Get some Victorian fish on your fork for Santa

18 December 2017

Victorians can look forward to heaps of fresh local Victorian seafood this Christmas and throughout summer.

Santa wants you to eat healthy, and what could be healthier than the Omega3 benefits of fresh, local Victorian prawns, bugs, crays and snapper.

Victorian Fisheries Authority CEO Travis Dowling said Victoria's commercial fisheries and aquaculture sector produce some of the world's finest seafood ranging from mussels, trout, lobsters, prawns, snapper, abalone and calamari.
"Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends and fresh seafood is the best choice for Victorians who want a stylish, convenient and healthy option to put on the table," Mr Dowling said.
"Many seafood dishes can also be served cold at Christmas, which can be a big advantage on a hot summer's day."
Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV) Executive Director, Jonathon Davey, encouraged consumers to purchase locally grown or caught seafood that will be fresher and that also supports regional jobs from Mallacoota in the east to Portland in the west.

"Hundreds of people benefit from Victorians eating locally produced seafood including licensed fishers who catch the fish, processors who prepare it and retailers who sell it," Mr Davey said.

"There is so much to celebrate about Victorian seafood, which is world renowned as clean and green, whether it is caught from wild stocks or grown in aquaculture facilities."

Mr Dowling said Victoria was also home to several sustainable offshore fisheries, managed by the Commonwealth, for popular species such as gummy shark (flake), scallops, ling, blue eye and flathead, many of which are available from fish retailers and supermarkets.

"Consumers are spoilt for choice in Victoria, whether they are buying fish and chips on a Friday night with the kids, a rock lobster for a Christmas day meal or fresh flathead fillets from the market to cook on the porch barbecue."

Media contact: Nick Foster – 03 8392 6254