crimes and prosecuting where necessary;
  • collecting intelligence related to recreational fishing offences;
  • participating in recreational fishing-related educational activities with school groups and the broader recreational fishing community;
  • attending family fishing events; and
  • engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

The Victorian Fisheries Authority in conjunction with the recreational fishing community strive to achieve high levels of voluntary compliance amongst recreational fishers. By working collaboratively and by continuing to promote responsible and ethical fishing, we are better positioned to ensure both fish for now and fish for the future.

Financial report

Report concerning how amounts paid into the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account were disbursed in 2010-11 financial year

Receipts 2010/11$ 
Total receipts from RFL sales
268,484 RFL's sold (as at 20 July 2011) including: 27,575 three-year licences, 134,890 one-year licences, 27,411 28-day licences and 78,608 two-day licences.
Interest - investments$115,359.58Fisheries Act 1995, S. 151B(4) enables money standing to the credit of the Account to be invested in any manner in which funds may be invested under the Trustee Act 1958.
Refunds: RFGP projects$300,548.01Project # SE20, 'Kids Come N Try Fishing Day', $397.86; Project # SE02, 'Kids Come N Try Fishing Day' - $347.95. Project #SE/12 'Kids Come N Try Fishing Day' - $478.10. Project SE/09 'Educational Fishing Charter' - $250; Project #SG/09/10/05 'Australian Casting Championships - $1,101.18; Project # SG/09/10/02 '2010 Family Fishing Expo' - $350; Project # SG/09/10/30 'Community Fishing Festival' - $1,557.91; Project # 12/03/04EI&T 'Conduct education course on basic fly fishing' - $912.25; Project #SG/09/10/28 'Victorian recreational fishing representation at the MDBA native fish forum' - $312.84; Project #SG/09/10/22 'Ron Nelson Junior Memorial Clinic' - $1,034.29; Project #SG/09/10/14 'Rock Fishing Safety Day' - $683.45; Project #SG/09/10/33 'Mates on the Bay Day' - $713.64; Project #S&HI/06/07/04 'Riparian environment repair for the Howqua River' - $77.27; Project #SG/09/10/46 'Fisherman's Breakfast' - $324.37; Project # SE/08/09/26 'Introduction to Fishing workshop' - $1,454.55; Project #10/05/06EI&T 'Continue roll-out of developed standardised signage across the remainder of the Northern Fisheries Region to identify pedestrian, vehicle, and boat access angling locations' - $3,593.25; Project #SG/09/10/50 'Family Catch A Carp Day' - $149.23; Project 'Co-fund the production and distribution of 100,000 fish length rulers' - $1,090.91; Project SG/09/10/52 'Family Fishing Day' - $844.55; Project #A&F/05/06/18 'Produce, and distribute through a wide range of outlets, the Northern Victorian Angling Access Map and Brochure identifying all legal access points to rivers and streams, pedestrian, vehicle and boat access angling points' - $32,870.98; Fisheries Field Services (State-wide) $252,003.43.
GST Recoverable$15,965.86
Total receipts for the year$6,422,336.30
Disbursements 2010/11$ 
Recreational Fishing Grants Program and other projects$2,482,924.95Payments to 93 projects - see Note 2.
Fisheries Field Services (state wide)$1,537,826.00(Includes funding of $252,003.43 that was returned to the RFL Trust Account, which comprises $111,182 reimbursement for staff costs associated with DPI's emergency response to locusts, and unspent funds of $140,821.43 - see Refunds section).
VRFish$389,500.00(Includes administration fee of $4,500 for Small Events Recreational Fishing Grants Program)
Community Information
Recreational Fishing Grants Program/Recreational Fishing Licence disbursement reporting related advertising & publicity.


Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) 6% sales commissions
 Applicable to sales commissions incurred during 2009/10, paid in 2010/11 financial year.


