Fines of $37,000 for taking Southern Bluefin tuna

10 May 2016

Four men have been fined a total of $37,000 for possessing a commercial quantity of Southern Bluefin tuna after being intercepted by Fisheries Victoria Officers near Dennington last year.

Fisheries Officer Cameron McCallum said the men were from Noble Park, Kealba, Roxburgh Park and Taylors Hill.

"They were intercepted by Fisheries at Dennington near Warrnambool on June 9 last year, after being seen fishing at Portland over two days.

"Officers found 37 whole tuna in the back of their utility, of which 23 were Southern Bluefin and 14 Albacore," he said.

Mr McCallum said the four men pleaded guilty under the Fisheries Act to possessing a commercial quantity of a priority species.

"They are all now subject to an order which stops them from fishing or possessing fishing equipment in, on or next to Victoria waters for 12 months.

There is an absolute statewide possession limit for Southern Bluefin Tuna of two whole fish plus up to 160kg if in any other form (e.g. fillets).

Tuna must also be kept in whole or carcass form (i.e. they may only be gutted, gilled or scaled) until they have been landed onshore.

"It is disappointing to see people still flaunting the rules around priority species such as Southern Bluefin tuna, especially given Fisheries Officers from Portland spoke to these men after their first fishing day and explained the possession limits.

Anyone who sees or suspects illegal fishing activity is urged to call the 24 hour reporting line 13FISH (13 3474).