Operation Swoop springs into trout opening

10 September 2015

The opening of Victorian rivers to trout fishing last weekend saw more than 280 anglers inspected as part of Operation Swoop.

In uniform and plain clothes, six Fisheries Officers from Alexandra, Bendigo, Tatura and Wodonga conducted inspections along the Goulburn River above and below Lake Eildon, the Delatite, Howqua, Jamieson, Rubicon, Steavenson and Acheron rivers, and on Snobs Creek and the Eildon Pondage.

Regional Supervising Officer Murray Burns said there was a high compliance rate overall for the weekend and most anglers came well prepared with a current recreational fishing licence.

"On a disappointing note, some anglers continued to show disregard for regulations with approximately 20 anglers interviewed in relation to offences," Mr Burns said.

"In separate instances, three anglers were found using trout eggs as bait, which is illegal, on the Steavenson, Acheron and Snobs Creek.

"Another group of two anglers were found using three rods each rather than two, which is the limit in inland waters.

"At the Eildon Pondage, a man without a fishing licence provided a false name and address to officers.

"Fisheries Officers issued five official warnings across the weekend and 13 on-the-spot fines that ranged from $150 to $402.

"We want anglers to stay up-to-date with regulations and double check they have a current recreational fishing licence.

Mr Burns said the best fish observed by Officers were taken from the Goulburn River below Lake Eildon, where brown trout and rainbow trout of around 1kg had been caught by anglers.

Other large fish were observed in anglers' creels at the Eildon Pondage, which is regularly stocked with ex-brood fish from Fisheries Victoria's hatchery nearby.

Anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing activity is urged to call the 24 hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).