Costs and expenses incurred in the administration of RFLs

Salaries and on-costs.$300,767.26
Business, corporate & other levies (common domain access levy, OH&S levy, training & development levy, centre leader levy, CBD accommodation and workstation charge, computer internal lease costs).$208,220.97
Professional services other (Recreational Fishing Grants Program supplementary governance audit; Vic. Auditor-General Office audit of 2009/10 RFL Trust Account; Audit of RFL administration processes).$39,184.87
Agency labour hire$112,953.25
Postal expenses, printing, stationery, courier, telephones, banking charges, office equipment and software maintenance, seminar & conference attendance fees.$58,833.81
Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group
 Sitting fees, sustenance, accommodation, airfares, vehicle hire, venue hire and personal expenses.
GST payable$7,153.78
Total disbursements for the year$5,492,242.04
Net cash inflow/(outflow)$930,094.26
Cash as at 1 July 20105,069,022.14
Cash as at 30 June 2011$5,999,116.40Provision to fund 2010/11's approved Recreational Fishing Grant Program projects, and other items totalling $3,783,069.81 - see Note 3.
Cash balance includes $2,500,000 which has been invested – see Note 4.
Amounts are net of applicable GST

Notes to the financial report

These notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the financial report of the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account.

Note 1 Statement of accounting policies

Basis of preparation.

This special purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Fisheries Act 1995.
The report has been prepared on a cash basis to report on how levies and application fees received in respect of recreational fishing licences have been disbursed from the trust account.

Note 2 - Payments to recreational fishing grants program and other projects during 2010/11

Projects initially announced in 2007/08  
Evaluate and validate the utility of Research Angler Diary programs as a cost-effective monitoring and stock assessment tool for the management of small recreational fisheries in Victoria; 1st instalment of 3rd year of funding. Total project funding of $270,000 over three years.$63,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Publish a Recreational Fishing Code of Conduct in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide (in three editions); 2nd year funding. Total project funding of $14,680 over three years.$5,040.00VRFish
Flathead Fred's Kids' Fun Fishing Shows - conduct 'fun fishing shows' to educate children and adults in correct, safe, and sustainable recreational fishing practice; 3rd and final year of funding. Total project funding of $12,000 over three years.$3,636.36Frederick Bayes
Projects initially announced in 2008/09  
Establishment grant and base level funding. 50% of 3rd & final year of establishment grant funding. Total project funding of $340,000.$47,639.41Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Projects initially announced in 2009/10
The purchase and liberation of native and salmonid fish to stock into Victorian rivers and impoundments; 2nd instalment of 10% balance of funding. Total project funding of $200,000.$20,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Mitchell and Tambo Rivers fish habitat improvement through in-stream structures, and structural habitat in the Gippsland Lakes trial; 2nd instalment of 10% balance of funding. Total project funding of $85,000.$8,500.00East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Research angler diary program for Anderson Inlet, Mallacoota Inlet, Lake Tyers and waters of the North East, West Gippsland, Corangamite and Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Authorities; 2nd instalment of 10% balance of funding. Total project funding of $68,000.$6,800.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Install solar light and signage at Grammar School lagoon jetty. 2nd and final instalment of 10% balance of funding. Total project funding of $9,897.$989.70Association of Geelong & District Angling Clubs Inc.
Large Grants Program  
Construct a fishing platform on Mitchell River downstream of Wy Yung bridge, Bairnsdale. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $44,858.$25,092.00East Gippsland Shire Council
Small Grants Program
Conduct a 'Catch a Carp Day' event.$5,000.00Mallee Catchment Management Authority
Publish an educational campaign in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide to educate vessel operators on the use of dive flags by spear fishers.$5,000.00Southern Freedivers Inc.
Produce and distribute a 'Spear Safe' DVD.$5,000.00Southern Freedivers Inc.
Conduct a 'Prom Coast Summer Festival' fishing event.$4,500.00Welshpool & District Advisory Group
Install safety rails on the West jetty in Jubilee Park, Warrnambool.$2,653.00Allansford Angling Club Inc.
Produce and distribute a brochure promoting catch and release recreational fishing techniques.$1,726.36Twin Rivers Business & Tourism Association Inc.
Conduct a 'Family Fun Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for the local community.$1,477.73Bemm River Angling Club Inc.
Small Events Recreational Fishing Grants Program
Conduct a 'Kids Come 'n' Try Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for families.$1,600.00Black Dog Creek Big Game Fishing Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Catch a Carp' Day to promote responsible fishing practices.$875.00Greensborough Angling Club Inc.
Projects announced in 2010/11
The purchase and liberation of native and salmonid fish to stock into Victorian rivers and impoundments.$200,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Commissioning Grants Program

