Reminder that koi carp are noxious

29 March 2017

Owners of aquarium fish are being reminded that koi carp are classified as a noxious aquatic species in Victoria and must not be held without authorisation.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said koi carp pose a significant risk to native fish populations in lakes and rivers and should not be kept as aquarium or pond fish anywhere.

"It is illegal to hatch, grow, hold, buy, sell or transport any noxious aquatic species," Mr Dowling said.

"In Victoria, noxious aquatic species include koi carp alongside other well-known freshwater fish such as common carp, mosquito fish, oriental weather loach, tilapia and cichlids.

"These are all invasive species that potentially threaten wild ecosystems by outcompeting native fish and destroying natural habitat.

"We only issue permits in exceptional circumstances for these species given the risks."

Mr Dowling said people who ignore the rules could face fines or for serious offences, may end up in court.

"Last year, a 51-year-old Ocean Grove man was fined $1,745 for possessing koi carp in the Geelong Magistrates Court.

"Fisheries Officers searched a property and found a large makeshift pond containing 19 live koi carp.

"Several polystyrene boxes marked "live fish" were also located with one box clearly displaying international flight details originating out of Bangkok."

Members of the community are urged to report the presence of noxious aquatic species, including koi carp, by ringing 13FISH (133474) anytime.