Drought recovery fish stockings thanks to big wet

10 October 2016

Fish stocking trucks will hit the road in coming weeks to deliver tens of thousands of yearling trout to Victorian lakes that have filled with recent spring rainfall.

Executive Director of Fisheries Victoria, Travis Dowling, said several iconic lakes had filled and others were on a watch-list to be stocked pending further rain forecast in October.

"Increasing fish stocking is a key commitment of the State Government's Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing, more often," Mr Dowling said.

"We stocked a record 3 million fish last season, with help from fishing licence fees, and will improve on that during the next 12 months, including in the short term before Christmas by quickly responding to these improved conditions.

"Recreational fishing puts a smile on people's faces, it lifts the community spirit and is great fun."

"It's all about increasing fishing opportunities and encouraging more people to cast a line and experience our great outdoors."

"Our drought recovery fish stocking plans were refined this week with help from keen anglers at a Ballarat workshop, which brought together the cream of the crop for local advice on waterways."


Rainbow trout

Brown trout

Greenhill Lake



Lake Bolac



Lake Burrumbeet



Lake Beaufort



Lake Elingamite



Lake Wallace



Bostock Reservoir



Deep Lake



Tullaroop Reservoir


3,000 (already received 7,000)

Lake Tooliorook

Already received 5,000

Already received 3,000

Teddington Res (bottom)



Teddington Res (upper)



Moorabool Reservoir

Already received 6,000

Already received 6,000.
Further 30,000 fingerlings

Mr Dowling said trout would be sourced from our hatchery at Snobs Creek, while others would be purchased from private hatcheries still holding 'late season' stock.

"Our watch list of waters that could be stocked if water levels continue to improve includes lakes Murdeduke, Learmonth, Natimuk, Modewarre, Colac and Pine.

"Additional stocking of Lake Toolondo occurred earlier this week too, with the release of 5,000 rainbows and 2,000 browns, with more brown trout fingerlings to be stocked before December."

"Recreational fishing puts a smile on people's faces, it lifts the community spirit and is great fun."