Mansfield trout conference a must for anglers

10 August 2016

Recreational anglers can learn more about Victoria's wild trout fisheries at a free one day conference on Saturday 5 November at Mansfield.

Last year's inaugural 'Talk Wild Trout' conference was a huge success and attracted nearly 200 keen anglers from across the state.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said the conferences were funded by fishing licence fees and the State Government's Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing, more often and grow participation to one million by 2020.

"The 2016 'Talk Wild Trout' conference will assemble fisheries scientists and freshwater anglers to share the findings of research conducted on riverine trout populations during year two of this three-year project," Mr Dowling said.

"The conference is all about sharing the results of field work so that anglers, and angling dependent businesses, build an understanding of our trout fisheries and their key drivers.

"Ms April Vokey, a leading fisheries conservationist and passionate fly fisher from north America, will provide the keynote address about her love of trout fishing.

"Conference topics will include an update on spawning success in 12 wild trout rivers, tagged trout movement in the Delatite, how climate change is affecting Victorian trout rivers, angler driven river restoration efforts over the last 12 months and instream habitat improvements.

"We will also hear from fisheries managers about the contribution that stocked trout have made in the Howqua and Goulburn rivers and progress on introducing a minimum size for trout in Victoria, which is a Target One Million election commitment."

The conference will be held at the Mansfield Performing Arts Centre, between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm. Tea and coffee will be available and lunch will be provided.

Registration for the conference is free and can be done via the conference webpage.

Learn more about the day, including speakers and themes.

Mr Dowling said the success of the 'Talk Wild Trout' conference had seen Fisheries Victoria expand the concept to include a Bay conference at Altona on 12 August and a Murray 'codference' at Shepparton on 11 December.