Summary of the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan
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Summary5 of the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan
Objective | Strategy | Action |
Performance Indicator | Target |
Implementation Schedule | Lead Agency |
Key Partner(s) | Funding Source |
Sustainability of the rock lobster resource |
Fisheries Victoria to develop improved methods of standardising catch per unit effort in the first year of this management plan |
Catch per unit effort provides an adequate measure of rock lobster abundance |
Improved methods for determining rock lobster abundance |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget6 | |
Fisheries Victoria to use regional assessments to measure spatial differences within zones |
Spatial differences within zones are adequately incorporated into biomass estimates |
Calculations of stock biomass build rate detect changes within zones |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget | |||
Within the first year of this management plan, Fisheries Victoria and relevant stakeholders will establish a resource assessment working group for the purpose of improving fishery assessments and will report to the Management Advisory and TAC Forums |
A defined biomass build-rate is used to set annual Total Allowable Commercial Catch levels |
The estimated available biomass reaches 40 per cent of B1951 within agreed time frames |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget | |||
Ongoing responsibility for the operation of this working group to be transferred to relevant stakeholders within two years |
Relevant stakeholders |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget7 | |||||
Fisheries Victoria will use the decision rules specified in the previous rock lobster fishery management plan in determining the Total Allowable Catch in 2010 |
Total Allowable Catch in 2010 set in accordance with the previous Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan |
Decision rules introduced in this management plan are tested prior to implementation | 2010 |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria will run the new decision framework in parallel with the rules specified in the previous rock lobster fishery management plan in 2010 |
Decision framework established in this management plan is run in parallel with the rules specified in the previous plan |
Performance of decision rules introduced in this management plan is compared against the rules specified in the previous plan | 2010 |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria will in consultation with relevant stakeholders, undertake a review of the new decision framework in 2010 |
Working group is established to review decision rules |
Decision rules introduced in this management plan are assessed as adequate for the purpose of fishery management | 2010 |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Following the 2010 review, and after the incorporation of any changes, Fisheries Victoria will in consultation with relevant stakeholders, implement the new decision framework in setting the Total Allowable Catch in 2011 |
Decision rules introduced in this management plan are implemented with agreed amendments if required |
Decision rules introduced in this management plan are an effective management tool for the rock lobster fishery | 2011 |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to review and assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of fishery management tools |
Management tools are regularly reviewed to ensure they are appropriate to manage the fishery and or rebuild stock biomass |
Appropriate management strategies ensure sustainable management of rock lobster resource | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Seafood Industry Victoria to prepare a Code of Practice that will include appropriate practices for returning undersize rock lobster and berried females to the sea alive |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||||
Fisheries Victoria will continue to use onboard observers to monitor rock lobster discards and consider this information during annual stock assessments |
Rock lobster discards levels monitored by onboard observers; data incorporated into stock assessment model |
The stock assessment model becomes a more effective predictor of stock biomass | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget | |||
Industry will monitor means, including changes to pot design, to reduce rock lobster mortalities | Industry |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||||
Seafood Industry Victoria to develop measures to manage deaths in coffs and wet wells early in the life of the plan |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||||
Fisheries Victoria to introduce the requirement that, from 1 July 2011, operators must deduct from their quota the estimated weight of rock lobsters that will be stored in coffs or wet wells |
Measures to manage deaths in coffs and wet wells are incorporated into a Fisheries Regulations as required |
Reduced mortalities in coffs and wet wells will improve the sustainability of the rock lobster industry | By 1 July 2011 |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
2. Maintain the ecological integrity of the fishery ecosystem |
Seafood Industry Victoria to incorporate the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Code of Practice for Reducing Whale Entanglements into the industry Code of Practice that will be developed for the commercial fishery |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria | |||||
Industry to report incidental interactions with protected species using the Protected Species Interactions form | Industry | |||||||
Fisheries Victoria to continue to use onboard observers program to monitor the impacts of by-catch on the fishery |
