Advisory group on track for Toolondo trout

10 May 2016

The Toolondo Reservoir Recreational Fishing Advisory Group is well on the way to providing recommendations to the Victorian State Government about how best to secure a future for the lake's renowned trout fishery.

Fisheries Victoria Executive Director, Travis Dowling, said swift action by the State Government in January had delivered extra water to the reservoir quickly and had significantly reduced the risk of a fish kill last summer.

"That top up has provided freshwater anglers ongoing access through autumn to trophy trout in the reservoir, many of which are over 2 kilograms," Mr Dowling said.

"The Advisory Group has been looking ahead to investigate options for maintaining the water level and keeping the fishery in great shape, thus preserving its reputation as one of Australia's most productive trout waters."

Advisory Group chair and former Victorian Minister for Agriculture, Joe Helper, said good progress had been made towards making sound and balanced recommendations to the State Government.

"We have had our third meeting and expect two more before providing a report in the next few months for consideration," Mr Helper said.

"The Advisory Group has come a long way towards a suite of recommendations that respect the rights of existing water users under bulk entitlements and gives this fantastic fishery the best chance of a healthy future.

Mr Helper encouraged anyone wishing to provide advice to the Advisory Group to email their suggestions to Executive Officer, Taylor Hunt, via

"I am most impressed by the goodwill and diverse perspectives brought to this issue by Advisory Group members, given that Government clearly sees this issue as important and one to resolve in a balanced way.

"Creating this Advisory Board is a key component of the State Government's Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to grow participation to one million anglers by 2020 and boost fish stocking from three to five million per annum," Mr Helper said.