Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan

Building better recreational fisheries

In September 2018, the Hon. Jaala Pulford, Minister for Agriculture, declared the Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan.

The Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan is all about building better recreational fisheries in Victoria by bringing together fish, water and land management.

The Plan deals with 15 of our most popular recreational species (Murray cod, golden perch, trout cod, Macquarie perch, silver perch, river blackfish, freshwater catfish, Australian bass, estuary perch, brown trout, rainbow trout, Chinook salmon, redfin perch, Murray spiny crayfish and common yabby) in rivers, streams, lakes and impoundments.

Key objectives of the Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan are:

  • Healthy recreational fisheries by working together to improve fish habitat and recreational fisheries
  • A deeper understanding of our recreational fisheries – using best available information to manage fisheries
  • Working with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians – to encourage active partnerships in fisheries management
  • Improving recreational fishing experiences and opportunities
  • Responsible recreational fishing - adopting and promoting responsible fishing practices

The Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan will expand investment and promote collaborations in recreational fisheries management over the next decade.

To download a copy of the plan or a summary of the plan, please download the documents below:

The Freshwater Fisheries Management Plan was developed with a Steering Committee comprising representation from VRFish, the Australian Trout Foundation, Native Fish Australia, the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, DELWP and Catchment Management Authorities.

A draft plan was released for public comment, which closed on 22 March 2018.

Submissions can be reviewed at the completed consultation page.