Levels of by-catch and by-product taken by rock lobster fishers is monitored by onboard observers |
Levels of by-catch and by-product taken by rock lobster fishers are understood and appropriately influence fishery management decisions | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, Industry |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to review the final report on rock lobster habitat and take appropriate action as necessary |
A study of rock lobster habitats will be considered and appropriate actions developed |
Assist in the sustainable harvest of rock lobster by maintaining the ecological integrity of reef habitats and adjacent marine biological communities on the Victorian coast |
Following the release of habitat study |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, Industry |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria will continue to monitor the potential impacts of climate change on the rock lobster fishery and will develop a response if required |
Fisheries Victoria continues to monitor the potential impacts of climate change on the rock lobster fishery and will develop a response if required |
Industry practices and stock assessment model are appropriately modified in response to climate change | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, Industry |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria will give high priority to collaborative research with adjacent jurisdictions that is aimed at understanding the potential impacts of climate change on the rock lobster fishery |
Collaborative research aimed at understanding the potential effects of climate change is undertaken |
A better understanding of the effects of climate change on the rock lobster fishery is reached | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget | |||
Within the first year of this management plan, Fisheries Victoria to review the rock lobster fishery ecological risk assessment in consultation with relevant stakeholders |
A review of the rock lobster fishery ecological risk assessment is undertaken |
Risks facing the rock lobster fishery are adequately understood and inform fishery management |
First year of the plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster research budget | ||
This review will consider the adequacy of its assessment of the ecological risks associated with cetacean entanglements |
A review of the rock lobster fishery ecological risk assessment that addresses cetacean entanglements is undertaken |
Ecological risks associated with cetacean entanglements are understood and inform fishery management |
First year of the plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster research budget | |||
Resource access and utilisation |
3. Facilitate an economically efficient commercial fishery |
Fisheries Victoria will continue to provide a mechanism for fishery operators to vary Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence in specified circumstances |
The process of varying Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence in specified circumstances is made more efficient |
An economically efficient commercial fishery | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |
Fisheries Victoria to realign the licensing and quota periods to begin on 1 July and finish on 30 June the following year |
The rock lobster licensing year and quota period to begin on 1 July and run until 30 June the following year |
Alignment of the licensing year and the quota period will improve rock lobster fishery administration and fishery management |
First year of the plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria to amend the Initial Quota Order for the Western Zone from 4000 quota Units to 3633.48 quota units |
The Initial Quota Order for the Western Zone rock lobster fishery is amended in accordance with the requirements of the Fisheries Act |
The Initial Quota Order for the Western Zone rock lobster fishery reflects the correct number of quota units in the fishery |
First year of the plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Starting in 2010, Fisheries Victoria to conduct a poll of Rock Lobster Fishery (Western Zone) Access Licence holders to determine if a winter closure will be implemented each winter for the duration of this fishery management plan |
There is a demonstrated high level of support by the commercial rock lobster industry for winter closures of the fishery |
An economically efficient commercial fishery | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria | Industry |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to monitor current arrangements for receivers and processors of rock lobster during annual compliance reviews and take appropriate action if required |
Current arrangements for receivers and processors are reviewed annually |
Receivers and processors of rock lobster are appropriately authorized | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria and Seafood Industry Victoria to explore the potential costs and benefits of initiatives and where appropriate, implement measures to enhance quota trading, investment and industry development |
The costs and benefits of initiatives to improve the effectiveness of quota trading are considered and where appropriate, implemented |
Appropriate initiatives improve effectiveness of the quota trading market | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to change the definition of rock lobster in the Fisheries Act to include all species of the family Palinuridae |
All rock lobster are included in the family Palinuridae |
Ensure that legislative power to regulate all species of rock lobster landed in Victoria is included is the Fisheries Act |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria to undertake a management review if the annual catch of eastern rock lobster exceeds one tonne, and, if necessary, implement specific controls to manage the fishery |
