Abalone thieves pay dearly

22 January 2016

An illegal fishing trip to East Gippsland has proved very costly for two Sydney men.

A member of the public reported the two men diving at Wingan Inlet last Tuesday.

When Fisheries Officer inspected the men's car at Genoa they found 35 shucked abalone and an undersize rock lobster.

The catch limit for abalone is five of which no more than two can be Greenlip.

The two men, one aged 43 from Beverley Hills and the other 53, from Ryde, were issued with penalty notices for six offences and official warnings for another nine,  with the penalties totalling $2730.

The offences included exceeding the catch limit for abalone, taking undersize rock lobster, removing abalone from their shells and taking abalone and rock lobster without current Victorian recreational fishing licences.

Senior Fisheries Officer Trudy Schmidt said Fisheries officers have been working with Parks Victoria and Victoria Police over the summer period.

"We will  continue work with those agencies and the public in East Gippsland to ensure people fish sustainably."

People who see or suspect illegal fishing activity should call the fisheries offence reporting line 13FISH (133474).