Two new boat ramps at Rocklands Reservoir

10 May 2016

Rocklands ReservoirTwo new concrete boat ramps have been constructed at Rocklands Reservoir to provide recreational anglers with better access to one of western Victoria's largest impoundments.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director Travis Dowling said the new ramps would help anglers make the most of the freshwater fishery at Rocklands Reservoir.

"One of the new single lane boat ramps has been built at Brodies camping area, which is at the top of the north-western arm of Rocklands Reservoir," Mr Dowling said.

"The other ramp was constructed at the south-western corner at the Glendinning camping area, near the end of Yarramyljup Road.

"The Balmoral and District Angling Club managed the project with funding from the State Government.

"Both ramps were constructed using local labour and materials, much of which was donated by members of the angling club and the local community."

Mr Dowling said Rocklands Reservoir was stocked annually with brown trout and rainbow trout, grown at Fisheries Victoria's Snobs Creek hatchery.

"Since 2013, more than 21,000 brown trout and 25,000 rainbow trout yearlings have been released into Rocklands Reservoir to improve fishing opportunities for anglers.

"These trout stockings complement the wild redfin population in the reservoir, which is self-sustaining given natural breeding by the species each year.

Mr Dowling said Fisheries Victoria recognised the important role that recreational fishing played in the social and economic well-being of regional communities and tourism businesses.

"That is why we are delivering the State Government's Target One Million plan, which will boost participation in recreational fishing to one million anglers by 2020, increase fish stocking from three million to five million and strengthen angling club membership."

"We will continue to work with anglers and partner agencies to grow this popular pastime, which gets families and friends outside and active," he said.

If anglers have suggestions about how to improve recreational fishing access and facilities in their local areas, they are encouraged to email ideas to