The eastern rock lobster fishery is sustainably managed |
Ensure the eastern rock lobster fishery is managed sustainably |
During life of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Fisheries Victoria to collaborate with New South Wales Fisheries to co-operatively manage eastern rock lobster stocks |
The eastern rock lobster fishery is sustainably managed |
Ensure the eastern rock lobster fishery is managed sustainably | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Seafood Industry Victoria to undertake an economic survey and analysis of the rock lobster fishery and develop indicators of economic and financial performance within the first year of this fishery management plan |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||||
The Fisheries Cost Recovery Standing Committee to advise DPI on an appropriate cost sharing arrangement for economic performance monitoring for the fishery |
Economic monitoring of the rock lobster industry is appropriately resourced |
Appropriate costsharing arrangements between industry and Fisheries Victoria | Ongoing |
Fisheries Cost Recovery Standing Committee |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
On behalf of the rock lobster industry, Fisheries Victoria to send the Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act |
Management plan submitted for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act before the current accreditation expires in March 2009 |
Maintain authority to export rock lobster |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Seafood Industry Victoria to lead subsequent reassessments of the fishery under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act |
Seafood Industry Victoria | |||||||
4. Maintain recreational and Aboriginal use |
Fisheries Victoria to maintain the current management regime (with the exception of the alignment of the bag and possession limits) for the recreational rock lobster fishery until recreational catch is integrated into the management decision framework |
Current management arrangements for the recreational rock lobster fishery remain and are maintained until recreational catch is integrated into the management decision framework |
The rock lobster management decision framework is informed by an understanding of all impacts on the resource | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to introduce regulations that align the daily bag and possession limits in, on or next to Victorian waters |
The daily rock lobster bag and possession limits in, on or next to Victorian waters are aligned |
To remove a regulatory anomaly whereby the rock lobster possession limit becomes the de facto bag limit in, on or next to Victorian waters |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Noting the need to protect the spawning biomass, Fisheries Victoria to maintain the recreational fishery legal minimum length consistent with the commercial sector |
Unless there is a need to protect spawning biomass, legal minimum length to remain consistent with the commercial sector |
Legal minimum length and other relevant controls are appropriate to ensure sustainable recreational rock lobster take | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Within the first two years of this management plan, Fisheries Victoria to prepare a discussion paper for public comment outlining options for estimating recreational catch |
A discussion paper outlining options for estimating recreational catch is prepared |
Ensure that recreation catch is adequately understood for the purpose of fishery management |
First two years of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Recreational Fishing Grant Program $10,000 (estimated cost) | |||
Fisheries Victoria and recreational stakeholders to discuss integration of the resultant estimates into the stock assessment process and the management decision framework |
Implement agreed method(s) to estimate recreational take of rock lobster |
The stock assessment model accurately considers recreational take of rock lobster |
Second year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
VRFish, recreational stakeholders |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria to continue to authorise fishing for specified cultural and ceremonial purposes under a general permit issued to members of the Aboriginal community |
Take of rock lobster beyond recreational bag limits for specified cultural and ceremonial purposes is appropriately authorised |
Reflect the Victorian Government's policy on resource access by Aboriginal Australians | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
Costeffective, participatory management |
5. Promote stakeholder participation in decisionmaking |
Seafood Industry Victoria to produce an overarching Code of Practice that documents and demonstrates the methods they employ to operate in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||
Fisheries Victoria to continue consulting with stakeholders through the annual Fishery Management and Stock Assessment Workshops and the Total Allowable Catch Forum |
Stakeholder consultation continues through the annual Fishery Management and Stock Assessment Workshops and Total Allowable Catch Forum |
Demonstrate commitment by DPI to effectively engage stakeholders in decision-making processes | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster research budget (Stock Assessment Workshop) Rock lobster research budget (Fishery Management Workshop and Total Allowable Catch Forum) | ||
Fisheries Victoria, in consultation with the commercial and recreational sectors, to establish a Management Advisory Forum or equivalent within the first year of this fishery management plan to provide for stakeholder representatives to regularly communicate with and provide advice to Fisheries Victoria |
A Management Advisory Forum or equivalent is established |