Recovering waters fish stocking program. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $536,425.82 over two years.$437,638.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Install near-shore fish habitat improvement structure at three locations in Port Phillip Bay. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $400,000 over three years.$252,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff
Develop a premier Murray cod fishery at Lake Eildon. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $800,000 over three years.$234,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Large Grants Program

Improving sustainability of sand flathead stocks in Port Phillip Bay and across Victoria. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $300,000 over three years.$90,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff
Upgrade Flinders jetty to include a designated fishing platform with fishing stations, rod holders & seating. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $100,000.$90,000.00Parks Victoria
State-wide angler diary program; monitoring fish stocks targeted by recreational anglers across Victoria.1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $99,330.$89,397.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff
Quantifying the catch of southern blue fin tuna taken by the recreational sector in south west Victoria. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $187,900 over two years.$86,400.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries Research Branch, Queenscliff
Install a fishing platform, access paths and solar lighting Sydenham Inlet, Bemm River. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $84,560.$75,518.19Bemm River Angling Club Inc.
Increasing fish habitat in the lower Loddon River, Macoma main channel to Kerang Weir and lower Pyramid Creek. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $150,100 over two years.$73,080.00North Central Catchment Management Authority
Restore native fish habitat (large wood installation), Broken Creek between Numurkah and Nathalia. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $75,000.$67,500.00Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
Gippsland Lakes Tributaries Fish Habitat Improvement. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $215,781 over three years.$64,733.91East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Conduct an Eastern King Prawn stocking project for Victoria at Lake Tyers. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $232,947 over three years.$59,535.00University of New South Wales
Construct five fishing platforms at Cobden Lake. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $62,150.$55,935.00Progressing Cobden Inc.
Create safe all-weather access for recreational fishing at Taylors Lake, Horsham. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $105,667 over two years.$50,000.00Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water
Improving the reliability of fish production and stocking of Chinook salmon. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $65,000 over three years.$40,500.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Fishcare 'Fish Right' workshops – conduct 300 junior angler workshops (and evaluate outcomes) across Victoria. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $90,000 over three years.$27,000.00Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Construct a fishway at lower break on the Barwon River. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $30,000.$27,000.00VRFish
Construct a fishing platform, and install signage, upstream of the Tannery Road bridge, Tarra River, Tarraville. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $23,400.$21,060.00West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Integrating recreational fishing into Victorian Educational Curriculum. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $42,000 over two years.$19,800.00Belmont High School
Enhance in-stream fish habitat for Nariel Creek through the installation of rocks, logs & root balls. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $60,000 over three years.$18,000.00Corryong Angling Club Inc.
Fish habitat improvement (willow removal, bank stabilisation and fencing) at Cobungra River. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $19,200.$17,280.00Bairnsdale Fly Fishers Club Inc.
Construct a fishing platform, install signage and replace existing footbridge at Curdies River, Curdievale.$16,045.46Moyne Shire Council
Construct a fishing platform and erect fencing, information shelter, signage & bollards at Serpentine Creek, Durham Ox. 1st instalment of 90% of funding. Total project funding of $17,902.$15,989.07Loddonvale Landcare Group
Construct a fishing platform and improve angler access to Aire River. 1st instalment of 90% of year one funding. Total project funding of $60,000 over two years.$4,500.00Parks Victoria
Small Grants Program

