Lake Eildon stays open for springtime Murray cod

02 September 2016

The three month closed season for Murray cod fishing will not apply to Lake Eildon this spring.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said this was the first year that fishers could target and keep Murray cod from Lake Eildon during September, October and November.

"The rule change expands freshwater fishing opportunities close to Melbourne and delivers on the State Government's Target One Million plan, which aims to get more people fishing, more often and grow participation to one million by 2020," Mr Dowling said.

"The Murray cod closed season remains in place in all other Victorian waters.

"Research found that 99.6 per cent of Murray cod in Lake Eildon were stocked fish.

"If Lake Eildon's Murray cod are not breeding, it makes no sense to protect them unnecessarily with a closed season, especially when it limits fishing opportunities during spring.

"Lake Eildon's reputation as a productive Murray cod fishery has grown in recent years thanks mostly to a substantial stocking program funded by anglers through their fishing licence fees.

"More than one million Murray cod fingerlings were released into Lake Eildon between 2010 and 2013, complementing an existing population developed from decades of smaller scale releases."

Mr Dowling said the removal of the closed season at Lake Eildon was expected to provide new fishing opportunities, increase participation and boost regional tourism.

"The change mirrors a New South Wales decision to remove the Murray cod closed season at Copeton Dam, which has proved popular with anglers and fishing dependent businesses.

"Like Lake Eildon, research found most of Copeton Dam's Murray cod were stocked fish and not the offspring of wild Murray cod."

Other Victorian fishing regulations for Murray cod will remain unchanged including the slot limit introduced in 2014 of 55 to 75cm, the bag limit of one Murray cod in rivers and the bag limit of two in lakes.

The removal of the closed season at Lake Eildon is being trialled for 12 months.