Most anglers know the rules hook, line and sinker

18 December 2015

Fisheries Victoria's Operation Billit has found the vast majority of those fishing around Melbourne's bay are doing so legally, although they did net some wrong-doing anglers.

Operation Billit targeted snapper anglers in Port Phillip Bay and Western Port with a mixed bag of results.

Fisheries Victoria's Bob Hutton said the results showed 93 percent of anglers were obeying fishing rules and regulations, which is very pleasing.

"We inspected 2,100 recreational anglers on the water and at the boat ramps, we detected a total of 144 offenders were detected," Mr Hutton said.

"This was not a covert operation and was widely publicised before it started, so there is no real excuse for those 144 anglers not knowing, or deliberately flouting, fishing regulations.

"One man will be going to court for allegedly exceeding the catch limit of southern calamari and another will face abalone related charges."

Altogether 39 infringement notices were issued, two relating to exceeding the catch limit of snapper. Those fish were seized and the anglers fined $455 each.

Other offences detected included taking other species below minimum size, which also generated a $455 fine, using more than four lines in marine waters and fishing without a licence.

"All of these rules are outlined in the Recreational Fishing Guide, which is available free from most good tackle stores or by downloading the free 'Vic Fishing' app for smartphones," Mr Hutton said.

He said there was lots of night work involved and great results achieved - none of which was possible without the commitment and dedication of officers involved.

"This operation was well supported by Maritime Safety officers who were a massive asset, providing both staff and resources," Mr Hutton said.

"Throughout the season we will continue working closely with Maritime Safety Victoria to ensure anglers focus on safety, ensuring correct equipment is aboard and in working condition, staying well clear of ships while underway, not anchoring in shipping channels or fairways and check their vessels before leaving home."

Anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing is urged to call the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).