Conduct an assessment of the status of fish populations in the Anglesea River.$5,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Undertake repairs on the temporary boat ramp to enable continued access for boat based anglers to Lake Purrumbete.$5,000.00Lake Purrumbete Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Mayor's Come and Try Fishing day' to promote recreational fishing amongst the local community.$4,980.00City of Greater Dandenong
Conduct a 'Junior Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$4,960.00Corinella Boating & Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a state-wide preliminary stock assessment and population genetic structure of pipis.$4,950.00Deakin University
Conduct an evaluation of the extent of pipi stock in the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park.$4,560.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Conduct a 'Fishing Convention' event to promote sustainable and responsible fishing practices for the local community.$4,500.00Lakes Entrance Business & Tourism Association
Promote the extension to the Karkarook Lake Angling Area and ability to fish from canoes & kayaks to recreational anglers.$4,500.00Parks Victoria
Conduct a 'Nagambie on Water Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible fishing practices for the local community.$4,418.18Nagambie Action Group
Conduct a 'Community Fishing Festival' to promote recreational fishing.$4,100.00Yarra Valley Fly Fishers Inc.
Conduct a 'Mates on the Bay' recreational fishing day for people with disabilities.$3,950.00FutureFish Foundation Projects Pty Ltd
Conduct a 'Port Albert Snapperfest 2010' fishing event.$3,820.00Port Albert Progress Association Inc.
Conduct a 'Family Come and Try Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for the local community.$3,785.00Green Hill Lake Development Board Inc.
Conduct six 'Fishing for Diversity' events to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for the local community.$3,664.00Barwon Coast Committee of Management
Conduct a 'Family Fishing Day' to promote recreational fishing amongst the local community.$3,455.45Laburnum Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Family Fishing Day' to promote recreational fishing amongst the local community.$3,350.00Bealiba Reservoir Committee of Management
Conduct a 'Family Fishing Day' to promote recreational fishing amongst the local community.$3,170.00Lake Boga Sports Fishing Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Ron Nelson Memorial Junior Clinic' event educating junior anglers on correct fishing methods and responsible fishing practices.$3,080.00Association of Geelong & District Angling Clubs Inc.
Recreational fishing 'display suite' at 2010 Boating & Fishing expo.$3,000.00VRFish
Replacement of unsafe board & bearers on Deep Lake fishing platform.$2,965.28Derrinallum Anglers Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Family Fishing Day' to promote responsible fishing practices.$2,857.27Laburnum Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a community 'Fish-a-Thon' to promote recreational fishing.$2,734.00Radius Disability Services
Install safety rails on the East jetty in Jubilee Park, Warrnambool.$2,695.82Allansford Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Rock Fishing Safety Day' to promote safe rock fishing practices.$2,675.00VRFish
Co-fund the construction of pipi collection buckets displaying the reduced bag limit for Cape Liptrap Coastal Park.$2,500.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Attend Murray Darling Basin Authority Native Fish Strategy Forum.$2,345.00VRFish
Conduct a 'Family Fishing Day' at 2011 St Kilda festival to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices.$2,300.00Elwood Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Fisherman's Breakfast" to promote sustainable and responsible fishing practices for the local community.$2,110.00Hobsons Bay City Council
Conduct eight fishing workshops to introduce primary school children to the art of fishing.$2,080.00Colac Otway Shire
Conduct a 'Junior Fishing Clinic' to introduce children to the art of fishing.$1,975.00Lake Boga Sports Fishing Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Student Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$1,900.00Colac Otway Shire
Promote recreational fishing to the local community at the 2011 Whitehorse Spring Festival.$1,893.75Laburnum Angling Club Inc.
Produce and distribute a 'three step' wallet guide promoting fishing litter prevention and sustainable fishing techniques.$1,844.55Mildura Regional Waste Management Group
Co-fund the 2012 Prom Coast Summer Festival.$1,800.00Welshpool & District Advisory Group
Conduct a 'Kids Come and Try fishing Day' event to promote responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$1,700.00Bogong Outdoor Education Centre
Conduct a 'Junior Anglers Workshop' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$1,635.00Nicholson Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Junior Anglers Workshop' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$1,530.00Kyabram Anglers Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Catch a Carp Day' to promote responsible fishing practices.$1,518.18Fishcare East Gippsland Inc.
Produce and distribute waterproof abalone open day tags.$1,472.73Southern Freedivers Inc.
Conduct a 'Family Surf Fishing Tuition Day' for the local community.$1,425.00Oakdale Angling Club Inc.
Co-fund a pilot program to install 21 fishing line disposal bins around Port Phillip Bay.$1,104.55Fishcare Mornington & Westernport Inc.
Install Angel Rings at a number of recreational fishing locations around Port Phillip Bay.$1,100.00Association of Geelong & District Angling Clubs Inc.
Conduct a 'Come and Try Fishing Day' event to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for the local community.$1,050.00George Gray Centre Inc.
Conduct a 'Kids Come and Try Fishing Day' to promote sustainable and responsible recreational fishing practices for junior anglers.$795.00Fawkner Merlynston Angling Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Come fishing with Jimmy' event to introduce children to recreational fishing.$775.00Manns Beach Improvement Committee
Conduct two 'Introduction to Fishing' seminars for the local community.$690.00Geelong & District Anglers Club & Fish Protection Society Inc.
Conduct a 'Junior Angler Workshop' to promote sustainable and responsible fishing for junior anglers.$600.00Twin Rivers Business & Tourism Association
Conduct a 'Catch a Carp Day' to encourage families in the local community to participate in recreational fishing.$595.00Sale Fly Fishing Club Inc.
Conduct a 'Kids Fishing Education Day' to introduce children to recreational angling.$575.00Ballarat & District Anglers Association Inc.
Other Projects  
Co-fund the production and distribution of 100,000 fish length rulers.$12,000.00(former) Department of Primary Industries, The Victorian Fisheries Authority
Disbursements net of GST$2,482,924.95 

