Melbourne man cops heavy penalties for illegal fishing

04 September 2024

A man from Melbourne’s western suburbs has received heavy penalties, including a $20,000 fine, five year ban on fishing, and the loss of his ute, for illegally fishing in Victoria’s northeast and Melbourne in 2023.

Victorian Fisheries Authority Acting Director of Education and Enforcement Paul Shea said the man, in his 60s, had faced several charges relating to an illegal haul of golden perch from Lake Hume and the possession of a commercial quantity of abalone in spring last year.

“The man was already serving a two year prohibition on fishing when Fisheries Officers apprehended him and another man at Lake Hume with more than twice the daily bag limit of golden perch,” Mr Shea said.

“Officers had inspected the pair in a boat at the lake’s northern end, where they presented 10 golden perch as their catch of the day. The bag limit is 5 per person so all appeared well.

“Further investigation however revealed another 12 golden perch concealed under the boat’s floor, making a total of 22 goldens ranging in size from 39cm to nearly 60cm. Officers seized their 5.1 metre boat on the spot, along with their fishing gear and fish.

“In the days that followed, two subsequent search warrants in Melbourne located more than 200 abalone meats in one of the premises.

“In the Sunshine Magistrates Court last week, one of the men pled guilty to five charges and was convicted, fined $20,000, banned from fishing for five years, and had his 2014 model Toyota Hilux worth $25,000 forfeited.”

The other man had pled guilty to fewer charges earlier this year in the Wodonga Magistrates Court and was ordered to pay $850 to the Court Fund. He also gave an undertaking to be of good behaviour for 12 months. His fish and fishing gear were forfeited.

Mr Shea said Victoria is home to world-class fisheries that provide sustainable seafood and cherished recreational fishing opportunities, and we want to keep it that way.

In the same court last week, a couple also in their 60s, were convicted and fined $7000, ordered to pay $5000 costs and had their fishing gear and $1370 in cash forfeited. The husband and wife were also banned from any recreational fishing for five years.

The pair had been taking squid and tailor at Queenscliff and Lakes Entrance under the guise of being recreational anglers, then selling them illegally on the street and to a restaurant in Melbourne’s western suburbs. Only licensed commercial fishers can sell their catch.

If you see or suspect illegal fishing in Victoria, call our 24/7 reporting service, 13FISH (133474), to speak directly to a Fisheries Officer. You can remain anonymous.