Wild trout conference approaching fast

21 September 2015

Recreational anglers wanting to learn more about Victoria's stream trout populations are being reminded to register for the free wild trout conference to be held in Mansfield on Saturday 21 November.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said that seats were still available for the one day conference, which would assemble fisheries scientists and anglers to share the findings of research conducted on wild trout populations in rivers over the last 12 months.

"The work has been funded by fishing licence fees and the State Government's Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing more often," Mr Dowling said.

"Trout anglers had expressed concern about declining catch rates in several north eastern Victorian streams so we embarked on a suite of projects over three years to better understand what was happening.

"The conference will share the interim results from year one of these projects.

"Presentations will outline how successful natural spawnings were last winter in 12 rivers, which is a key determinant in the future health of these fisheries.

"Other topics will include bankside vegetation and its influence on trout food, the movement of trout in the Delatite River and quantifying the difference trout releases have made to angler catch rates in two rivers that were stocked.

"Conference participants will also have the opportunity to discuss the proposed introduction of a minimum size for trout and hear from scientists about how different minimum sizes would impact trout stocks and harvest opportunities.

"Dr Dan Dauwalter of Trout Unlimited, will present on how anglers and government in the United States are managing their valuable trout and salmon fisheries."

Mr Dowling said anglers should register, for free, by visiting www.mansfieldmtbuller.com.au/twt

"The conference will be held at the Mansfield Performing Arts Centre between 9.30am and 5pm.

"Presentations will be recorded and made available for subsequent viewing online in December  via our YouTube channel.

"The Mansfield and District Fly Fishers Club has organised a Film Festival to coincide with the conference.

"It will feature a series of short films about trout fishing from 7.30pm on the Saturday. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for children. Bookings can be made when registering for the conference."

View the Talk Wild Trout Conference program.