Note 3 - proposal to fund 2010/11's approved recreational fishing grant program projects, and other items in 2011/12 and beyond as applicable
View Note 3

Other items
View table of Other items

Note 4 - Cash assets

Cash as at 30 June 2011 of $5,999,116.40 shown in the financial statement includes $2,500,000 which has been invested pursuant to Section 151B(4)(5) Fisheries Act 1995.

Statutory certification

I certify the attached Financial Report for the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account has been prepared in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995.

I further state that, in my opinion, the information set out in the Receipts & Disbursements Report and notes to the financial report, presents fairly the financial transactions during the year ended 30 June 2011.

I am not aware of any circumstance which would render any particulars included in the financial report to be misleading or inaccurate.

Auditor-General signature

Robert KrixManager – Statutory Consultation
The Victorian Fisheries Authority

Independent Audit Report from Auditor-General

VAGO logo

Victorian Auditor-General's Office


To the Secretary, (former) Department of Primary Industries

The Financial Report

The accompanying financial report for the year ended 30 June 2011, being a special purpose report of the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account which comprises the receipts and disbursements report, a statement of accounting policies and other explanatory notes to and forming part of the financial report, and the statutory certification has been audited.

The Secretary's Responsibility for the Financial Report

The Secretary of the (former) Department of Primary Industries is responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with the requirements of the Fisheries Act 1995, and for such internal control as the Secretary determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Secretary has determined that the financial report is appropriate to the needs of the Minister for Agriculture and Food Security.

Auditor's Responsibility

As required by the Audit Act 1994, my responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on the audit, which has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those Standards require compliance with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and that the audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The audit procedures selected depend on judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or enror. In making those risk assessments, consideration is given to the internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.


The Auditor-General's independence is established by the Constitution Act 1975. The Auditor-General is not subject to direction by any person about the way in which his powers and responsibilities are to be exercised. In conducting the audit, the Auditor-General, his staff and delegates complied with allapplicable independence requirements of the Australian accounting profession.


In my opinion, the financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the receipts into and disbursements from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account for the year ended 30 June 2011 in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995.

Basis of Accounting for Financial Report

Without modifying my opinion, I draw attention to note 1 to the financial report, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial report has been prepared for the purpose of fulfilling the Secretary's financial reporting obligations under the Fisheries Act 1995. As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose.

Matters Relating to the Electronic Publication of the Audited Financial Report

This auditor's report relates to the financial report of the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account for the year ended 30 June 2011 included in the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account's annual report and on the department's website. The Secretary of the department  is responsible for the integrity of the department's website. I have not been engaged to report on the integrity of the department's website. The auditor's report refers only to the subject matter described above. It does not provide an opinion on any other information which may have been hyperlinked to/from these statements. If users of the financial report are concerned with the inherent risks arising from publication on a website, they are advised to refer to the hard copy of the audited financial report to confirm the information contained in the website version of the financial report.

Auditor-General sigature 

D D R Pearson

1 September 2011

Level 24, 35 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic. 3000

Telephone 61 386017000
Facsimile 61 38601 7010

Auditing in the Public Interest