A mechanism is put in place whereby stakeholder representatives are able to regularly communicate with and provide management advice to Fisheries Victoria |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster management budget | ||
Ongoing responsibility for the operation of the forum to be transferred to industry within two years of establishing the Management Advisory Forum |
Within two years of establishing the Management Advisory Forum |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders | |||||
6. Deliver and monitor costeffective management arrangements |
Fisheries Victoria to continue to determine the annual Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence levy through the Regulatory Impact Statement process following advice from the Fisheries Cost Recovery Standing Committee |
Annual Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence levy is set in accordance with the principles of cost recovery |
Rock Lobster Fishery Access Licence holders and government will equitably contribute to the cost of management, compliance and research through an annual levy imposed at licence renewal | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |
Should there be a need to more effectively track lobster from the point of capture to sale, Fisheries Victoria to undertake a review of cost-effective methods to track rock lobsters from the points of take to sale |
A review of methods to track rock lobster from the points of take through to retail sale is undertaken |
Cost-effective management of the rock lobster fishery |
During life of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster management budget | |||
The Marine Advisory Forum, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, will develop a five-year plan for establishing priorities for investment in research and development in the rock lobster fishery |
A five-year plan for establishing industry priorities for investment in research and development is produced |
Identify research needs using clear mechanisms that ensure the needs of management and stakeholders are met |
First year of plan |
Marine Advisory Forum |
Fisheries Victoria, Seafood Industry Victoria, VRFish |
Rock lobster research budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria, through the Fisheries Research and Development Reference Group, will engage with the commercial and recreational fishery and aquaculture sectors to identify, develop, fund and report on projects in which the sectors are coinvestors |
The commercial and recreational sectors are formally engaged in identifying, developing, funding and reporting of research and development projects in which the sectors are coinvestors |
An enhanced ability to plan research and investigate funding opportunities is achieved | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Relevant stakeholders |
Rock lobster research budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria will explore opportunities for more efficient and effective use of research and development resources, to enhance capability and to demonstrate the impacts of research and development |
Research needs are considered using clear mechanisms that ensure the needs of management and stakeholders |
Research that ensures the needs of management and stakeholders are considered is funded, conducted and reported against | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, VRFish |
Rock lobster research budget | ||
Fisheries Victoria and relevant stakeholders will identify funding opportunities and facilitate increased investment in research and development that supports the rock lobster fishery |
Research and development investment in cooperative research is obtained |
Expanded the funding base for research beyond traditional sources | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, VRFish |
Rock lobster research budget | ||
Industry to monitor national and international developments in rock lobster aquaculture research | Industry |
Fisheries Victoria | ||||||
All proposed translocations of rock lobsters for aquaculture or other purposes will be assessed in accordance with the Guidelines for Assessing Translocations of Live Aquatic Organisms in Victoria |
The environmental risks of all proposed translocations are assessed and understood |
Translocation risks are understood and considered when proposed translocations are considered for approval | Ongoing |
Translocation Evaluation Panel |
Fisheries Victoria, Industry |
Fisheries Victoria fisheries management budget | ||
7. Achieve compliance with legislation |
Fisheries Victoria to review the current compliance strategy for the rock lobster fishery during 2009/10 and target compliance activities based on a formal compliance risk assessment and intelligence reports |
Compliance activities focus on the main threats identified during a formal compliance risk assessment |
Fulfil community expectations that non-compliance is cost-effectively managed to ensure that fishery resources are maintained at sustainable levels and aquatic habitats protected |
First year of plan |
Fisheries Victoria |
Seafood Industry Victoria, VRFish |
Rock lobster compliance budget8 | |
Fisheries Victoria to prepare an annual compliance report for the rock lobster fishery that will be presented at the annual management workshop |
An annual compliance report will be presented at management workshops |
Fulfil community expectations that non-compliance is cost-effectively managed to ensure that fishery resources are maintained at sustainable levels and aquatic habitats protected | Ongoing |
Fisheries Victoria |
Rock lobster compliance budget | |||
Industry to develop an education and communication strategy for the rock lobster fishery |
Seafood Industry Victoria |
Fisheries Victoria |
5 Performance indicators, targets, implementation schedules and funding sources are provided for actions where the lead agency is DPI.