Consolidated Fisheries Notice Process


Any submissions received in relation to the consultation being conducted by The Victorian Fisheries Authority will be published on the Department's website. In making a submission, unless the person making the submission indicates to the contrary, they will be consenting to their submission, including their name only, being published on the Department's website for 90 days from the conclusion of the consultative process. 

Closing date for submissions

The closing date for the receipt of submissions for consultation on this matter is Friday 2 October 2015.

Flow chart of consultation

  1. Executive Director The Victorian Fisheries Authority releases the proposed Fisheries Notices for written comment to persons and organisations with relevant interests
  2. Written submissions and other relevant information considered by Executive Director The Victorian Fisheries Authority
  3. Executive Director The Victorian Fisheries Authority makes decision on the Fisheries Notices
  4. If approved, The Victorian Fisheries Authority publishes the Fisheries Notices in the Victoria Government Gazette
  5. The Victorian Fisheries Authority publishes its decision on department website
  6. The Victorian Fisheries Authority writes to inform stakeholders of its decision

Consultation Plan

1 Consultation Title Consolidated Fisheries Notice Process
2 Representative group/s being consulted

✓ Commercial wild-catch (Seafood Industry Victoria, Gippsland Lakes Fishery Access Licence holders, Gippsland Lakes Bait Fishery Access Licence holders, Abalone Victoria (Central Zone), South-East Trawl Fishing Association, Victorian Fishery About Resource Management, Lakes Entrance Fishermen's Cooperative Society Limited, Victorian Inshore Trawl Fishery Access Licence holders, Western Port/ Port Phillip Bay Fishery Access Licence holders, Ocean Fishery Access Licence holders, Bait General, Mallacoota Lower Lake, Snowy River, Lake Tyers and Sydenham Inlet Bait Fishery Access Licence holders, Corner Inlet Fishery Access Licence holders, Eastern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence holders)

✓ Recreational fishing  (VRFish, Scuba Divers Federation of Victoria, Southern Freedivers Association, Recreational Fishing Statewide Roundtable, Linton Barr, John Harrison, Charter Boat Association)

☐ Aquaculture

✓ Aboriginal communities (Boon Wurrung Foundation Ltd, Bunurong Land and Sea Association Inc., Wathaurung Aboriginal Corporation, Bidwel Traditional Land Owners, Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation, Nindi-Ngujarn Ngarigo Monero Aboriginal Corporation, Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Gunditjmirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation)

✓ Conservation interests (Nature Conservancy)

☐ Other group/s (please specify):
3 Managing Officer Monique Leane, Marine Fisheries Manager
4 Target Start Date    4 September 2015
5 Target End Date 2 October 2015
6 Background/History

The following draft Fisheries Notices are being proposed:

  • Fisheries (Recreational Abalone Open Days) Notice
  • Fisheries (Dusky Flathead) Notice
  • Fisheries (Commercial Snapper Catch Limit) Notice
  • Fisheries (Victorian Pipi) Notice
  • Fisheries (Offshore Reef Exclusion Zone) Notice
  • Fisheries (Estuarine Reef Exclusion Zone) Notice

An amnesty is also being considered that will allow Gippsland Lakes fishers to use crab pots with more than one entrance.

Information and background on each Fisheries Notice and the amnesty will be provided to relevant stakeholders.

7 Relevant Statutory provision Statutory consultation with stakeholders under Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995 is required prior to the Minister or delegate making decisions related to Fisheries Notices.
8 Purpose/objectives/scope To seek comment on the draft Fisheries Notices and amnesty.
9 Method Consultation on draft documents is promoted via letters to the persons/groups noted in section 2 of this consultation plan and the departmental website.
10 Communication Plan

Decisions regarding the Fisheries Notices will be communicated through notices published in the Victoria Government Gazette and the departmental website.

Letters informing stakeholders of decisions will be sent to all persons/groups noted in section 2.

Any changes to recreational fishing regulations will be included in the Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide.

11 Information provision Stakeholders will be provided with a copy of all relevant Fisheries Notices and amnesty as well as a summary/background document.
12 Resources/advice (inc. purchase of advice) Internal resources of Fisheries Victoria.
13 Output (documentation / implementation) Letters to stakeholders; notices published in the Victoria Government Gazette; the departmental website.
14 Publication of results of consultation    Any submissions received in relation to the consultation being conducted by Fisheries Victoria will be published on the Department's website. In making a submission, unless the person making the submission indicates to the contrary, they will be consenting to their submission, including their name only, being published on the Department's website for 90 days from the conclusion of the consultative process. 

Consultation Plan prepared by:

Name: Monique Leane
Position held: Fishery Manager
Date: 1 September 2015


Name: Travis Dowling
Position held: Executive Director, Fisheries Victoria
Date: 1 September 2015